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Challenge 1-2-3

Basic block objectives : Use thier participatory skills to inquire about complex global issues or respond to a community problem . Develop a critical view about these issues

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Challenge 1-2-3

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  1. Basic block objectives: Use thierparticipatoryskillstoinquireaboutcomplex global issuesorrespondto a communityproblem. Develop a criticalviewabouttheseissues Developanacademiclanguagerepertoirethatallowsthemtoexplainconcepts and ideas in anorganizedmannerbyusingexamplesordetails. Challenge 1-2-3

  2. AN INFORMED POSITION PAPER(courseproject) Theprojectimpliesthefollowingfromthestudents: • Identification of a publicissue. • Examination of possiblesolutions. • Selection of theiralternativesolution. • Defense of their position againstoppositors and questioners

  3. Challenge 1 : My communityMatters • Courseobjective: Toexplore the concept of global citizenship Toreflectabouttheir role in a society Toanalizetheirimmediatecommunityneeds Toidentifytheissuestheywanttoaddress Totakethefirststeps in ordertopromoteactionfromtheircommunitiesbywriting a position paper”

  4. Challenge 1 : My communityMatters • Course Project: What’saffecting my community?

  5. Challenge 1 : My communityMatters U1 NEW PERSPECTIVES U2 MUSICAL MOODS Task: Identifyingcriticalissues A paragraphdescribingwhat and active citizenshouldbe • Task: Relevance of raisinganissue. A paragraphabouttherelevance of raisinganissue

  6. Challenge 1 : My communityMatters U3 MONEY MATTERS • Task: Planningthe position paper Ssstatethe short and longtermgoalstowritetheir position paper

  7. Challenge 2 : Impacting my community • Courseobjective: TodemonstrateSs’ abilitytostatetheir position Torealizethatthesisstatements are notintendedtoremainfixed. To use theirthesisstatements as a tooltoprovidefeedbacktotheirpeers

  8. Challenge 2 : Impacting my community • Course Project: How can I convince my community?

  9. Challenge 2: Impacting my community U4 LOOKING GOOD U5 COMMUNITY Task: Collectinginformation Notes regardingstatisticalinformation and theirowninsights as well as whatexpertsmightsayaboutthetopic • Task: Organizinginformation. Theout line toSs’ position papers. Thestatementthesis and ananticipation of whatcounterpartsmayobject

  10. Challenge 2: Impacting my community U6 ANIMALS U7 ADVERTISING AND CONSUMERS • Task: The position paperfirstdraft I Creation of thefirstparagraphs of their position paper: introduction, arguments and counterarguments • Task:The position paperfirstdraft II Finishing of thefirstparagraphs of their position paper: counterarguments and conclusions. Presentationforfeedback

  11. Challenge 3 : Spreadingtheword • Courseobjective: Tomakethe final arrangementstoSs’ position papers and makeitavailableforthecommunity. To plan, advertise and evaluatetheimpact of their position paper.

  12. Challenge 3 : Spreadingtheword • Course Project: Spreadingtheword

  13. Challenge 3: Spreadingtheword U8 FAMILY TRENDS U9 HISTORY’S MYSTERIES • Task: Improvementpromptedbyfeedback. Considerations of theprofiles of target audience. Discussion of technicalitiesregardingtheuploading of papers and inserting media. • Task: Presentation of final drafts. • Presentation of their final producttootherclasses and planning of a poster presentationsessionforthosewhoahvealreadyvisitedSs’ websites.

  14. Challenge 3 : Spreadingtheword U10 YOUR FREE TIME • Task: Poster session Presentation of Ss’ posters and evaluation of theimpact of exploringtheissue and sharingitwiththecommunity

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