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Chia and Flaxseed: What you never knew about them

Objectives. To inform readers about the history and basic information about chia and flaxseed.To educate on the potential dietary uses of chia and flaxseedTo provide a brief overview of Omega-3's and their effects on health.To inform readers on what up-to-date research is saying in regard to the

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Chia and Flaxseed: What you never knew about them

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    1. Chia and Flaxseed: What you never knew about them Lauren M. Cass, MS, Ball State Dietetic Intern June 9, 2010

    2. Objectives To inform readers about the history and basic information about chia and flaxseed. To educate on the potential dietary uses of chia and flaxseed To provide a brief overview of Omega-3’s and their effects on health. To inform readers on what up-to-date research is saying in regard to the proposed health benefits of Flaxseed and Chia.

    3. Omega 3’s Type of poly unsaturated fatty acid 3 major types: Alpha linolenic acid (ALA) Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) Food Sources: Salmon, mackerel, herring, trout, sardines, albacore tuna, flaxseed, walnuts, soybeans, halibut, shrimp. Whereas omega-6’s promote inflammationWhereas omega-6’s promote inflammation

    4. Omega 3’s Role in brain function and normal growth and development Increased intake inversely related to inflammation risk of chronic diseases : heart disease, cancer, & arthritis. triglyceride levels blood pressure rate of atherosclerotic plaque development Risk of sudden death Deficiency symptoms: fatigue, poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings, depression, poor circulation.

    5. Omega 3’s and Omega 6’s Both poly unsaturated fatty acids Omega 6’s also essential High Omega 6:Omega 3 ratio associated with promotion of: Cardiovascular disease Cancer Inflammatory and autoimmune diseases Optimal ratio: ˜1-2:1 Hard to find food sources which reflect this ratio Renaud 1995, JCN, 61:136-137S. -Those on a lower omega 6 diet, higher omega 3 and monounsaturated fat diet had significantly fewer coronary events (cardiac death and non-fatal MI) in 5 years since beginning studyRenaud 1995, JCN, 61:136-137S. -Those on a lower omega 6 diet, higher omega 3 and monounsaturated fat diet had significantly fewer coronary events (cardiac death and non-fatal MI) in 5 years since beginning study

    6. Flaxseed History Originated in the eastern Mediterranean and ancient Egypt, now grows mostly throughout Canada and northwestern U.S. Praised by Hippocrates for its healing properties Fall of Rome: Cultivation declined King Charlemagne- required flax cultivation and consumption BY LAW Recent centuries: Herbal medical texts note flax’s aid in: Egyptians used it for: medical purposes, and used the fiber in the flax plant to make clothes, fishnets, and other products.Egyptians used it for: medical purposes, and used the fiber in the flax plant to make clothes, fishnets, and other products.

    7. Flaxseed Generally sold in three different forms: Whole Flaxseeds Most economical; can buy in bulk; stores for long time Must be ground or thoroughly chewed for benefits: then stored in air-tight, opaque container in fridge or freezer. Ground Flaxseed (flaxseed meal) Goes bad quickly when exposed to air and light Sold in brown and golden varieties Storage: same as ground, whole flaxseeds Flaxseed Oil In bottle or capsule Most perishable: do not heat/cook with it. Only add to chilled foods or to foods after cooking.

    8. Flaxseed: Composition Source: The Flax Council. FLAX- A health and nutrition primer.

    9. Flaxseed The Flax plant All parts of the plant are useable! Brown seeds High in ALA yellow seeds Term used interchangeably with Linseed Can find for <$1/lb Now added to many everyday foods The fiber extracts from the skin can be used to make bedding, clothing, ropes, etc. Golden and Brown Flaxseed- brown is most common type grown in canada Golden- two types: 1: the american kind-called omega European- solin- low in ALA, being used in margarines esp in europe and not sold directly to consumers Linseed- is used to describe flaxseed when used for industrial purposes, such as flooring and the term flaxseed is used to describe flax eaten by humans Added to food products such as: Crackers, Oatmeal mixes (optimum does a great job with this)The fiber extracts from the skin can be used to make bedding, clothing, ropes, etc. Golden and Brown Flaxseed- brown is most common type grown in canada Golden- two types: 1: the american kind-called omega European- solin- low in ALA, being used in margarines esp in europe and not sold directly to consumers Linseed- is used to describe flaxseed when used for industrial purposes, such as flooring and the term flaxseed is used to describe flax eaten by humans Added to food products such as: Crackers, Oatmeal mixes (optimum does a great job with this)

    10. Flaxseed Potential Concerns Blood Thinners Laxative effect Diabetic Medications Oral contraceptives or Hormone replacement therapy Avoid taking at same time of day as other supplements or medicals as a precaution as it might affect absorption rate Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Animal studies have remained inconclusive, both with positive and negative results. Blood thinners- may increase the effects of blood thinning medications, such as aspirin and warfarin. Check with dr. Diabetic medications Wait 2hrs after supplement or at least 1hr beforeBlood thinners- may increase the effects of blood thinning medications, such as aspirin and warfarin. Check with dr. Diabetic medications Wait 2hrs after supplement or at least 1hr before

    11. Flaxseed- Proposed Benefits: Cardiovascular Disease Lignans shown to reduce atherosclerotic plaque build up by up to 75% Decreased cholesterol Postmenopausal women: 40g Flaxseed vs wheat related supplement (placebo):. Study #1: flaxseed decreased TC and HDL slightly. No change in PMS symptoms Study #2: flaxseed significantly decreased TC (6%), APOA1 (6%), APOB (7.5%); non-significant reductions seen in LDL, HDL, TG Hyperlipidemic : 20g fiber/day from either flaxseed or wheat bran Significantly lowered TC (4.6%), LDL (7.6%), APOB (5.4%), APOA1(5.8%) High cholesterol pts (>240mg/dL)?20g ground flaxseed compared to statins 60 days: those on statins had comparable, significant reductions to those on drugs 7 a-hydroxylase Acyl CoA cholesterol Transferase (Zhang) GI distress seen in 5 subjects7 a-hydroxylase Acyl CoA cholesterol Transferase (Zhang) GI distress seen in 5 subjects

    12. Flaxseed- Proposed Benefits Cancer Particularly breast, prostate, colon Protective effect? Lignans: effect hormone sensitive cancers French study Prostate pts 21 days pre- prostatectomy; 4 groups Proliferation rates decreased in FLAX supp, and ki-67 positive cells were <1.66 in FLAX and 3.23 (C) and 2.56 (LF) high prostate specific antigen (PSA) & benign disease: 30g/d flaxseed supplementation + low fat eating plan Significant reduction in proliferation rates, total cholesterol, PSA No change in testosterone 3 TBSP ground flax daily Greater rate of tumor cell death and decreased rate of tumor division compared to controls. Postmenopausal women 0g, 5g, 10g ground flaxseed/day Significantly increased urinary 2-hydroxyestrogen and 2:16a-OHE1 ratio in a dose dependent manner Similar findings seen in study comparing flaxseed and bran French study: 121 women with breast cancer: low breast tissue levels of a-linolenic acid were associated with a significant increase in risk of metastases, but not tumor size or mitotic index. Authors suggested that in women with breast cancer, flax supplementation to replenish stores may delay or even prevent the appearance of tumors 21 days presurgury: Groups: control (usual diet), flax supplemented (30g/d), low-fat diet (<20%energy), flaxseed supplemented +lF diet; determined safe and associated with alterations that might be protective for prostate cancer. Urinary2 hydroxyestrogen: elevated levels of those metabolites are believed to have decreased risk of breast cancerFrench study: 121 women with breast cancer: low breast tissue levels of a-linolenic acid were associated with a significant increase in risk of metastases, but not tumor size or mitotic index. Authors suggested that in women with breast cancer, flax supplementation to replenish stores may delay or even prevent the appearance of tumors 21 days presurgury: Groups: control (usual diet), flax supplemented (30g/d), low-fat diet (<20%energy), flaxseed supplemented +lF diet; determined safe and associated with alterations that might be protective for prostate cancer. Urinary2 hydroxyestrogen: elevated levels of those metabolites are believed to have decreased risk of breast cancer

    13. Flaxseed-Proposed Benefits Inflammation Thought to inhibit inflammatory reactions and reduce inflammation in the kidneys, joints and skin No significant alteration of plasma inflammatory biomarkers seen with doses of flax oil: 1.2g/d, 2.4g/d, 3.6g/d or fish oil:0.6g/d, 1.2g/d Lupus Nephritis 30g ground flaxseed/d vs placebo for 1 year Showed improved serum creatinine levels in compliant subjects

    14. Flaxseed: to summarize Potentially benefits cardiovascular health, inflammation, cancer risk, Doses of ALA less than 14g/d do not affect inflammatory markers, but >14g/d reduce inflammation markers (J Cardiovasc Pharmacol) Flaxseed oil lacks the cardiovascular blood lipid benefits that the other forms give. Further research is needed in all areas regarding Flax supplementation

    15. Chia From the Salvia Hispanica species Derived from the Nhuatl word “chian”, which means oily. 3rd most important crop to the Aztecs Also marketed under names: Chella Brand, Sachia, Anutra, Chia Sage, Salba, Tresalbio & Mila. Chia seeds HAVE been around ? *Following maize and beans*Following maize and beans

    16. Chia Brown and white varieties White-traditionally Salba most notably advertised and used in many studies

    17. Chia-Uses and Benefits Egg replacement Cardiovascular training tool Tarahumara Indians & ultra marathoning Chia forms gel structure Potentially occur during digestion as well slows conversion of carbohydrate to sugar 1 tsp chia seed + 3 TBSP water=1 egg Tarahumara Indians -are some of the fastest runners -barefoot in the desert -eat a lot of chia and take with them on runs with water? form gelatinous structure that keeps them satiated for hours? it is a slow carbohydrate release from the formed cell. Take in up to 10x their weight in water Gel becomes a 90% soluble fiber. Creates a physical barrier in the stomach and a barrier between the carbs and digestive enzymes breaking them down1 tsp chia seed + 3 TBSP water=1 egg Tarahumara Indians -are some of the fastest runners -barefoot in the desert -eat a lot of chia and take with them on runs with water? form gelatinous structure that keeps them satiated for hours? it is a slow carbohydrate release from the formed cell. Take in up to 10x their weight in water Gel becomes a 90% soluble fiber. Creates a physical barrier in the stomach and a barrier between the carbs and digestive enzymes breaking them down

    18. Chia Diabetes 3 month chia (4 tsp/d) supplement Statistically significant blood pressure decrease 40% reduction in inflammation markers Increased EPA 7, 15, 24g of whole or finely ground salba in white bread Compared with C group? lowered glucose iAUC by 20%, 28%, 35%. Dose dependent (Vuksan) 25g chia/1000 kcal vs control (EFSA journal) blood pressure, CRP, coagulation factors No change in lipids, glycemic control, liver enzymes 36+/-4g/day or wheat bran Reduced SBP (-6.3bpm), hs-CRP, vonwillebrand factor, A1C, fibrinogen from baseline Immune Function High sensitivity CRPHigh sensitivity CRP

    19. Chia-To summarize Still relatively new to the research Potentially very beneficial with diabetes patients and blood sugar regulation Aid for endurance athletes

    20. What does all this mean?

    21. Nutritional Composition Mg-70mg Mn-0.64 mg Folate- 54 mcgMg-70mg Mn-0.64 mg Folate- 54 mcg

    22. Chia vs Flax Though Chia is relatively new, it is gaining ground on Flaxseed bread enriched with chia shown to have significantly higher omega 3 content compared to with flax & better acceptibility Higher anti-oxidant capacity in chia enriched bread Chia has 28% more dietary fiber than flax More omega 3’s in Chia, though the omega6:3 ratio is lower.

    23. Recommendations Side effects Flaxseed- 1-3 TBSP/d Chia Seed- 1-2 TBSP/d What would I eat them with? Oatmeal/cereal Smoothies In breads On top of salads For recipe ideas: http://www.flaxmatters.com/ http://www.flax.com/index.html http://recipes.hidalgofoods.com/

    24. But what would I use them for? Substitute the chia gel for oil Homemade bars Muffins, cakes, cookies Topping on stir-fry or vegetables Sprinkle on top of pizza Great for hair gel and skin lotion

    25. Sources www.Livestrong.org Hildago Foods. http://www.hidalgofoods.com/functional-foods-chia-seeds-c-1_3.html?zenid=27552d9e0b8b9a46cbf18a5f0c8b8208 University of Maryland Medical Center. Medical References. http://www.umm.edu/medref/. Pan A, Sun J, Chen Y, Ye X, Li H, Yu Z, et al. (2007) Effects of a Flaxseed-Derived Lignan Supplement in Type 2 Diabetic Patients: A randomized, Double-Blind, Cross-Over Trial. PLoS ONE 2(11): e148. Zhang W, Wang X, Liu Y, Tian H, Flickinger B, Empie MW & Sun SZ. (2008) Dietary Flaxseed lignan extract lowers plasma cholesterol and glucose concentrations in hypercholesterolaemic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 99, 1301-1309. The Benefits of Flaxseed Magee E. Is flaxseed the new wonder food? Preliminary studies show that flaxseed may help fight everything from heart disease and diabetes to breast cancer.. WebMD Feature Pashos GK, Magkos F, Panagiotakos DB, Votteas V, Zampelas A. Dietary Supplementation with flaxseed oil lowers blood pressure in dyslipidaemic patients. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2007;1-6. Prasad K. Flaxseed and cardiovascular health. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2009 Nov;54(5):369-77. The flaxcouncil of canade http://www.prlog.org/10364576-chia-seed-may-help-prevent-diabetes-and-cardiovascular-disease.html

    26. References Vuksan V, Dias A, Lee A, Jovanovski E, Rogovik A, Jenkins A. Comparable Dose-Response Glucose lowering effect with Whole vs finely ground, novel omega-3 rich grain Salba (salvia Hispanica L) baked into white bread. Simopoulos AP. The importance of the ratio of omega 6:omega 3 essential fatty acids. Biomed Pharmacother. 2002; 57(8):365-79 Opinion of the Scientific panal on dietetic products, nutrition and allergies on requrest from the commission related to the safety of chia seed and ground whole chia seed as a novel food ingredient intended for use in bread.EFSA journal. 2005;278:1-12. Mandasescu S, Mocanu V, Dascalita AM, Haliga R, Nestian I, Stitt PA, Luca V. Flaxseed supplementation in hyperlipidemic patients. Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi. 2005 Jul-Sep;109(3):502-6. 2005. PMID:16607740.

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