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Andrew Jackson Part II 7 th President of US

Andrew Jackson Part II 7 th President of US. 1829-1837 Democrat. 3 main issues under Jacksons’ Presidency. Status of Native Americans Conflicts over States’ rights Nullification crisis Jackson’s veto on the National Bank. Sectionalism.

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Andrew Jackson Part II 7 th President of US

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  1. Andrew Jackson Part II7th President of US 1829-1837 Democrat

  2. 3 main issues under Jacksons’ Presidency • Status of Native Americans • Conflicts over States’ rights • Nullification crisis • Jackson’s veto on the National Bank

  3. Sectionalism Loyalty to the interests of your own region rather than to the interests of the whole nation.

  4. Sectional differences developed

  5. Sectional differences developed • Why did the three sections of the country differ on the sale of public lands, internal improvements and tariffs? Each section of the country was affected differently by these issues.

  6. Tariffstaxes on foreign goods (imports) North point of view South point of view Tariffs of Abominations South trade their cotton & crops for foreign goods Foreign goods more expensive because of tariffs ( South has to pay more) Southern economy getting affected • Protective tariffs • Protect American Industry • Foreign goods are more expensive than American goods • People will buy American manufacture goods

  7. Crisis of Nullification • Nullify = reject or void • Doctrine of nullification= states claim to have the right to nullify or reject any federal law that the state consider unconstitutional • related to states rights • States deciding constitutionality of laws instead of Supreme Court ( Judicial Branch) • Power struggle • States VS Federal

  8. Nullification & States Rights • Calhoun & states rights supporters claimed that the Nation was made out of states – so states have the right to nullify or decide what laws are constitutional within its borders • States should have the right to limit the power of the federal government • Calhoun & many in the South thought that the Tariff of Abomination only favored one region of the country ( Federal gov. should not have the power to create laws that only favored few not all nation- South Carolina should have the right to nullify the tariffs that only supported the North

  9. Spiral Review: States’ Rights Which is another example of states’ rights and doctrine of nullification that we previously study? • Kentucky & Virginia Resolution ( states response to the Alien & Sedition Acts during Adams presidency ( 2nd president) • No Judicial Review yet! ( Madison VS Madison) Power given to Supreme Court to decide Constitutionality of a law

  10. Tariffs – Tears nation apart How did the issue of tariffs threaten to tear the nation apart? ( remember to write in your own words… not just copying the answers) • The South resented  the Northeast for pushing higher tariffs ( taxes) without regard for the effects on the South’s economy. South Carolina threatened to secede or withdraw from the Union over the issue of tariffs.

  11. States’ Rights Debate • Webster-Hayne debate • Senate debate over doctrine of nullification

  12. Debate - 1830 Webster:Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable. Jackson:Our Federal Union—it must be preserved. Calhoun:The Union, next to our liberty, most dear. ( states’ rights)

  13. Secession Secession= withdrawal from the union ( to separate) South Carolina threaten secession, or to separate from the Union as a response to the high tariffs that were affecting their economy. At the end Henry Clay came up with a compromise and the crisis was resolved – South Carolina stayed in the Union

  14. Jackson replied that he would “crush SC” and any other state that tried to join them. • To avoid bloodshed, Henry Clay got Congress to pass the Compromise of 1833. This gradually lowered the tariff rates back to the 1816 level.

  15. Process: States’ rights • Write a short summary that includes these terms: • Tariffs • States’ rights • South Carolina • John C. Calhoun • Secession • nullification • Facial expressions & speech bubble activity

  16. National Bank Controversy • Jackson opposed the Bank of the United States. He felt it was controlled by a group of wealthy Easterners who were using it to become even wealthier. • Jackson also claims the bank is unconstitutional. Although the Supreme Court disagreed in the case of McCulloch v. Maryland. • Many farmers and common people were on Jackson’s side, because they didn’t like the bank’s lending policies.

  17. Jackson decided to make the National Bank the major issue in the Presidential election of 1832. • He tells the people to vote for Clay (Republican) if they want to keep the bank and vote for Jackson (Democrat) if they want to get rid of the bank. • When Jackson won the election, he killed the Bank of the US by taking all the government’s money out of the bank. • He placed the government’s money in a number of state banks. These were nicknamed “pet banks.”

  18. Guided Reading – Ch. 12.4 & Process • Read pages 384-387 ( textbook) or 125-126 ( blue workbook) • Answer the effects or consequences of each event or situation • Write a short summary that includes these terms: • Nicholas Biddle • Power • Wealthy people • Average or common people • Bank of the USA • Jackson • Veto • Facial expressions & speech bubble activity

  19. Process: Jackson VS National Bank • Write a short summary that includes these terms: • Nicholas Biddle • Power • Wealthy people • Average or common people • Bank of the USA • Jackson • Veto • Facial expressions & speech bubble activity

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