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Learn history of Nazi Germany

Learn history of Nazi Germany! This timeline for Nazi Germany covers the major domestic events between 1933 whenHitler was appointed Chancellor to the yearWorld War Two broke out u2013 1939. More information visit historylearningsite.co.uk.

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Learn history of Nazi Germany

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  1. Learn history of Nazi Germany This timeline for Nazi Germany covers the major domestic events between 1933 when Hitler was appointed Chancellor to the yearWorld War Two broke out – 1939. From 1933 to 1934 Hitler consolidated his power so that by the end of 1934 he held supreme power throughout Nazi Germany. The Führer Principle The Führer Principle came to dominate Nazi Germany after Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor on January 30th 1933. The Führer Principle played its part within the Nazi Party in the lead up to 1933 but there were challenges to the would-be Führer from the likes of Gregor Strasser and Walter Stennes. After Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor, however, a person questioned the Führer Principle at their peril. The Führer Principle required everyone in Nazi Germany to accept that Hitler had all the solutions to Germany’s problems and that whatever he said had to be right. On the day after the Night of the Long Knives Hitler defended the action of the SS by stating that for 24 hours he had become the law in Germany and that the SS were simply carrying out his orders. The Führer Principle in its most basic form was that what Hitler said had to be carried out or if it was not the person who challenged it was betraying Hitler and therefore Germany.

  2. The propaganda machine went into overdrive to portray Hitler as the leader who put his country before anything else – hence why he was not married until the very end as he was ‘married’ to Germany. Images of Hitler with EvaBraun were highly restricted and controlled by the state. Such was the effectiveness of Goebbels propaganda machine, that a great many people in Nazi Germany never even knew that Hitler had a girlfriend/mistress until after the end of World War Two in Europe. For more information visit here: https://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/ enquiries@historylearningsite.co.uk

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