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The Health Inspector Is Coming !! David W. Reimann Environmental Health Specialist Minnesota Department of Health Food,

The Health Inspector Is Coming !! David W. Reimann Environmental Health Specialist Minnesota Department of Health Food, Pools and Lodging Services Section.

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The Health Inspector Is Coming !! David W. Reimann Environmental Health Specialist Minnesota Department of Health Food,

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  1. The Health Inspector Is Coming!!David W. Reimann Environmental Health SpecialistMinnesota Department of HealthFood, Pools and Lodging Services Section

  2. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that each year roughly 1 in 6 Americans (or 48 million people) gets sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die of foodborne diseases. www.cdc.gov

  3. 1. Food from unsafe sources 2. Improper hot/cold holding temperatures 3. Improper cooking temperatures 4. Dirty and/or contaminated utensils & equipment 5. Poor employee health & hygiene CDC: Top 5 Foodborne Illness Risk Factors

  4. 1. Food From Unsafe Sources

  5. Do not purchase food if it has been temperature abused, is infested, or has been adulterated 1. Food From Unsafe Sources

  6. If in doubt, wash produce prior to being prepared, and served. 1. Food From Unsafe Sources

  7. 2. Cold Holding • 41°F or colder In buffets/ salad bars: • Check temp every 2 hrs • 4 hrsin the Danger Zone means throw the food away!

  8. • 140°F or higher • Preheat equipment to140°F • Stir frequently • Check temp every 2 hrs • 4 hours in the Danger Zone mean throw the food away! 2. Hot Holding

  9. When cooling hot foods for later use, they must be rapidly cooled. • 140°F to 70°F within 2 hours; and 70°F to 41°F within 4 additional hours. 2. Cooling

  10. PHF from ambient temp ingredients • Cooled to 41°F or below within four hours 2. Cooling

  11. Cooling Method No No’s 2. Cooling

  12. R-T-E, PHF, held for more than 24 hours • 7 days at 41°F or less • Marked to indicate the day or date the food must be consumed, sold or discarded 2. Date Marking

  13. When reheating cold foods to hot hold for service throughout the day: 2. Reheating • Reheat to 165°F within 2 hours • Reheat on stove or in oven • Check with thermometer

  14. Cooked & refrigerated food Prepared to a customer order can be serve at any temperature Reheating for Immediate Service

  15. To ensure proper temperature: use an accurate probe thermometer to measure the center of the food. 3. Cooking

  16. 3. Cooking • Poultry, Wild game animals (live-caught & field-dressed), Stuffed: fish, meats, pasta, poultry, ratites, Stuffingcontaining fish, meat, poultry, ratites 165°F Ratites, injected meats, raw eggs (pooled) ground meats and fish 155°F Fish, shellfish, shell eggs, meat 145°F Vegetables for hot holding, packaged foods like hot dogs 140°F

  17. Microwave Cooking • Rotate & stir during cooking • Cover to retain moisture • Heat to 165oF in all parts of food • Allow to stand for 2 minutes after cooking 3. Cooking

  18. Cross contamination from raw animal product to Ready-To-Eat foods during storage, preparation, or holding. 4. Dirty or Contaminated Utensils and Equipment

  19. Unwashed hands 4. Dirty or Contaminated Utensils and Equipment

  20. When utensils or equipment become dirty or contaminated, they can transfer that to the food. 4. Dirty or Contaminated Utensils and Equipment

  21. May be contaminated if they come into contact with dirty mop water, garbage, pesticides, sewage, or anything else that could potentially cause illness. 4. Dirty or Contaminated Utensils and Equipment

  22. 4. Dirty or Contaminated Utensils and Equipment

  23. 5. Poor Employee Health and Hygiene

  24. Food workers who are ill with vomiting or diarrhea must be excluded 5. Poor Employee Health and Hygiene

  25. Food workers must be restricted from working with exposed food, clean equipment, utensils, linens, and single-service or single-use items who have: • Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., or Escherichia coli O157:H7. • Persistent sneezing, coughing, or a runny nose. 5. Poor Employee Health and Hygiene

  26. Cuts, sores, or open wounds on the hands and arms must be properly bandaged, covered, and the food worker must wear gloves 5. Poor Employee Health and Hygiene

  27. Proper Glove Use •Wash hands first •Change gloves often •Don’t reuse or wash gloves Gloves are no substitute for handwashing!!!

  28. Handwashingis the single most effective means of preventing the spread of bacteria and viruses, which can cause infections and foodborne illness. 5. Poor Employee Health and Hygiene

  29. When To Wash Hands: •Before starting work After •Handling raw food •Smoking, eating, drinking •Going to the restroom •Handling garbage •Coughing or sneezing •Handling dirty dishes •Glove changes

  30. Before washing hands, remove jewelry and wash hands in sinks designated for hand washing. • Do not wash your hands in utensil, food preparation or service sinks. How to Wash Hands

  31. Handwashing Steps √ Wet hands √ Apply soap and lather √ Rub hands together for 20 seconds √ Rinse thoroughly √ Dry hands with paper towel √ Turn off water with paper towel √ Use the paper towel to open restroom door

  32. Handwashing • Every step of handwashing is important! • Scrubbing with soap = 1 log virus reduction • Rinsing under strong velocity and volume of water = increased effect in physically removing virus • Drying hands with paper towels = 1 log virus reduction

  33. HAND SANITIZERS A hand sanitizer or hand sanitizing solution shall be used: (1) according to the rules adopted under Minnesota Statutes, section 31.101; or (2) if consisting of or made up of a chemical formulation that is not generally recognized as safe under Code of Federal Regulations, title 21, parts 182 and 184, or that is not listed for use as a hand sanitizer under Code of Federal Regulations, title 21, section 178.1010, only if: (a) followed by thorough hand rinsing in clean water or the use of gloves; or (b) used where there is no direct contact with food by the hands. Hand sanitizers are no substitute for hand washing!!!

  34. Questions??

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