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Unit 2: Nationalism

Unit 2: Nationalism. National pride can lead to conflict or great achievements. Loyalty to local communities vs. a large empire can lead to smaller political units that become nation-states

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Unit 2: Nationalism

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  1. Unit 2: Nationalism National pride can lead to conflict or great achievements. Loyalty to local communities vs. a large empire can lead to smaller political units that become nation-states Nationalism can get people to unite or act in ways that people wouldn’t normally to reach a common goal Nationalism can be fostered by proximity, language, customs, history, symbols and culture.

  2. Unification of Italy • To UNIFY means to: _____________________________________

  3. Congress of Vienna • At the time of the Congress of Vienna, Italy was very divided: • Ruled by • Austria • Spain • The Pope • Renaissance city-states

  4. Congress of Vienna Cont’d • Prince Clemens von Metternich (key player at the Congress of Vienna) was Austria’s foreign minister • He did not want Italy to unite? • WHY NOT? ___________________________________________ * Metternich used censorship and arrests to stop the spread of nationalist ideas!

  5. 3 LEADERS acted to UNITE ITALY • Giuseppe Mazzini = “Soul” • Formed Young Italy in 1831 (nationalist group) • Little support from the majority

  6. Cavour Unite Italy • CamillodiCavour = “Brains” • Prime Minister of Sardinia • Made uniting Italy his highest priority • Made an agreement with Napoleon III in 1858 • Napoleon would help Cavour drive out Austria • France would get the lands of Nice and Savoy • French and Sardinian armies won victories against the Austrians Napoleon III (Napoleon I’s nephew)

  7. Garibaldi Unites Italy • Giuseppe Garibaldi = “The Sword” • Led battles in the South • He and his soldiers were called “Red Shirts” because he and his followers wore red shirts • Victorious!!!!!

  8. Italy is United! • In 1861 the Italian Parliament named Victor Emmanuel II King of Italy

  9. New Nation Faces Problems • The new nation still faced problems: • Peasant revolts • Strikes and riots • 1860-1910: 4 million Italians moved to the U.S. (Emigration) • Immigration is the opposite of emigrate • Immigrate to come to • Emigrate is to leave

  10. The Unification of Germany 1865-1871 • Like Italy, Germany was also divided • (after the Congress of Vienna) • Since the fall of Napoleon in 1815, 39 German states had formed a German Confederation • Austria and Prussia dominated this loose grouping

  11. The Rise of Prussia • Prussia had a mainly German population as opposed to Austria • Zollverein was established: Free trade among the major German states except Austria • Prussia was the most industrial of the German states and had the most powerful military in Central Europe

  12. Otto von Bismarck • Bismarck became the Prime Minister in 1862 • Of PRUSSIA • He was a strong and practical leader • He believed in “realpoltik” – Real/tough/practical politics: not based on idealism but on realism

  13. Otto Von Bismarck • When speaking of Austria, Bismarck replied: • “Germany is clearly too small for the both of us”

  14. Bismarck's ultimate goal was to unite the German states into a strong German Empire with Prussia as its core.

  15. Otto Von Bismarck’s “Blood & Iron” • Held philosophy of “Blood and Iron” saying that: • “The great questions of our day cannot be solved by speeches and majority votes- that was a great mistake of 1848 and 1849 – but by blood and iron.” What do you think he means by this?

  16. Bismarck made his famous blood and iron speech, which implied that if Germany was to unify it would be with the use of military force. He hated liberalism, democracy and socialism. Following his speech, he dismissed the budget proposal and ordered the bureaucracy to collect taxes. This money would go to military use, and Bismarck would expand and strengthen the Prussian armies. These armies would than be used in three wars which Bismarck devised to unify the country.

  17. The Seven Weeks’ War • 1866 conflict between Austria and Prussia • Prussian victory – Austria is humiliated • Austria loses territory and is forced to withdraw from the German Confederation • By 1867, Prussia completely dominated the “North German Confederation”

  18. Nationalism was uniting Germany and dividing Austria as Hungarians demanded independence!

  19. The Franco-Prussian War 1870 • Prussia and German allies defeated France * 1871: German states are united under the Prussian King, William I * Nationalistic fervor swept through both the north and the south * The Second Reich is formed: Germany would continue to prosper as a growing industrial and military power in Europe As a Result

  20. Where do you think We’re Headed? • Bismarck made Germany the strongest military power on the continent. Geographically Germany was between large military powers. Bismarck had to be sure no country would attack Germany. This caused him to create a secret alliance with Austria-Hungary and a triple treaty including Russia, Austria and Germany: otherwise known as the Alliance of three Emperors.

  21. Bismarck united Germany, but later on the country he united would cause the First World War. One example of how Bismarck caused World War One relates to the French. Germany, after defeating the French in the Franco-Prussian war, they utterly humiliated them through the Treaty of Frankfort. After this treaty the French people had sour feelings towards Germany. The country had created this treaty to make sure the French would never attack Prussia again but the opposite occurred. This treaty, in the end probably caused the French to stand up to Germany in World War One. His foreign policy created alliances which was a major long term cause of WW1.

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