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Présidence et Services Centraux

International Projects Service S ervice des Pr ojets Int ernationaux SPrInt. February 2007. Creation, Missions and Functioning. Présidence et Services Centraux. T he U niversity of N ice S ophia A ntipolis.  Two main missions:. Higher Education. Research.

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Présidence et Services Centraux

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  1. International Projects ServiceService des Projets Internationaux SPrInt February 2007 Creation, Missions and Functioning Présidence et Services Centraux

  2. TheUniversity of Nice Sophia Antipolis Two main missions: • Higher Education • Research  Second multidisciplinary University in France in students number: 25,963 students including 17,3 % foreign students  Spreading on all the French Riviera

  3. A Powerful International Commitment • 4882 foreign students and over 30 teachers-researchers are welcome every year at the University • 460 international cooperation agreements (for Training and Research) worldwide, among which: Eastern Europe, Asia and Mediterranean Basin countries, emerging countries (Brazil, India, China) • Summer University (accommodating up to 190 students) • Multilateral and Multilingual programs

  4. International Project Service Service des Projets Internationaux (SPrInt) I - Presentation II - History III - Organisation IV - To do what ? V - Activities VI - Programmes and Projects managed VII – Efficiency of the service VIII – Possibilities for the service development IX – Evaluation

  5. I- PRESENTATION • Previously, this service was included as a Cell within the International Relations Office, mainly in charge of students exchanges and bilateral agreements. • The Development of international projects is a part of the international section of the four-year agreement 2004-2007 between the University and the State : “The creation of a department to support international cooperation projects proceeds of a will of the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis to value its know-how in the international field by capitalizing the skills of education engineering of its staff.”

  6. I- PRESENTATION A Financial Specificity Staff and activities of the Service are mainly financed by international grants and not by the University funds

  7. II- HISTORY Creation, in January 2003 of a Cell for International Projects support within the International Relations Office. Created as an independent service at central level the 5th of July 2006. Previously made of 1 staff, 5 steps of development were necessary in order to develop properly this new service and give him a definitive goal. It is now composed of 5 full-time staff under the responsibility of the Adviser to the President for International Relations.

  8. III- ORGANISATION IN 2006-2007 Adviser to the President for International Relations: Eric Gasperini Director: Laurence Nélis-Blanc (Civil servant) In charge of projects for Central Europe and Mediterranean areas: Julien Gaertner (Paid by International funds) In charge of projects for Eastern Europe and central Asia areas: Magsud Safin (Paid by International funds) In charge of accountancy: Valérie Saurent (Paid by International funds) Secretary: Francine Benchabane (Paid by University funds)

  9. III- ORGANISATION IN 2006-2007

  10. III- ORGANISATION • Under the authority of the Adviser to the President for International Relations, the service participates together with the International Relations Office to the definition and implementation of the international policy of the University and its actions. • In the exercise of its missions, the service works in close cooperation with all University members, commissions and networks implied in international cooperation.

  11. IV- To Do What ? To inform, support and advise university members in order to answer to the international calls for proposals, and to set up and develop international cooperation projects. The objective, included in the 2004-2007 agreement with the State is: • Construction of a big university centre widely open on the world • Reinforcement of the internationalisation and of his attractiveness more particularly in the eastern Europe Countries, the Mediterranean, China, India and Brazil

  12. IV- To Do What ? Areas of application of the projects set-up by SPrInt: • Initial Education • Lifelong learning, Professional training • Institutional Development (Administrative management and organisation of Universities) • Research/Training to research and technologies

  13. V- ACTIVITIES • Watch on the financing programs and the calls for proposals • Instruction of the applications for the President • Study of proposals and advices • Management and evaluation of the projects • Diffusion and development of projects outcomes

  14. 1). Watch • Drafting of synthesis documents about local, national, European and international programmes and about the calls for proposals related to these programmes.

  15. 2) Instruction of the applications for the President • Information to Faculties and Departments: teaching staff. • Technical evaluation of the projects. • Follow-up of selected projects at Faculty level Currently, 9 projects are developed : 2 Tempus, 1 Erasmus Minerva, 3 Socrates Erasmus (action 1), 1 Asia Link, 2 Interreg.

  16. 3) Study and Advices • Selection of the projects proposals within the University or by other partners • Technical advices to the project coordinator (open calls for proposals, criteria for an eligible proposal etc….) • Projects draft : from the conception to the application form only when this service is requested by the project coordinator.

  17. 4) Management of the International projects • Management of activities: Preparation, organisation. • Grant management : follow-up and control of expenses. • Drafting of progress reports.

  18. 4) Management of the International projects List of the current projects managed by SPrInt : Tempus Programme 1). 2003 : MEICTSRU – Modernization of education in ICT at South Russian Universities (3 years) – RUSSIA 2). 2003 : ISDRIM – Integration and Structuring of International Relations Offices in Macedonia (2 years) – MACEDONIA 3). 2003 : MAC – Master in Aroma Chemistry, Perfumes and Cosmetics (3 years) – EGYPT 4). 2005 : ECDLforUA – European Computer Driving Licence for Ukrainian Administrators (2 years) - UKRAINE 5). 2005 : HERBS – Higher Education Reform of Biological Sciences (3 years) - SERBIA 6). 2005 : KYRLIBNET – Resource Sharing network of academic and research libraries of Kyrgyzstan (3 years) – KIRGHIZSTAN 7). 2006 : INTERPOL – International Relations Policy for Regional Integration Promotion (1 an) – MACEDONIA-SERBIA-MONTENEGRO

  19. 4) Management of the International projects Programme INTERREG/INTERACT 1). INTERFORM – European Network for training and research about cross-border practices (3 years) – France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Swiss, Spain Programme ERASMUS 1 (Joint study programme development) 1). IMM – On line International Master in Multimedia (2 years) - Romania, Lithuania, United Kingdom, France, Hungaria, Slovakia Total : 9 Projects managed by SPrInt at central level

  20. 5) Diffusion and Development of projects outcomes and cooperation actions • Maintenance of an information system about international cooperation on the University web site • Production of documents for the communication about University projects

  21. VII – Efficiency of the service Example of Tempus programme for the 2005 JEP and 2006 SCM calls for proposals: 6 Tempus Projects have been submitted through SPrInt. 4 were successfully received: rate of 66%. 5 Tempus Projects have been submitted at Faculties or Departments levels. None was received: rate of 0%. Tempus success rate is around 20% for JEP and SCM. Total Grants Amount managed by the service (including previous projects): 1.700.000 €

  22. VII – Efficiency of the service

  23. VII – Efficiency of the service Example of Tempus programme : For the last Tempus call for proposals in December 2006, 8 projects have been submitted through SPrInt. Other programmes : SPrInt is actually working on new projects in the frame of the Edu-Link Programme, Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window, Erasmus Mundus (Action 1, 2, 3 and 4) but also in the frame the AUF and Foreign affairs ministry programmes. The objective is to work on a various kind of programmes but of course to give the priority to programmes that will bring more funds to the SPrInt.

  24. SPrInt has developed a specific expertise in international projects application submission and management This expertise can be applied to other services : Research International study programmes development Cultural projects VIII – Possibilities for the service development

  25. IX – Evaluation SPrInt is a young service well developed but which has to face with Structural Problems: Without the support of university funds, the service has to ensure his own financial sustainability. The sustainability of the service depends on International programmes continuity and on his success in each application.

  26. IX – Evaluation Do current SPrInt projects fit with the University objectives ? • SPrInt develops projects regarding to the four year agreement objectives. • SPrInt is working in partnership with universities involved in the PRES (Regional Centre for Research and Higher education) : Genoa, Turin, Toulon. Cross-border partnership is a priority when we have to build a project consortium. • SPrInt is trying to use the strong points of the University for the call for proposals: competitiveness Centre, Doctoral Schools, Aromas centre for the Tempus MAC project, Communicating reassured solutions for Tempus ECDL project. • SPrInt is also an important tool for the University integration : information from projects developed at faculty level is available and the central service can involve all the university members in the project : easiest communication, transparency, quality of the information…

  27. IX – Evaluation Is the University staff satisfied by this service ? Background is unfortunately too short to measure this issue, but of course we hope so.

  28. INFORMATIONS University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis Web Site International Portal Projets-Programmes http://portail.unice.fr/jahia/page2164.html

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