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Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick Operating Agent RETD

Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick Operating Agent RETD. RETD ExCo13, 14-15 March 2011 Paris. RETD Thematic Areas 2010-2015. 1 Overarching and cross-cutting issues 1.1 Quantifying the benefits of RETs

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Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick Operating Agent RETD

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Proposed RETD Project ActivitiesDavid de Jager, Kristian Petrick Operating Agent RETD RETD ExCo13, 14-15 March 2011 Paris

  2. RETD Thematic Areas 2010-2015 1 Overarching and cross-cutting issues 1.1 Quantifying the benefits of RETs 1.2 Integrating RETs across sectors: removing institutional inertia • Key challenges and opportunities for large-scale RE deployment in various sectors 2.1 Electricity sector 2.2 Heating and cooling sectors 2.3 Transport sector

  3. SCENARIOS8 Input to energy scenarios work - WEO 2011

  4. RE-SUPPLY Securing the supply chain for renewable energy

  5. RENWA Follow-up Renewable Energy and Water – Follow-up

  6. RISK2 Risk quantification and management – Follow-up

  7. RE-IND Industrial competitiveness and renewable energy deployment

  8. RE-CON Formation of an Industry Consortium promoting Renewable Energies

  9. REMOTE/RENISLA Renewables for Islands (or remote areas) and micro-grids

  10. RE-PROCESS Understanding the process of RE policy making

  11. E-LOBBY Influence of Lobbying Groups on Energy Policies

  12. LEVEL-E Levelling the playing field for RES-E: a critical self-assessment by RETD participating countries

  13. MARKET-E Electricity markets (and/or grids) design and RES-E deployment

  14. VOLUNTAR-E RE market transparency: Harvesting voluntary markets: what do you buy? An international comparison of certificate systems (tracking, using, and claiming)

  15. Various follow-up Follow-up studies

  16. Proposed project activities to start in 2011

  17. Decision on other project ideas

  18. THANK YOU! For additional information on RETD Online: www.iea-retd.org Contact: IEA_RETD@ecofys.com

  19. NEW ACRONYM Title

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