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Magnolia Stellata (Royal Star Magnolia) Overview | InstantHedge

Royal Star Magnolia is a deciduous shrub or small tree. Slow growing tree. Medium-sized, medium-green oval leaves. Magnolia Stellata has medium-sized, star-like, and fragrant white flowers from February to March.<br>Know more: https://www.instanthedge.com/royal-star-magnolia-hedge/

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Magnolia Stellata (Royal Star Magnolia) Overview | InstantHedge

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ROYAL STAR MAGNOLIA (Magnolia stellata ‘Royal Star’)

  2. AboutRoyalStarMagnolia RoyalStarMagnolia (MagnoliaStellata RoyalStar) isanearlybloomerwithlarge, fragrant, white, doubleflowersappearing beforethefoliageemergesinspring. A springtimethrillerthatwilladdanicetouch tothelandscapeastheseasons' progress. Usefulasanopen-branched, multi-trunked largeshruborasasmallspecimentree. Excellentcoldandheattolerancefora magnolia. Deciduous.

  3. GrowingRegion USDA Hardiness Zones 5 - 9

  4. Features

  5. WateringRequirements DeerResistant Yes Weekly, orpossiblymore oftenincontainersor extremeheat MatureSize Sun/Shade Upto10’ height and12’ width PartialShadeto FullSun

  6. Maintance DroughtTolerance Moderate LowMaintaince Pest/DiseaseIssues SunsetHeatZones Noseriouspestor diseaseproblems 2 - 9and14 - 24

  7. UsesOfRoyal StarMagnolia (Magnolia Stellata ) MagnoliaStellataisabeautiful specimenfloweringtreeor shrubforlawns, foundations, shrubborders, orwoodland edges. Maybegrownasatall informalhedge.

  8. ForMoreDetails Website: https://www.instanthedge.com/ Email: order@instanthedge.com Address: 27977Canby-MarquamHwy., Canby, OR97013 FollowUs

  9. ThankYou

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