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A case against mechanical skill mismatch hypothesis

A case against mechanical skill mismatch hypothesis. Destinations of graduates from short vocational programs. Cohorts 2006-2010 (source: PES database). Vocational education sector and job entry dynamics: Pre-crisis and crisis cohorts (source: PES database).

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A case against mechanical skill mismatch hypothesis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A case against mechanical skill mismatch hypothesis

  2. Destinations of graduates from short vocational programs. Cohorts 2006-2010 (source: PES database)

  3. Vocational education sector and job entry dynamics:Pre-crisis and crisis cohorts (source: PES database)

  4. Unemployment rates of recent school leavers in Croatia 1996-2010Compulsory, upper secondary and tertiary education (Source: LFS)

  5. Dynamics of entry to first significant job: by achieved educationKaplan-Meier (survival) plot.

  6. Vocational education, structural transformation and social reproduction

  7. Crowding out from above? Share of cohort completing tertiary education, 1997-2009 About two thirds of higher (technical) vocational education graduates enrol to tertiary education immediately after matriculation.

  8. Entrants to secondary education 1998-2008: rush away from short vocational education

  9. Education and social background: business as usual(parental education/occupation and achieved education) Source: Survey on educational and employment careers of Croatian youth (N=2429). Predicted probabilities for groups, other covariates set at mean.

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