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The Design of a Robust Peer-to-Peer System

The Design of a Robust Peer-to-Peer System. Rodrigo Rodrigues, Barbara Liskov, Liuba Shrira Presented by Yi Chen. Some slides are borrowed from the authors’. Talk Outline. Existing P2P systems Motivation for a robust P2P system The new P2P architecture Conclusion and future work

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The Design of a Robust Peer-to-Peer System

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  1. The Design of a RobustPeer-to-Peer System Rodrigo Rodrigues, Barbara Liskov, Liuba Shrira Presented by Yi Chen Some slides are borrowed from the authors’

  2. Talk Outline • Existing P2P systems • Motivation for a robust P2P system • The new P2P architecture • Conclusion and future work • Discussions

  3. Existing P2P Systems • Started with explosion of file sharing apps • Existing P2P systems: • All nodes have identical responsibilities • All communication is symmetric • Volunteer nodes join and leave system at any time • Advantages: • Harness idle storage and network resources • Automatic load balancing • Self-organization • Desirable properties scale as we add nodes

  4. Motivation: Support More Applications • Current applications that use P2P storage systems • Assume states are in secure place • Use untrusted P2P storage system to publish data E.g. content sharing • What if we want to store the state of the application in a P2P system (e.g. support writes)? E.g. digital library archiving, mail service

  5. Motivation: Better Fault-Tolerance • Current P2P systems tolerate failstop failures • Faulty nodes stop • Current P2P systems does not handle Byzantine failures • faulty node may behave arbitrary and malicious e.g. an attacker can join the system with multiple Ids, provide fake information

  6. Motivation: Efficient Lookups Current approach: Chord • Every node maintains a routing table about O(logN) entries • Routing algorithm locates data with latency O(logN), N51 N1 N42 Lookup K36 N8 N38 K36 N8+1: N14 N14 N8+2: N14 N32 N8+4: N14 N21 N8+8: N21 N8+16: N32 N8+32: N42

  7. Talk Outline • Existing P2P systems • Motivation for a robust P2P system • The new P2P architecture • Configuration Service • P2P nodes • Conclusion and future work • Discussions

  8. Architecture • Configuration Service (CS): • can run on subset of P2P nodes or be separate from P2P nodes • determines current configuration and propagate the information • P2P nodes (server machines) Configuration Service P2P Nodes

  9. Configuration Service • Four main functions: • Admission control • Node monitoring • Deciding on a new configuration • Propagating configuration information

  10. Admission Control • Prevents a single user controlling large fraction of the ID space • Hard to do in volunteer-based system • Approach: • Maintain a list of authorities who are permitted to add nodes to the system • Each new nodes inform CS its ID, IP and public key

  11. Node Monitoring • How to determine a node should be evicted? • Failstop: ping nodes periodically • Byzantine: hard! • Probing: must be indistinguishable from client requests • Still, faulty nodes may lie in wait • Rely on proactive recovery

  12. Proactive Recovery • All nodes in the system are recovered proactively and frequently. • Approach: • Each node has a watchdog timer to trigger recovery • During a recovery, a node reboots from the saved correct state. Then, in order to bring the states up-to-date, it sends status message to replicas, who detect missing messages (if any) and retransmits them.

  13. Proactive Recovery (cont.) • To ensure correctness, choose recovery frequency, such that: There are (3f+1) the number of replicas for a data item. For any moment, there are at most f faulty replicas (see algorithm in [2]) • Byzantine faulty nodes may only present temporarily in the system

  14. Assumptions of the model To apply proactive recovery, P2P nodes are server machines, such that • less failure-prone • dedicated to handle distributed applications. not constantly joining and leaving the system, and routing states changes infrequently • still can run symmetric protocols, and distributed across a wide area

  15. Deciding on a New Configuration • Include newly joined nodes • Evict potentially faulty nodes • Byzantine faulty nodes only present temporarily, therefore do need to detect and remove them. • Remove potential failstop nodes that are not reachable for certain time period • Produce new configuration periodically e.g. once every hour

  16. Propagating Configuration • What to propagate? Disseminate entire config • Assumption: few nodes joining/leaving • Advantage: enable efficient lookup • Overhead: • Local storage of configuration information 100,000 nodes -> 14.7 MB • Transmit using diffs and compressions • How to propagate? Will be discussed later

  17. Talk Outline • Existing P2P systems • Motivation for a robust P2P system • The new P2P architecture • Configuration Service • P2P nodes • Conclusion and future work • Discussions

  18. Two Layers on P2P Nodes • Lookup layer: Receive/maintain configuration info • Storage layer: Store/retrieve/transfer data items • Upon configuration changes, need state transfer • During lookup, ask lookup layer for the replicas that hold the data of interest, then contact the storage layer at the replicas directly

  19. Two Types of Data • Immutable, self-verifying data. Use the hash of its content as ID • Mutable data • Extend the data with a monotonically increasing version number • Retrieval needs to make sure to be the latest version

  20. Data Management of Storage Layer • Storage/Retrieval with static configuration • Immutabledata • Mutable data • Storage/Retrieval during re-configuration • State transfer • Configuration propagation

  21. Storage/Retrieval with Static Configuration • Need to ensure that 2f+1 replicas claim to have stored the data • Assume no concurrent writes to the same data items

  22. ImmutableData • Adversary cannot forge them • Not updateable – never out-of-date • Write to and receive acknowledgement from at least 2f + 1 replicas • Read from only one replica, if the content hash matches the ID

  23. Mutable data • Replay attack • Must include version number • Write to 2f+1 replicas • One round-trip if version number is known • Otherwise learn current version number by an extra round-trip • Read from 2f+1 replicas and choose the one with highest version number to guarantee correctness

  24. Write 2f+1 replicas Read 2f+1 replicas Store / Retrieve Algorithms • In total n=3f+1 replicas • At any moment, at most f faulty replicas • Therefore read at least 1 correct replica

  25. Storage/Retrieval during Re-configuration • When configuration changes, the set of replicas of a data item may change • Need to • State transfer Bring the up-to-date version of data to P2P nodes that are responsible for them • Configuration propagation Propagate new configuration to all nodes over some time

  26. State Transfer • If a node receives a new configuration, and realizes it is responsible for new data items • Then it pulls the up-to-date data from replicas of last configuration • Immutable data: read one replica if the content hash matches id • Mutable data: read 2f+1 replicas to ensure correctness

  27. Configuration Propagation • Nodes include id of the latest configuration they know in the messages they exchange • If a node detects a new configuration, it requests for a copy of that configuration

  28. Talk Outline • Existing P2P systems • Motivation for a robust P2P system • The new P2P architecture • Conclusion and future work • Discussions

  29. Conclusions • A hybrid system consists of a set of servers as P2P nodes, and a CS. • P2P nodes are sever machines that dedicated for the storage application • CS are responsible for computing and propagating the current configuration • A Byzantine fault-tolerant system by applying proactive recovery

  30. Future Work • Implementation • Improve algorithms – delete, quotas, … • Eliminate rebooting requirement

  31. Discussions • Compare its underlying assumptions with existing P2P systems • Proposed improvements over existing P2P systems • Support more applications • Better fault-tolerance • Efficient lookups

  32. Discussion: Assumptions • Compare its underlying assumptions with existing P2P systems • All nodes have identical responsibilities? Yes • All communication is symmetric? Yes • Volunteer nodes join / leave system at any time? No • Assume participating nodes are dedicated to handle distributed applications, and do not frequently join/leave • Node join under admission control • Similar as a distributed system?

  33. Discussion: Support More Applications • Current P2P systems use P2P storage to publish data, only useful for content sharing • This system supports state changes of the data (writes), useful for archiving Read/write 2f+1 replicas, big overhead?

  34. Discussion: Better fault-tolerance • Current P2P systems: failstop fault-tolerant • This system: Byzantine fault-tolerant • By applying proactive recovery • Only suitable for server machines

  35. Discussion: Efficient Lookups • Existing P2P systems: A node is responsible for the routing states of a subset of the nodes. Routing requires several lookups • This system: Every node stores the whole configuration, enables direct lookups • Pros: efficient lookups • Cons: big storage; big transfer; many routing state changes when nodes join/leave

  36. Questions? Thank you!

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