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SOME PRELIMINARY THOUGHTS. Extremism/fundamentalismIts recurrence throughout history is now aggravated by nuclear weapons.Identifying extremism/fundamentalism

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    1. THE HEART SUTRA AND EXTREMISM/FUNDAMENTALISM Thomas E. Maher English Tao Class Kuang Ming Saint Tao Temple June 6, 2009

    2. SOME PRELIMINARY THOUGHTS Extremism/fundamentalism Its recurrence throughout history is now aggravated by nuclear weapons. Identifying extremism/fundamentalism “I am right and you are wrong.” In its ultimate manifestation: “if you don’t agree with me, you deserve to die.”

    3. SOME PRELIMINARY THOUGHTS A brief review of Buddhism An antidote to extremism and fundamentalism Especially what Buddhism is NOT DHARMA All phenomena When spelled with a large “D” means the teachings of the Buddha. When spelled with a small “d” it means all phenomena.

    4. SOME PRELIMINARY THOUGHTS EMPTINESS (SUNYATA) (impossible to define; the following is a working definition only by T. Maher) A fusion of joy and grief in which each disappears in a mindset that fully understands the ever-changing nature of all things and results in loving kindness for all creatures. TATHATA Emptiness experienced subjectively “Seeing” things in their incredible “suchness,” In their ever-changing quality and experiencing the empathy that results.

    5. SOME PRELIMINARY THOUGHTS “OM MANI PADME HUM” The mantra of Avalokiteshvara (male) The Bodhisattva of Compassion in India A six syllable sound-composite representing the six virtues (paramitas).

    6. SOME PRELIMINARY THOUGHTS BODHISATTVA One who has completed one’s own cultivation and now stands at the threshold of enlightenment, fully and finally free to accept it or reject it. The Bodhisattva rejects it, so that he/she can remain in the world of samsara to realize his/her vow to save until all sentient beings, thereby fulfilling the Buddhist ideal of loving kindness for all creatures. The Bodhisattva does not take pride in his/her work to save others, nor is his/her compassion contrived. The Bodhisattva practices sincere compassion that comes from deep within, without any sense of ego or gain.

    7. SOME PRELIMINARY THOUGHTS GUAN YIN BODHISATTVA (female) The Bodhisattva of compassion in Chinese Buddhism (same as Avalokiteshvara). “Kwannon Bosatsu” in Japanese. TARA The female Bodhisattva that consoled Avalokitesharva and dried his tears when he felt unable to save all sentient beings. She persuaded him to continue his efforts.

    8. SOME PRELIMINARY THOUGHTS THE FIVE SKANDHAS Form, feeling, perception, mental formations, and individual consciousness. This is the erroneous process we pursue to “create” a false, separate self and is the cradle of the false world of “form.” It is the source of our suffering. SAMSARA The world of ENDLESS BEGINNINGS AND ENDINGS The everyday world; the world of suffering; the world of karma, the human realm.

    9. SOME PRELIMINARY THOUGHTS SAHA WORLD (the other side of the coin) The world of ENDURANCE The endurance of suffering because we don’t want to give up what causes it. “We suffer from ourselves. None else compels. None other holds us, That we live and die. And whir upon the wheel, Hugging and kissing its spokes of agony. Its tire of tears, It’s nave of nothingness……….” (Alan Watts) THE PRAJNA PARAMITA Some 40 sutras that comprise “The Perfection of Wisdom,” the most notable of which are the HEART SUTRA and the DIAMOND SUTRA.

    10. SOME PRELIMINARY THOUGHTS THE DIAMOND SUTRA (as set forth in the 2005 translation of Alex Johnson Productions). It tells us WHAT the nature of all dharma (phenomena) is, viz., FORMS that are ILLUSIONARY. It seeks to help us UNLEARN our preconceived, limited notions of the nature of reality, enlightenment and compassion. Some excerpts What is called the highest teaching is not the highest teaching and that is why we call it the highest teaching. When you see that all forms are illusive and unreal, you will begin to perceive your true Buddha nature. Practicing loving kindness without attachment is the way to reach the Highest Perfect Wisdom. Buddhas and their disciples are not enlightened by a set method of teachings, but by an inherently intuitive process which is spontaneous and embedded in their inner nature (and in all of us). Pending “enlightenment,” cultivation consists of choosing the forms that best accomplish our objective while avoiding those that do not. But when we reach the other shore, we no longer need the boat (the “good” forms) because we will not want to return.

    11. SOME PRELIMINARY THOUGHTS THE HEART SUTRA Tells us WHY all dharma are illusionary, viz., because they are EMPTY (a fundamental teaching of Buddhism). Some excerpts Everything is empty, including emptiness itself. Nothing lasts. There is no path, no wisdom and nothing to attain. Therefore, Bodhisattvas, having no spiritual hindrances, delusions or fear, attain complete enlightenment.

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