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Feudal Japan: Samurai vs Ninja


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Feudal Japan: Samurai vs Ninja

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  1. Introduction In a time long ago, there was a group of children in a small town in Japan. They were all friends, and played games like MahJong together. One day, one of the young boys named Ninjitsu "Ninja" Wang and another of the boys named Samurai Wong got into an argument about whether to play MahJong or else Hide and Seek. Half of the friends sided with young Wang, and the other half with Wong. The argument grew and tempers rose, until the boys finally broke out into a full fight. Ninja's group ran and hid in the nearby woods, and Samurai's group chased after them. A vicious battle ensued, until both groups finally retreated. You are a young shounin (child) in Fuedal Japan in the Kamakura era. You come from a long line of warriors. You must decide what life you will lead a Honorable Samurai or Stealthy Ninja. An upcoming battle is about to begin between the samurai and the ninja clans information is needed about the enemy and about yourself to ensure your side victory. Feudal Japan: Samurai vs Ninja Introduction Task Process Evaluation

  2. Task Form groups of 3 people that consist of 1. A Samurai who will research the history of the enemy Ninja. 2. A Shogun who will research the fighting style and code of honor of the samurai. 3 A Ninja who will research the history of the enemy the Samurai. As a group you will gather information about each other and create a presentation about Feudal Japan as well as Ninja's and the Samurai. The Samurai Introduction Task Process Evaluation

  3. Process Using the following sites (as well as any additional that you find on your own), gather the necessary information about the Samurai, Shogun, and Ninjutsu Samurai Shogun Ninja Once you have information gathered, your group will create an electronic presentation using a web-tool such as Prezi. Make sure to include both information and graphics about all aspects of the criteria. The Samurai Introduction Task Process Evaluation

  4. Evaluation The Samurai Introduction Task Process Evaluation

  5. Samurai As a samurai you will need to find out information about your enemy the ninja. - You need to find out general history of the ninja • Fighting style of the ninja • Weapons of the ninja • Famous ninja in history • The history of ying and yang Websites • http://science.howstuffworks.com/ninja.htm • http://www.ashidakim.com/history.html

  6. Shogun As a shogun you need to know more about your troops. Shogun will reaserch - What is a shogun? • What is the fighting style of the samuria? • Is there a code of honor of the samuria? • What is Seppuku?  Website http://www.artelino.com/articles/samurai.asp

  7. Ninja As a ninja you will need to find out information about your enemy the samurai. - You need to find out general history of the samurai - Fighting style of the samurai - Weapons of the samurai - Famous samurai in history • The history of ying and yang Websites http://www2.kumc.edu/itc/staff/RKnight/Samurai.htm http://www.personal.umich.edu/~malokofs/SCA/Persona/History/samurai.html

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