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Pelvic Organ Prolapse Treatment | Surgeon in Bengaluru | Healing Hands Clinic

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the muscles and tissues supporting the pelvic organs such as uterus, bladder, or rectum become weak or loose. This problem is usually found in women and they feel uncomfortable or sometimes feel pain also. But this problem is easily curable with time. At Healing Hands Clinic, Dr. Ashwin Porwal treats patients of pelvic organ prolapse with Pelvic Organ Prolapse Suspension Surgery advanced technique made popular by the world-renowned Colorectal surgeon, Dr. Antonio Longo ( Italy ). Dr. Porwal has mastered the technique from Dr. Longo himself and he was the first to perform this surgery in India.

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Pelvic Organ Prolapse Treatment | Surgeon in Bengaluru | Healing Hands Clinic

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  1. Pelvic organ prolapse (POP)treatment surgeon in Bengaluru https://www.helinghandsclinic.co.in/ Contact: 8888288884 BOOK APPOINTMENT

  2. What is pelvic organ prolapse? • Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the muscles and tissues supporting the pelvic organs such as uterus, bladder, vagina, small bowel or rectum become weak or loose. • These organs are said to prolapse if they descend into or outside of the anus. • Usually, found in women. https://www.helinghandsclinic.co.in/ Contact: 8888288884 BOOK APPOINTMENT

  3. Types of pelvic organ prolapse • Urethrocele: It isprolapse of uthera. Uthera is tube that carries the urine. • Cystocele: It is a prolapse of the bladder into the vagina. • Uterovaginal prolapse: It is the prolapse of uterus, cervix and upper vagina. • Enterocele: Prolapse of upper posterior (back) wall of vagina usually containing loops of bowel. • Rectocele: Prolapse of lower posterior (back) wall of vagina involving the rectum bulging forwards into the vagina. https://www.helinghandsclinic.co.in/ Contact: 8888288884 BOOK APPOINTMENT

  4. Causes of POP • Child Birth • Old age or post menopausal women • Obesity or increased weight is one of the causes of POP. • Removal of uterus may lead other organs in the area with less support. • Chronic cough or constipation increases the abdominal pressure on the organs and pushes them down. • Repeated heavy lifting • Injury to pelvic floor due to surgery or delivery. https://www.helinghandsclinic.co.in/ Contact: 8888288884 BOOK APPOINTMENT

  5. Symptoms of Pelvic Organ Prolapse • Discomfort:Feeling of fullness, heaviness or pressure in the pelvic area. • Bleeding from vagina. • Difficulty in passing urine, frequent urine tract infections. • Difficulty in bowel movements • Lower back discomfort • Painful intercourse. • Symptoms of POP become worse by standing, jumping or weight lifting and can be relieved by lying down. https://www.helinghandsclinic.co.in/ Contact: 8888288884 BOOK APPOINTMENT

  6. Treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse • Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy: Pelvic muscle exercises can improve pelvic floor muscles but no improvement can be seen in pelvic organs. • Kegels Exercise: At Healing Hands Clinic, a dedicated Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist will train you in the right technique of performing this exercise. • BIOFEEDBACK: This is a technique that gives information on how well pelvic muscles are contracting. The message or 'feedback' can help improve awareness and control of pelvic floor muscles. https://www.helinghandsclinic.co.in/ Contact: 8888288884 BOOK APPOINTMENT

  7. Treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse • Pelvic Organ Prolapse Suspension Surgery: In this procedure, a Y-shaped mesh is placed laparoscopically to lift the vaginal wall. Lifting of the vaginal wall corrects the associated bladder prolapse ( cystocele ) and rectal prolapse ( rectocele ). This procedure takes about 40-60 minutes and the patient is hospitalized for about 48 hours. • At Healing Hands Clinic, Dr Ashwin Porwal treats patients of pelvic organ prolapse with this advanced technique made popular by the world renowned Colorectal surgeon, Dr. Antonio Longo ( Italy ).Dr. Porwal has mastered the technique from Dr. Longo himself, and he was the first to perform this surgery in India. https://www.helinghandsclinic.co.in/ Contact: 8888288884 BOOK APPOINTMENT

  8. Healing Hands Clinic is the leading hospitals for piles, constipation, pelvic organ prolapse, fistula, fissure, hernia and others. For consultation call: Dhole Patil Road/Tilak Road: 888828888 Chakan: 8888376666 Chinchwad: 8888200004 Baner: 8888622221 SulankheVihar Road: 88885 22226 Mumbai: 8888266664 Navi Mumbai: 8888166667 Nashik: 8888366662 Jaipur: 9314404024 Bengaluru: 8888133338 Or Book Online appointment at: https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/ https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/ Contact: 8888288884 BOOK APPOINTMENT

  9. Thank You! https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/ Contact: 8888288884 BOOK APPOINTMENT

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