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Chapter 45 Pages: 71-76

Chapter 45 Pages: 71-76. Casey “ C aesar Augustus” Riley December 21, 2011 . 18 words . Verb . āiō , ( imperfect: āiēbam ). = I stay . http://sivers.org/images/what-not-to-say.gif. Noun . iūdicium , iūdiciī N. = law-court, judgment .

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Chapter 45 Pages: 71-76

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  1. Chapter 45 Pages: 71-76 Casey “Caesar Augustus” Riley December 21, 2011 18 words

  2. Verb āiō, (imperfect: āiēbam) = I stay http://sivers.org/images/what-not-to-say.gif

  3. Noun iūdicium, iūdiciīN = law-court, judgment abjure, adjudicate, adjure, conjuration, conjure, conjurer, injury, injustice, juridical, jurisconsult, jurisdiction, jurisprudence, jurist, juror, jury, just, justice, justifiable, justification, justify, objurgation http://www.modocsuperiorcourt.ca.gov/images%5Ccourthouse_view.jpg

  4. Conjunction at = but http://www.bobdiven.com/images/300_BigButt.jpg

  5. Verb meditor, meditārī, meditātus/a/um sum = I think about, meditate meditate, meditation, meditative, premeditate, premeditated, premeditation http://howtomeditateproperly.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/moon_meditation_silhouette.jpg

  6. Pronoun nescioquis, nescioquid = someone/something or other http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41rLHNf65hL._SL500_AA280_.jpg

  7. Verb omittō, omittere, omīsī, omissus/a/um = I let go, neglect admission, admittance, commissar, commissary, commission, commit, committee, compromise http://www.kaileenelise.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/letting_go.jpg

  8. Verb simulō, simulāre, simulāvī, simulātus/a/um = I pretend assembly, assimilate, assimilation, dissimilate, ensemble, facsimile, resemblance, resemble, semblance http://www.mediastorehouse.com/image/head_and_shoulders_portrait_of_a_person_wearing_mask_headdress_and_brightly_coloured_costume_1132439.jpg

  9. Noun invidia, invidiaeF = envy, spite, malice advisement, advisory, belvedere, belvue, clairvoyant, déjà vu, envisage, envision, envious http://dramyjohnson.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/envy.jpg

  10. Noun aestās, aestātisF = summer estival, aestival, estivation, aestivation, estivate, aestivate http://images.free-extras.com/pics/s/sunny_summer-1153.gif

  11. Verb persequor, persequī, persecutus sum = I follow after, pursue consecutive, consequence, ensue, execute, execution, executive, executor, executrix, non sequitur, obsequious, persecute http://www.do2learn.com/picturecards/images/imageschedule/follow_l.gif

  12. Noun onus, onerisN. = load, burden onus, exonerate, onerous http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/53200/53272/53272_burden_lg.gif

  13. Adjective improbus, improba, improbum = wicked, immoral, bad approbate, approbation, approbative, approbatory, approvable, approval, approve, disapprobation, disapproval, disapprove, disprovable, disproval, disprove, disprover, improbability, improbable, improvable, improvably http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ElyvYUMGink/TV11C1T_dBI/AAAAAAAABMk/rFF8Oj8NnoM/s1600/witch.gif

  14. Noun auris, aurisF = ear aural, auricle, auricula (singular), auricular, auricularly, auriculate, auriculid, auriculocranial, auriculoid, auriculotemporal, auriculoventricular, auriform, aurilave, auripuncture, auris, auriscope, auriscopy, aorist, aurometer, auroscope, dextraurality, levoaurality, sinistraurality http://media.summitmedicalgroup.com/media/db/image-library/shutterstock_15786328.jpg

  15. Adverb iamdūdum = long ago http://en.loadtr.com/old-409562.htm

  16. Adverb tantum = only tantamount http://www.wpclipart.com/page_frames/full_page_signs/traffic_signs_1/one_way_sign_right.png.html

  17. Verb arripiō, arripere, arripuī, arreptus/a/um to grab hold of, to snatch correption, enrapt, enrapture, enraptured, fluviraption, rapacious, rapaciously, rapaciousness, rape, rapid, rapidity, rapidly, rapidness, rapids, rapine, rapt, raptorial, rapture,rapturing, raptured, raptures, rapturist, rapturous, rapturously, rapturousness, ravage, raven, ravening http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_G9ko560eAXo/THb0XF80uoI/AAAAAAAAADk/ui6lSy3eZQA/s1600/101466895_a691ab16f0.jpg

  18. Adjective intimus, intima, intimum = innermost, closest intimacy, intimate, intimately, intimateness, intimate, intimated, intimater, intimation http://www.visualphotos.com/photo/2x4661136/Flock_of_Turkeys_Standing_Close_Together_u19509110.jpg

  19. Adverb quōcumque = (to) wherever - + http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b2/Green_square.svg/400px-Green_square.svg.png http://www.3dtexture.net/data/media/6/evergreen_tree_pole.jpg http://thelegacybuilder.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/where-are-you.jpg

  20. Verb ēripiō, ēripere, ēripuī, ēreptus/a/um = I snatch away, rescue correption, enrapt, enrapture, enraptured, fluviraption, rapacious, rapaciously, rapaciousness, rape http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00067/t2_67981s.jpg

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