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Web 2.0 4 U

Web 2.0 4 U. Web 2.0 for SCSU faculty and students. http://www.architectureandgovernance.com/articles/09-visualize.asp#. Plamen Miltenoff, Associate Professor, InforMedia Services, LRTS pmiltenoff@stcloudstate.edu.

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Web 2.0 4 U

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  1. Web 2.0 4 U Web 2.0 for SCSU faculty and students http://www.architectureandgovernance.com/articles/09-visualize.asp# Plamen Miltenoff, Associate Professor, InforMedia Services, LRTS pmiltenoff@stcloudstate.edu Presentation available at: web.stcloudstate.edu/pmiltenoff/social_software/web_2_0.ppt

  2. …for starters… http://21stcenturylaw.wordpress.com/web-20-productivity-tools-and-resources/

  3. What the omnipotent Wikipedia and YouTube have to say • Web 2.0: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BAXvFdMBWw&feature=related • Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pe79kPh3hw&feature=related • Social bookmarking: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x66lV7GOcNU&eurl=http://www.hotmonitor.org/wordpress/archives/188 • Web 2.0...The Machine is Us/ing Us: • Short one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLlGopyXT_g • Long one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPAO-lZ4_hU

  4. Concepts, terms and definitions • What kind of an animal is Web 2.0 • Is it a progeny or evolution of Web 1.0? • Is it a technical or social prodigy? • Is it an entity or constellation? • Is it only for Millennials (digital natives)? • Proponents and opponents

  5. Proponents: Concepts, terms and definitions… for beginners http://yihongs-research.blogspot.com/2007/10/what-is-web-20-path-towards-next.html http://blog.getoutsmart.com/archives/category/web-20/

  6. Proponents: Concepts, terms and definitions… intermediate http://web2.socialcomputingmagazine.com/all_we_got_was_web_10_when_tim_bernerslee_actually_gave_us_w.htm http://web2.socialcomputingmagazine.com/the_web_20_revolution_spawns_offshoots.htm

  7. Proponents: Concepts, terms and definitions… advanced http://www.thelongtail.com/the_long_tail/2005/09/web_20_and_the_.html

  8. Proponents: Concepts, terms and definitions… advanced http://julian101.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/web20_big.jpg

  9. Proponents: Concepts, terms and definitions… advanced

  10. Concepts, terms and definitions: verbalized… • Web 2.0, encompass the second generation of Web-based communities and hosted services — such as social-networking sites, wikis and folksonomies — which aim to “facilitate collaboration and sharing” between users. • Following the first O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in 2004, 2.0 establish itself as a term. “Although the term suggests a new version of the World Wide Web, it does not refer to an update to any technical specifications, but to changes in the ways software developers and end-users use the Web” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2

  11. Proponents: Concepts, terms and definitions… beginners http://visionarymarketing.wordpress.com/2007/07/03/web20/

  12. Proponents: Concepts, terms and definitions… intermediate http://web2.socialcomputingmagazine.com/web_20_software_models_evolve_as_conference_season_begins_in.htm

  13. Proponents: Concepts, terms and definitions… advanced

  14. Opponents: Concepts, terms and definitions http://www.masternewmedia.org/information_design/information-design-principles/web-20-design-simple-social-design-components-20071017.htm http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/11/11/web_two_point_naught_answers/page2.html

  15. To recapitulate… • Web 1.0 • Pull information • Read information • HTML (Web pages) • Web 2.0 • Push information • Read / write (cooperate and collaborate) • XML, RSS, mash-ups

  16. http://valleywag.com/tech/data-junkie/the-world-map-of-social-networks-273201.phphttp://valleywag.com/tech/data-junkie/the-world-map-of-social-networks-273201.php

  17. Social networking http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/02/27/the-global-race-among-social-networks-heats-up-keep-an-eye-on-hi5-friendster-and-imeem/

  18. Social networking • aSmallWorld • Bebo (AOL) • Boomj • Classmates • Cyworld • Facebook • Friendster • hi5 • LinkedIn • Mixi • MySpace • orkut • Ning • Y! Mash http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_social_networking_websites

  19. Social networking: verbalized… • A social network service focuses on the building and verifying of online social networks for communities of people who share interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others, and which necessitates the use of software. • Most social network services are primarily Web-based and provide a collection of various ways for users to interact, such as chat, messaging, email, video, voice chat, file sharing, blogging, discussion groups, … [etc.] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_network_service

  20. Social networking: Twitter Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter http://lenniewu.wordpress.com/tag/social-network/

  21. Social networking: blogs and wikis

  22. Social networking: YouTube and Flickr

  23. Social networking: Virtual worlds

  24. Social networking: didactically speaking • Behaviorism, Structuralism or Constructivism? • Vygotski and the activity theory • Going beyond merely reflecting “hard-copy” content online • Globalism and regionalism in times of the Internet

  25. What to do next http://bhc3.wordpress.com/2008/04/10/becoming-a-web-20-jedi/

  26. Web 3.0 http://www.theappgap.com/category/semantic-technologies

  27. Semantic Web http://blogs.zdnet.com/web2explorer/?m=200711

  28. Questions / Discussion Plamen Miltenoff , Ph.D., MLIS, Associate Professor  320-308-3072 pmiltenoff@stcloudstate.edu http://web.stcloudstate.edu/pmiltenoff/faculty/ Skype: Aidedza Yahoo Messenger: Aidedza Facebook, MySpace and Twitter: Plamen Miltenoff Second Life: Aidemoreto Laryukov

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