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Adding Life to Your Home Decor: 10 Indoor Hanging Plants

If you are looking for some indoor hanging plants then here are some best plants that you can hang at your home. These plants will give the best home decor.

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Adding Life to Your Home Decor: 10 Indoor Hanging Plants

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  1. Adding Life to Your Home Decor: 10 Indoor Hanging Plants Hanging plants indoors add a touch of refreshment to the interior spaces. Plants have been demonstrated in tests to help decrease stress and indoor air pollution. Indoor hanging plants make the room seem and feel more comfortable and welcoming, regardless of its size. Hanging plants are the best option to accessorize a room if there’s no room for accessible tables, counters, or shelves. These may help to bring life into the house. A home has always been incomplete without plants, but for a long time, people have always preferred outdoor plants. The awareness about indoor hanging plants has increased mostly with social media. Today, more than ever, individuals are discovering how to make the most of their indoor space by hanging house plants. People are beginning to step outside of their comfort zones to embrace their less-than-green thumbs, getting their hands filthy with potting soil and experimenting with plant life. There are several different methods to give our plants a home! They may be displayed on space-saving ladder plant stands, in miniature terrarium dwellings, or just on top of a side table. If running short on room, small hanging indoor plants are a fantastic alternative.

  2. Shapes and Colors of Hanging Plants Source: pinimg.com

  3. A typical room layout with conventional furniture makes it look simple and boring. Adding even a single hanging house plant can liven up the whole space and add energy to the room. Hanging plants come in a wide variety of foliage, shapes, and colors. Ranging from ivies with star and heart-shaped leaves pouring over the sides of containers to plants with spiky leaves pointing upwards and adding verticality, there is a sea of options to choose from. One can find lots of shades of greens in different hanging plants. However, variegation, with stripes and splotches of lemon yellow for a distinct appearance, is one trait to watch for while choosing indoor hanging plants. Where to Feature an Indoor Hanging Plant? Source: treehugger.com

  4. From living space to even a bathroom, an indoor hanging plant can be placed anywhere. Putting indoor hanging plants in a restroom imparts a feeling of spa-like serenity without blocking the space on countertops of the floor. One thing hanging plants guarantee is a point of interest in space. Featuring it anywhere, it will impart a sense of calm and tranquillity. Mothering a Hanging Plant Source: birdsandblooms.com Although it may appear difficult to care for a hanging plant, the same guidelines apply: Before putting the plant, succulent, or flowers in a new planter, learn how much water and sun it requires to flourish.

  5. Plants that require strong light thrive in a south-facing window, although many of the plants may thrive in low-light environments as well. And, above all, ensure that the planter has drainage holes to avoid overwatering. Keeping these basic guidelines may aid in the good growth of the plant which in return will add to the aesthetics of the space. Choosing the Best Indoor Hanging Plant There are several containers and hanging techniques to select from for indoor hanging plants. Here is a list of the best hanging plants to create a fine hanging garden in the interiors.

  6. 1. Spider Plant Source: fleurenflower.nl

  7. Source: silive.com

  8. Spider plants are popular for their feature long, strappy leaves and arching stems with tiny plantlets on the ends that may be plucked off to create new plants. It is advisable to keep this plant in a bright room, even though it can adjust to low-light situations. This plant needs watering when the soil starts to get dry. Spider Plant is amongst the easiest indoor plants to take care of and grows into a charming green plant. Its beautiful thin and curved leaves look aesthetically pleasing overgrowing from the hanging basket for the plant. 2. Orchid Source: brilliantorchids.com

  9. Source: angusandceleste.com Orchids (Orchidaceae) have interesting forms that make for interesting interior hanging plants. Their lovely flowers will serve the space with a splash of color and elegance. Orchids should be hung where they’ll get enough light to thrive—ideally near a window.

  10. Phalaenopsis Orchids have a terrible reputation for being picky, but they’re rather forgiving. As long as these plants get bright, indirect light and water once a week, they’ll bloom for months, if not years. 3. English Ivy Source: birdsandblooms.com

  11. Source: mashtalegypt.com The English Ivy is a woody perennial climber. It’s simple to produce and care for. In some places, it’s called an invasive species. It looks lovely flowing over the sides of a pot or hanging basket. Although it requires moderate light, it can adapt to low-light situations also. This plant should be allowed to dry in between the waterings. This classic plant is one of the greatest low-light indoor plants. A hanging basket of English ivy from the ceiling appears graceful with its flowing tendrils.

  12. 4. Pothos Source: googleapis.com

  13. Source: simplifyplants.com Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is one of the simplest houseplants to cultivate since it adapts to a wide range of circumstances. It is one of the best houseplants for air purification, making it an excellent choice for your bedroom. Hanging pothos near a bed can help an individual sleep better at night. The space accommodating this easy hanging plant brightens up with variegated leaves trailing over a container.

  14. 5. String of Pearls Source: weimgs.com

  15. Source: gardeningknowhow.com This lovely plant, which has leaves that resemble peas, is a succulent creeping vine. It’s low-maintenance and doesn’t require much watering, just like any other succulent. To help them endure long periods of drought, their plump spherical pearls are packed with water. With all the vines pulled to one side to create a “spilled” impression, it looks lovely in a hanging planter. The trailing stems can reach a length of 2 to 3 feet. The string of pearls is a fashionable hanging plant with a unique appearance. The spreading form of this plant makes it the best hanging plant for houses with high ceilings or a lot of vacant vertical space that needs to be filled.

  16. 6. Boston Fern Source: bostonmagazine.com

  17. Source: apartmenttherapy.info These low-cost ferns are popular houseplants. Despite its preference for wet soil, it is drought resistant. Bushy and somewhat serrated, the fronds are a brilliant bright green. Boston ferns require high humidity and continual light wetness, which may be achieved by placing them on top of a tray filled with stones and water. When they’re placed in a hanging basket, their fluffy fronds make for a lovely sight.

  18. These plants should be kept away from the top of the ceiling to allow appropriate air circulation. Boston ferns are a fantastic plant to have in the bedroom or living room since they cleanse the air and are safe for dogs. 7. Grape Ivy Source: fengshuifaqs.com

  19. Source: shopify.com The fuzzy leaves of this lesser-known ivy species turn glossy as they grow. It loves moderate light but can quickly adapt to low light. The soil for this plant should be kept wet but not soggy.

  20. 8. Maidenhair Fern Source: pinimg.com

  21. Source: redd.it

  22. The name of this lovely indoor hanging plant comes from its delicate appearance. Underneath its light green foliage, it has purple leaves. Keep the humidity levels up by spritzing this houseplant a few times a week. The wispy light green foliage of this indoor hanging pant makes it one of the best indoor hanging plants. Because of its beautiful, fluffy fronds, this plant is ideal for keeping in the living room. 9. Burro’s Tail Source: thespruce.com

  23. Source: pinimg.com

  24. These hanging houseplants are succulents, which means they can go without water for lengthy periods and love bright light. The succulent family is known for its thick and fleshy leaves, which help plants to retain water over time. These indoor hanging plants thrive in large spaces with plenty of open space so they may trail down without colliding with anything. The lengthy stems droop from the pot’s sides, giving it a one-of-a-kind look.

  25. 1o. Christmas Cactus Source: cottagefarmsdirect.com

  26. Source: hearstapps.com This blooming plant’s arching shape looks great in a hanging container. Because flower colors change with the seasons, keep a lookout for various species throughout the year. It demands plenty of sunlight and water, only when the soil is fully dry.

  27. Source: katychristianmagazine.com Plants are very breathtaking. It’s like breathing fresh air when you bring a plant into your space. Indoor hanging plants can add a feeling of calm and beauty to any space, whether it’s at home or work. They also filter toxins from the air, are proven to benefit your health through aromatherapy, and may relieve stress simply by providing a relaxing environment. They also clean air to improve your respiratory system while exuding a calming effect to the indoors, and therefore, they are a must-have in your home decor. For more architectural guidance and home improvement ideas, keep coming to Interiorcraze.

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