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Career Planning for the New Millennial Generation Dr. Marsha Fralick Cuyamaca College El Cajon, California

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Career Planning for the New Millennial Generation Dr. Marsha Fralick Cuyamaca College El Cajon, California

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    2. Overview of Program Research on Student Success Including Careers in College Success The New Millennial Generation Career Trends The Career Model Online Career Resources Questions and Answers

    3. Ice Breaker Find a person you do not know and find out: Name College How did you choose your major?

    4. Making an Appropriate Choice of Major Improves Persistence Success Enjoyment and Quality of Life

    5. Research Choosing a Major and College Success

    6. College Success: A Study of Positive and Negative Attrition Community College Review

    7. The Successful Student Had a definite goal or college major Earned a B+ or better in high school Based on this research, choosing a major and career planning was included in our college success course.

    8. Personal Development Counseling 124, Lifelong Success College Success Career Success Lifelong Success

    9. College Success Motivation Time and Money Memory and Reading Test Taking Taking Notes, Writing and Speaking

    10. Career Success Personality and Related Majors Learning Style and Intelligence Interests and Values Career and Educational Planning

    11. Lifelong Success Communication and Relationships Critical and Creative Thinking Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle Appreciating Diversity Positive Thinking Life Stages

    12. PDC 124, Lifelong Success 8000 students enrolled in college 1200 take PDC 124 each year 32 sections a year 8 sections online 3 sections at high schools One of the top 15 revenue producing programs for the college

    13. Transferability Transfers as general education for CSUC, Area E, Lifelong Understanding Transfers to University of California

    15. College Persistence Semester to Semester 5 Year Average All successful PDC students 89% All students 63% A 26% difference

    17. Some Career Trends for the Future

    18. From Baby Boomers to Generation X to the New Millennials

    19. Baby Boomers Born between 1946 and 1964 Four out of every ten adults today The population is getting older How will the Baby Boom generation affect careers of the future?

    20. Generation X Born between 1965 and 1977

    21. Generation X The “Baby Bust” generation Left college in the 90’s to face a recession Many left college in debt and returned home to live with their parents More highly educated Greater demand for skilled workers Computer literate Good work ethic As Baby Boomers retire, more job opportunities

    22. The New Millennials Born between 1977 and 1995

    23. The New Millennials Sometimes called the “Echo Boomers” By 2010, they will be the largest teen population is U.S. history Will exceed the number of Baby Boomers In the next 10 years, college enrollments will increase by 300,000 students per year College admission will become increasingly competitive.

    24. The New Millennials The cyber generation More diverse 1 out of 4 lives with single parent 3 out of 4 have working mothers

    25. Historical Perspectives Baby Boomers Assassination of President Kennedy and Martin Luther King Viet Nam War New Millennials School shootings (Columbine) Terrorism Oklahoma City bombing 9-11 attack on New York City

    26. Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation (Howe and Strauss) Their most important values are individuality and uniqueness Cooperative team players Respect authority and respect parents’ values Decreasing use of alcohol, drugs and tobacco Fascination and mastery of new technology Have the promise of changing institutions for the better “We are the kids who will change the world for the better.”

    27. More Trends . . .

    28. From Goods to Service and Technology What are some service and technology occupations?

    29. Service Occupations Health Care Business Education Finance Insurance Real Estate Transportation Communication

    30. Middle Class is Endangered More low pay, low skill jobs More high pay, high skill jobs Education will determine pay and class

    31. Diverse Workforce More older workers More women One third from diverse groups More immigrants

    32. Impact of the Internet E-mail E-commerce Web Lifestyle Web Workstyle

    33. The Microprocessor In the last 20 years, its power has increased one million times In the next 20 years, it will increase a million times again

    34. Advances in Technology Many new careers in technology Radiation and lasers Fiber optics and telecommunications Artificial intelligence Biotechnology Advances in medicine

    35. Beware of Outsourcing Accounting Customer service Data entry Assembly line workers Software developers Technical support Repetitive jobs that do not require proximity to the customer

    36. New Advances in Biology The 21st Century will be the biology century Human Genome Project Biotechnology Biomedical technology

    37. Increase in Entrepreneurship Starting your own business Taking advantage of technology to work from home

    38. Effect of Terrorism People are choosing to stay in the safety of their homes, offices, cars, and gated communities Less travel Increase in home remodeling and sales of entertainment systems Increase in careers that provide value to society and increased personal satisfaction

    39. Need for Lifelong Education Need for training and education over a lifetime Without training and education, skills will soon become obsolete

    41. Career Model How to Choose a Major Self Assessment Personality Interests Values Learning Style Career Research

    48. Productivity Environmental Preference Survey (PEPS) identifies 20 factors that influence how you learn best These factors are also related to job performance

    49. Learning Style Factors Sound Light Temperature Design Formal or Informal Motivation Persistence Responsibility Structure Alone/Peer Authority Figures Present

    50. Learning Style Factors Several Ways Auditory Visual Tactile Kinesthetic Intake Evening/Morning Late Morning Afternoon Mobility

    53. Career Research Job Description Career Outlook Salary Education Required Advantages and Disadvantages Online collection of career research links: www.cuyamaca.edu/collegesuccess

    55. Online Resources www.cuyamaca.edu/collegesuccess Click on Resources for Faculty

    61. Questions? Please remember to fill out the evaluation form. Thanks!

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