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Fissure treatment in Hyderabad

An anal fissure or Fissure-in-ano is a tear or cut in the skin of the anal canal. The condition affects men and women equally and can occur at any age ( infants too ). Anal fissures are commonly found in the back part of your anus, in a row with the cleft of your buttock. A fissure that is last for less than 6 weeks is called an Acute fissure and more than 6 weeks is called a Chronic fissure. For more information, visit: https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/fissure-treatment-centre/

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Fissure treatment in Hyderabad

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  1. Fissure Treatment Healing Hands Clinic - Best Fissures treatment in Hyderabad https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/

  2. What is a Fissure? An anal fissure is a cut or tiny tear in the skin, moist tissue that lines the anus. It is generally found in the back portion of the anus, in a row with the cleft of the buttock. An anal fissure may happen when you pass difficult or big stools during a bowel movement. Anal fissures generally cause discomfort and bleeding with bowel movements. A fissure that is last for less than 6 weeks is called an Acute fissure. and more than 6 weeks is called a Chronic fissure. https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/

  3. Causes of Fissure Hard stools are particularly affiliated with constipation - The prolonged force used to pass the solid stools makes tearing of the sensitive perianal skin. Diarrhoea - The forceful bowel movement makes ripping of the anus skin. Iatrogenic - A damage may happen during the addition of a rectal thermometer, USG probe, endoscope, enema tube. Cause due to Childbirth Anal sex - Usually found in homosexuals. Rare causes - Crohn's disease, leukaemia, TB, sexually transferred diseases, viral diseases etc https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/

  4. A history of the symptoms accompanied by an outside inspection of the anal region is sufficient to validate the diagnosis. On unusual occasions, the doctor may advise going for additional tests to rule out any other underlying reason for the fissure. Diagnosis Of Fissure https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/

  5. TREATMENTS OF FISSURE Medicine Treatment Acute fissures are usually treated non-surgically with medicines. Surgical Treatment Acute fissures which do not heal with conservative therapy and most of the Chronic fissures need a surgical line of treatment. https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/

  6. MEDICINES: 01 MCDPA Medicines - Herbal medications to decrease swelling in the area Constac - Taken before night to add bulkiness and lessen the stools. Diet - A high rich fibre diet to stop constipation. An addition in the water and liquid consumption also helps Physiotherapy - Pelvic floor physiotherapy benefits to decrease spasms of the anal sphincter. Ayurveda therapy - Herbal oils are used to medicate. https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/

  7. 03 04 02 Sitz bath Nitroglycerin Nifedipine Ointment Relaxing in hot water that wraps your hips and buttocks after a bowel movement benefits to overcome the post excretion pain. Applied in the form of a cream, it serves to decrease the spasm of the anal sphincter. It is also applied to ease the anal sphincter. https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/

  8. SURGICAL TREATMENT • Botulinum A toxin ( Botox ) injection The Botox is inserted into the inner anal sphincter to ease it. The results of the Botox mainly persist for 3 months by which it is believed that the fissure would recover. But, the high price of therapy and major side effects in the form of ranging levels of incontinence restrict the usage of Botox. • Lords dilatation This is an age-old method that provides good sphincter recreation and releases the pain. Yet, the forceful dilatation can conduct various abrasions on the anal skin and may require 6-12 weeks to recover. • PLIS ( Partial Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy ) Done under common anaesthesia, this is a minimally invasive method in which a tiny cut is made in the inner sphincter. Thus straining during defecation is considerably decreased and there is adequate relief from pain. This procedure needs a great amount of experience and expertise on the part of the doctor. https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/

  9. 4. Laser surgery The laser is used to perform internal sphincterotomy. This method is relatively bloodless and the doctor has good power over the surgery site. The chronic fibrosed scar is debrided with the laser. This limits any long term pain and permits a quicker recovery. 5. BOTOX For Fissure Botulinum Toxin A popularly associated by brand name Botox is a neurotoxic protein that provides short, localized, flaccid paralysis of the muscle. It is often used to treat Anal Fissure, as an alternative to surgery, especially when medicines have been tried without success. https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/

  10. Dr Anuj Kumar Patel M.S(General Surgery) F.M.A.S. Surgery, FIAGES Surgery Diploma in Proctology Consultant Proctologist & Surgeon • Dr Anuj Kumar Patel is a General and Laparoscopic Surgeon holds an experience of 10 years in the field of proctology. • More than 1000 proctology surgeries and laparoscopic surgery he has performed. Dr Patel’s surgical skills, diligent behaviour and kindness towards patients are the qualities that surely make him an ideal doctor. https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/

  11. Thanks! Do you have any questions? Visit: https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/fissure-treatment-centre/ https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/ Please keep this slide for attribution

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