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The Influence of Human Activity on the Environment

This article discusses the influence of human activity on the environment, including pollution, deforestation, intensive farming, and the use of fertilizers and pesticides. It also explores the consequences of sea level rise and beach erosion, as well as the pollution of coral reefs. The article concludes with suggestions for actions individuals can take to mitigate these issues.

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The Influence of Human Activity on the Environment

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  1. The Influence of Human Activity on the Environment Ms. Whipple – Brethren Christian High School

  2. Improvements in agriculture health and medicine have produced a dramatic rise in the human population This increase in population size leads to an increase in pollution and higher demand for the world’s resources

  3. Humans are using up the earth’s resources, including fossil fuels.

  4. Burning fossil fuels in cars and power stations produces carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and other greenhouse gases • carbon dioxide traps heat in the atmosphere and causes the temperature of the earth to rise. • This leads to disruption of the weather patterns ex. drought, floods

  5. Acid rain damages trees and pollutes rivers and lakes. Sulphur dioxide will dissolve in rain producing Acid Rain

  6. Acid rain causes erosion of buildingsand statues particularly if they are made of limestone

  7. Deforestation • In many countries people are chopping down forests to provide timber or space for agriculture for the growing population • One popular method of clearing forests is “slash and burn” which destroys whole ecosystems.

  8. This causes several problems • Burning the timber increases the level of carbon dioxide in the air • Less trees means less carbon dioxide absorbed for photosynthesis • Soil is eroded as it is exposed to the wind and rain • Less water is transpired into the atmosphere so there will be less rain in that area. This leads to Desertification(the creation of a desert where there once was forest or rainforest) • Many animal and plant habitats are destroyed causing extinction of species

  9. Intensive Farming • Farming has become more intensive to provide a higher % yield from land • Many people regard intensive farming of animals to be cruel • In order to produce more food from the land farmers have to use more fertilisers and pesticides

  10. Problems with Fertilisers • Fertilisers enable farmers to grow more food as they are replacing the nutrients removed from the soil by plants • However, if too much fertiliser is added and it then rains, the fertiliser finds its way into rivers and lakes • This causes the water plants to grow and as there is competition for light, some will die

  11. Bacteria decay the dead plants and in so doing use up oxygen from the water • This means the fish suffocate and die • This process is called Eutrophication • Raw sewage pumped into rivers has the same effect • Places where this has occurred are called “dead zones”

  12. Pesticides & Toxins • Pesticides kill insects that will damage crops • They also kill harmless insects or can get washed into rivers and pollute the water • They may even end up in the food chain causing a build up of toxins in top predators called Biomagnification.

  13. In the 1960s, DDT in the food chain threatened bird populations.Many birds of prey came close to extinction

  14. Sea Level Rise • Global sea level rise estimated to have risen 10-25 cm over last 100 years • The next 100 years average sea level projected 50 cm higher

  15. Sea Level RiseConsequences • The oceans are predicted to rise about 0.5 – 10.0 meter by 2100 • Beach retreat and flooding pose a high risk along east coast and gulf state • Bluff collapse is greatest threat along California

  16. Beach ErosionCalifornia • Beach erosion is a serious problem for coastal communities • 86% of California coasts are classified as actively eroding • 1 in 4 homes within 500 feet of coast will be lost to erosion in 60 years • Some causes: • Sea level rise • Building near coast • Efforts to reduce erosion

  17. 2004 2002 2005 Beach ErosionCalifornia Santa Barbara, California

  18. Ocean PollutionSources • Oil spills • Toxic wastes • Debris • Raw sewage

  19. Coral Reefs • Provide natural habitat for 25% of marine life • Serve as breeding ground for marine organisms • Natural breakwater for strong waves

  20. Coral ReefsIssues • Pollution • Human waste, fertilizer, and pesticides • Destructive fishing methods • Dynamite and cyanide • Global warming • Fragile living conditions • Increased CO2 Levels leading to • Ocean acidification • At the present rate of destruction, 70% of world’s coral reefs will be gone in the next 20-40 years • Completely gone by 2100

  21. What can we Do?

  22. Organic Farming • This produces less food and is more expensive but it does not produce the pollution problems of intensive farming

  23. Use farmyard manure as a fertiliser and set aside land for growth of wild plants

  24. Biological Control of Pests • This means using natural predators to eat pests instead of pesticides • It does not have harmful effects

  25. Develop alternative energy sources • Conserve our rapidly diminishing fossil fuel reserves by using solar power or wind power

  26. Benefits of conserving endangered species • Ecotourism • Agricultural benefits • Species indicators • Maintaining diversity in gene pool

  27. Be an Intelligent Consumer!! • Pay attention to where the food and things you buy come from. Money has power in this world, use it wisely and honourably. • Which foods require the most energy and water? Meat, Dairy, Nuts…Limit these • For example, one 1/3lb burger takes 660gallons of water to make!! • Choose sustainable seafood (go to Seafood Watch http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/conservation/research/seafood-watch)

  28. Sources: • http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=Environmental+Issues+in+California+filetype:ppt&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CC4QFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Finstructional1.calstatela.edu%2Fpramire%2Fgeol%2520155%2520-%2520environmental%2520issues.ppt&ei=U4AuVdPwMs7ioASfw4HwDg&usg=AFQjCNE5JRlE79glGp-v-nf3iLYktMXYhw&bvm=bv.90790515,d.cGU • http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB8QFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.killeenisd.org%2FteacherDocs%2Fc8%2Fe20979%2Fdocuments%2FANewMenuItem-115422.ppt&ei=eX8uVYvlMJHToATgh4GYAQ&v6u=http%3A%2F%2Fs-v6exp1-ds.metric.gstatic.com%2Fgen_204%3Fip%3D24.43.39.14%26ts%3D1429112455665966%26auth%3D2duyahicelppt3n2gedj6tjb47x7grtf%26rndm%3D0.6662932629697025&v6s=2&v6t=7431&usg=AFQjCNEY5fY6RUVjCuxdj820o_t_tHZFBQ&bvm=bv.90790515,d.cGU

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