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The Real-Mechanized-Assault-Storm

The Real-Mechanized-Assault-Storm. by Akinator. I. Step ( Beginning with building the base ).

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The Real-Mechanized-Assault-Storm

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  1. The Real-Mechanized-Assault-Storm by Akinator

  2. I. Step(Beginningwithbuildingthebase) First of all you will gonnabuild a secondpioneersquadimmediately in thebeginning. After thatyou will also immediatelyclicktoachievetheSoviet-Industry-TacticsCommander toincreasethefuel-incomedramatically. Withoneofthetwopioneersquadsyou will captheneutral points. The othersquad will buildthebuildingforthe AT-Gunsandthe MG-Squads. In thewholegameyou will buildabout 3 to4pioneersquadswhichcanbeusedreallyvariouslylikeforputtingupsome defensive thingslikebarbedwireon importantcorners etc. You will also buildat least onefuelcache in theverybeginning so yourfuel-incomeisgettinghuge. Remembertofirstgoforthefuelbecause: „Germans withoutfuelarelike an MG withoutbullets.“ Withbuildingthemaybe last factoryyou will gonnabecompletedwiththe I. STEP. Whatis also veryimportantisthatthisstrategyguideisfor a Duo-Team so thismeansyou will needat least 2 peopletoperformthis. I am just writingthestrategyguideforthefirstplayer. OneofthetwoplayershastobuildMGs insteadofthepioneers but the same amountofthemlikeitisalreadydescribedabove. The restisprettymuchthe same.

  3. II. Step(Midgameplaying style) Letusmove on tothe II. STEP. What will youneedtobeatsomefascistasses??? Ofcourse: AN ARMY A goodarmyneedspioneers. Thatisforsure. Like I said: 3 to 4 pioneersquads will do it, assumedthey will not die. So asyoucansee: Retreatingis not onlyforcowards, itismoreforgettingexperienceandto kick moreasseswiththemoreexperiencedtroops. You will gonnabuildyourfirst tank in 5 min orsomethinglikethis. The thingis, thatyoucanchoosebetweenbringing out the tank a littlebitfaster, whichmeansyou will gonnaaimforthefirst tank tobe a T-70. The othergoal, which i moresuggestis, tobuild a T-34 asyourfirst tank. The tank will beproducedlightning fast becauseofthecommanderyouchose. But you will recognizethatyourmanpower will neverbereally high becauseitisreduced all the time. Thoughthefuel-incomeishuge. So: Useyourmanpowerwisely! I preferto save upmytankstogetthemintouse but also togettheminto a higherveterancylevel. So: Try to KEEP yourtanksandyourothersquads ALIVE After someshort time you will beabletobuildanother T-34. Thereyougo. Youalreadyhave 2 wellarmoredtanks. Whenthegermansdidnt hold thefuelfortoolongthey will not evenhave a single tank out. At least getalongwiththefactthattheycouldalreadyhave an AT-GunoronesquadofPanzergrenadeerswithPanzershreks. So careabout FLANKING too, dontcareifyoualreadyhave 2 tanksbecausetheycouldbeatyourassupifyouaregettingtrapped. Whenmorethan 80 % ofyourarmy will survive, I guaranteeyouthatyou will have an easy victoryandfun.

  4. II. Step(Midgameplaying style) In aboutthe 15th minute I nearlyalwaysalreadyhave 5 T-34s out, again, assumedyourarmysurvives. The biggestbarrierto break will bethefirst German tank. When all ofyour T-34s survivedyou will have a greatrangeofchoicestocounterthat tank asfarasyourteammateplaysthe proper wayaswell. So I reallyliketousetheram-abilityofthe T-34 but youonlyshouldramwhenitis: • necessaryor • a good time to do it. Whensuccessfullyblockedthefirst German tank you will nearlyhavenoproblemstowin. But a verycommonmistakethatpeopleliketo do isthattheyplaymoreandmoredefensivelythemoreterritorytheyget. Youshouldbeinformedthat I havedevelopedthisstrategyfor, letussay, a more aggressive gameplay-style. Do not letthe Germans havetheir heavy tanks out becausetherammingabilityandotherstuff will belikeuselesstouseagainstthem, evenwhenyouhave a hugearmywith medium tanksandsomemorestuff. So do not thinklikethis: „Wegot all thefuelandoneofthetwobigammunitions, letus just defendthesepositions.“ The mostpeoplenevereventhinkaboutcappingthesmall „useless“ points, whichareactuallygivingyouthefuelandthisstuffbecausetheyareconnectingthebigandthesmallpointswitheachother. So evenwhenthe Germans havelikeonlyonesmallpointleft: CAP IT

  5. III. Step(Endgame) Likealreadymentioned: The Endgamecanbe an easy one, or a damnhardone, whentheGerman heavy tanksarejoiningthebattlefield. Itisyourchoicewhetheryouwannaplayagainstextremelyarmoredtanksoragainstmostlyinfantryand light vehicles. I thinkmostofyou will end uppickingtheeasierway. Ofcourseyou will but toseewhat I mean: Whenyoucome in such a situationlike I mentionedwhereyoucoulddefendorattack, choosethedefendoneonceandyou will seewhy I suggestyoutogoforthe in myopinioneasierway. Thankyouforreadinguntilhereand I hopethishelpedyouwithimprovingyourgameplay style orwinningmoreoften. Forthemoreinterestedguysofyouthere will be (an)otherpage(s) withsometipsand tricks ofmy personal experienceoverthe time i gotwhileplayingagainstpeoplewithtotally different gameplay-styles. „Stay sharp on thebattlefield, Comrades!“

  6. Tipsand tricks Youcanreallycallme a personwhohasplayed Company of Heroes 2 for a verylong time now. Yep, youcannearlysay, I have „Veteran“ experience :=)  Severalthings I will tellyouhere will beforsuresomehowusefultoimproveortochangeyour gameplay-style. Letusseehowmuchofit I remind: • Keeping an eyeatyourtroopstoachieveveterancyandto save manpower • Immediatelygoingforthemostimportantpoint in thebeginningofthegamewiththeveryfirstpioneersquadtoputupsomebarbedwire on therightplaces • Do not fightfirewithfire, tryto find out theweaknessesoftheenemyunitsandusethebestunit(s) againstthem

  7. Tipsand tricks • Useeveryabilityofeveryunit, thereisno „useless“ ability • The moreeffortyouputintosomething, thebetterresultsyou will get back • Flankingtheenemy will always save yourass • Using all theavailableresourcesproperly, dontwastethemanddont save them • Practiseisthebestteacher • „Impossibleis a wordtobefoundonly in thedictionaryoffools“- Napoleon Bonaparte

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