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世界宗教概覽 基督教和其它信仰 教會史略與宗教改革,羅馬天主教

世界宗教概覽 基督教和其它信仰 教會史略與宗教改革,羅馬天主教. 2011/11/06 主日學. 教會史略 (1). 使徒時代 (主後 30-100 年) 五旬節聖靈降臨,使徒們大有能力,在耶路撒冷開始作福音的見證 初期教會靠著聖靈的大能,在短短七十年中,將福音的種子撒遍了聖地、小亞細亞、希臘、羅馬 ,.... 迫害時代 (主後 100-313 年) 先後興起之異端 以便派 ( Ebionism ) -遵行舊約的律法 以辛派 ( Essenes ) -相信世界為天使所造 馬桑派 ( Marcion ) -相信真神有二,即好神與壞神

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世界宗教概覽 基督教和其它信仰 教會史略與宗教改革,羅馬天主教

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  1. 世界宗教概覽基督教和其它信仰 教會史略與宗教改革,羅馬天主教

    2011/11/06 主日學
  2. 教會史略 (1) 使徒時代(主後30-100年) 五旬節聖靈降臨,使徒們大有能力,在耶路撒冷開始作福音的見證 初期教會靠著聖靈的大能,在短短七十年中,將福音的種子撒遍了聖地、小亞細亞、希臘、羅馬,.... 迫害時代(主後100-313年) 先後興起之異端 以便派(Ebionism)-遵行舊約的律法 以辛派(Essenes)-相信世界為天使所造 馬桑派(Marcion)-相信真神有二,即好神與壞神 智慧派(Gnosticism,诺斯替主义)-釘十字架的不是耶穌…人欲得救必須靠神秘的智慧,脫離一切之拘束而上歸於神。 羅馬帝國迫害基督徒最殘烈的時期
  3. 教會史略 (2) 國教時代(主後313-590年) 君士坦丁大帝以基督教為國教 定星期日為聚會及休息之日。 羅馬士兵可於該日自由參加聚會,… 諭令繕製聖經五十本。 君士坦丁對社會及律法之改革 廢止釘十字架刑, 廢止人與人、人與獸之殊死鬥 禁止離婚淫亂, 禁止虐待犯人。 教會開始腐化 高大的教堂,禮拜變成繁複、儀式化而死板。 由於此種基督教的腐化,而逐漸形成了日後天主教的體系。 亞流(Arius)異端興起 發言監督隨員亞他那修發言,..製定尼西亞信條(Nicean Creed)。 正統之神學者計有:優西比烏(Eusebius),亞他那修(Athanasius),克理斯多模(Chrysostom),耶柔米(Jerome),及奧古斯丁(Augustine)。
  4. 教會史略 (3) 天主教時代(主後590-1517年) 景教流行中國 (781AD - 大秦景教流行中國碑立) 涅斯多留派(Nestorianism)異端(即景教): 主耶穌剛剛降生時只有人性而無神性 景教在盛唐,華流傳210年後 回教之興起(610AD) - 穆罕默德(570-632年) 宣稱按照天使之傳授寫成可蘭經(Koran)。 回教信仰所信之神阿拉(Allah),穆罕默德大先知,耶稣基督小先知。 以刀劍宣傳信仰,回教勢力西至西班牙,東達印度。後回教更傳遍亞洲及南太平洋
  5. 教會史略 (4) 天主教時代(主後590-1517年)… 東西方分裂 (天主教,東正教1054 ), Byzantine拜占庭帝國) 十字軍東征(主後1095-1272年) 七次(..九次),未達恢復聖地之目的 土耳其人稱霸(,Ottoman empire奥斯曼帝国)在聖地以殘忍污辱方法對待基督徒 未達恢復聖地之目的 每次之遠征皆為教皇、皇帝或貴族所統管,他們暗中另外之目的是增加權勢,擴張地土。 無精良將領,道路不熟,交通不便,補給不足。 參加軍隊的人動機不純,有的為得贖罪票,有的為獲免刑,有的為了好奇與遊歷,有的為逃稅。
  6. 教會史略 (5) 天主教極盛時期(主後1073-1303年) … 十世紀時為黑暗時代,教會腐敗,教皇邪惡,宮廷之中,成為謀殺與娼妓之所。 直至1073年賀底貝蘭(Hildebrand)就任教皇,情勢才為之一變。 該人剛強有為,力圖整頓,勵行下列政策,使天主教會權勢達最高: 嚴禁教職之買賣-因當時天主教人之職位、頭銜可用金錢購買。 嚴禁神父結婚,已婚者迫令離婚。 提高教皇權勢。 此後直到十四世紀,教皇權勢遠超皇帝之上,當時有言曰:"天上有二大光,即日月,地上有二大權柄,即教皇與皇帝。教皇代表日,皇帝代表月" ,甚至皇帝即位,亦需經教皇之批准。
  7. 教會史略 (6) 天主教衰頹時期(主後1303-1517年) … 主後1303年是天主教最後一個專權獨裁的教皇本尼腓第八(Bonafice VIII)逝世,其後天主教進入衰頹之期,原因如下: 教皇及教職人員行為敗壞邪惡。 教會中充滿迷信及偶像。 聚會純為形式。 教皇、監督、及教職缺乏學識,無聖經知識。 教皇被遷 (主後1305-1377年) 本尼腓第八就任教皇時本是教皇高峰時期,但因法王腓力的堅強爭鬥,教皇權勢至終屈服於政府之下。 及至革裡免五世就任教皇時,教皇宮廷被迫由羅馬遷王法國南部的亞威農(Avignon)七十年之久,正與以往猶太人被擄巴比倫七十年相對照,史家亦如此稱之。 1370年以後,羅馬人因遠離教皇宮廷,不甘寂寞,遂選一主教在羅馬為教皇,於是兩個教皇彼此為敵,互相攻擊,從未停止。 在此時代之末葉,哥倫布發現了新大陸,活字版印刷術問世,人民頭腦,耳目為之一新,又加上文藝復興帶來了自由思想,於是文人智士之中反教皇之思想及呼聲逐漸成長以致不能壓制,引進了改教之先聲。
  8. 教會史略 (7) 宗教改革時代(主後1517-1648年) 宗教改革之鋪路者 威克里夫(John Wycliff 1334-1384年)將聖經從拉丁文譯為英文; 約翰胡司(John Huss 1369-1415年), 薩沃那柔拉(Savonarola 1452-1498年)殉道 馬丁路德(Martin Luther 1483-1546年)及宗教改革 教皇利歐第十(Leo X)欲重修聖彼得大教堂,需用極多金錢,派人四處推銷贖罪票,稱該種贖罪票可“替已死之親友贖罪”…於1517年10/31日在教堂門上張貼了九十五條宣告 德國北部諸州一致擁護路德,信奉新教,教皇鼓動當時的皇帝查理五世攻打他們,經十年爭戰,結果於奧古斯堡訂合約,新教由此得到法律認可。 1529年雙方在斯派爾舉行會議,其中天主教徒佔多數,會議結果偏重天主教利益,更正教的人遂起而抗議,更正教遂被稱為抗議者(Protestant-The One Who Protests),或更正宗的
  9. 教會史略 (8) 宗教改革時代(主後1517-1648年)歐洲其他國家 瑞士 在慈運理(Zwingli)領導之下改教相當徹底,不但教義改變,禮拜的規條與形式也完全改變。 更正教神學家約翰加爾文(John Calvin) 在日內瓦開辦學院,成為更正教教義的中心堡壘,瑞士成為更正教之模範區。 荷蘭很快就接受了更正教,當時荷蘭地區受查理五世統治,他曾下令燒毀一切路德的著作,禁止人民閱讀聖經,並殺害近十萬的新教徒。 直到1609年,經過非常的痛苦與革命之後,北部荷蘭終獲獨立,信奉新教。 北歐 (丹麥、挪威、瑞典)皆先後於十六世紀初期,接受並立更正教為國教。
  10. 教會史略 (8) 宗教改革時代(主後1517-1648年)歐洲其他國家 英國 自始即認為英國的教會應該獨立,但至亨利第八(1504-1549年)時始付諸實行,與羅馬脫離了關係。 及至瑪利皇后(1553-1558年)時又定意恢復天主教,極多更正教人被殺害,直到伊利沙伯女皇期中(1558-1603年),人民宗教自由才定了根基,以聖公會為國家教會 蘇格蘭 有天主教神父約翰諾克斯(John Knox 1515-1572年)接受了更正教信仰並傳講更正教教義。 受到加爾文的教導,1559年回到蘇格蘭,負責全國改教運動。 經過許多努力與內戰,蘇格蘭徹底成為更正教國。 大體按照加爾文的教訓訂立規條,派長老督責教友,是為長老會之始(Presbyterian Church)。 天主教對抗改教運動之方法 耶穌會(Jesuits, 1534) ; 異教裁判所(Inquisition) 反改教運動(Counter Reformation)
  11. 教會史略 (8) 宗教改革時代(主後1517-1648年)歐洲其他國家 法國1559年時,已經有四十萬更正教徒,教皇下令將他們全部消滅,耶穌會的人走遍各地,鼓動臣民告發捕捉。 1572年聖巴多羅買節日,有九萬更正教徒被屠殺, 直至1598年訂立南特協定(Edict of Nantes),才獲得宗教自由。 但1685年復被教廷廢止,直至1789年法國大革命以後,教皇的極權勢力才被限制,個人宗教自由才被建立。 西班牙: 耶穌會及異教裁判所在西班牙的工作極為徹底,以至更正教徒不是被殺就是充軍,幾乎沒有留下一個,西班牙至今仍是天主教國家。 其他(奧地利、匈牙利、波蘭,與義大利)之更正教徒經耶穌會半世紀的壓迫殘殺,當時差不多消滅淨盡。
  12. 教會史略 (8) 普世佈道運動時代 敬虔運動(Pietism) 弟兄會(Brethren)西方第一熱心海外宣道的教會 清教徒運動(Puritanism) 循道會(Methodism,即衛理公會) 美國的大甦醒運動(Great Awakening 1734-1744年) 救世軍(Salvation Army) - 卜維廉(William Boots) 克理威廉(William Carey)至印度傳教 ; 馬禮遜(Robert Morrison)來華 李文斯敦(David Livingston 1813-1873年)赴非洲 孙大信(Sundar Singh)去西藏 戴德生(Hudson Taylor 1832-1905年)来华 慕迪 (Dwight L. Moody1837-1899年) 王明道(Wang Ming-Dao), 宋尚节(John Sung)
  13. 天主教 天主教 (Catholics) 之所以稱為羅馬天主教 在羅馬起始,全世界的天主教區、教職,及其一切信徒皆聽命於羅馬的梵蒂崗 初期教會,到第四世紀時漸漸形成了五個教會中心點:即羅馬、君士坦丁堡、安提阿、耶路撒冷,與亞歷山大, 羅馬的監督認為羅馬城是當時世界的政治中心,所以羅馬的教會也該是世界的教會中心,於是就宣布羅馬的監督,是“普世之父”-即教皇 個人相信 天主教中仍有很多信徒在個人方面,是全心愛主,是蒙恩得救的 天主教的教職中有多少生活聖潔,敬虔事主的僕人們
  14. 天主教信仰(1) 天主教徒小冊子
  15. 天主教信仰 (2) 次經,旁經 天主教徒小冊子
  16. 使徒信經 我信上帝,全能的父,創造天地的主。 我信我主耶穌基督,上帝的獨生子﹔ 因著聖靈感孕,從童貞女馬利亞所生﹔ 在本丟彼拉多手下受難,被釘在十字架上,受死,埋葬﹔ 降在陰間﹔第三天從死里復活﹔ 他升天,坐在全能父上帝的右邊﹔ 將來必從那里降臨,審判活人,死人。 我信聖靈﹔ 我信聖而公之教會﹔我信聖徒相通﹔ 我信罪得赦免﹔ 我信身體復活﹔ 我信永生。阿們!
  17. 天主教信仰 (3) 天主教徒小冊子
  18. 天主教信仰 (4) 天主教徒小冊子
  19. 天主教信仰 (5) 天主教徒小冊子
  20. 天主教信仰 (6) 天主教徒小冊子
  21. 天主教十一問題 (!) 的信仰 羅馬天主教是唯一真教會 教皇無誤論 罪 功德 洗禮 煉獄 向神父認罪與被赦罪 功德庫 贖罪票 敬拜馬利亞 相信遺物
  22. 基督教與天主教信仰比較表
  23. 基督教與天主教信仰比較表 (2)
  24. 天主教的信仰(一)羅馬天主教是唯一真教會 羅馬天主教說:彼得是教會的基石(太十六17~19),天國的鑰匙交給了他,惟有彼得能打開天國的門,惟獨他能捆綁或釋放。 彼得成為羅馬教會第一任監督,所以羅馬也應該是全世界教會的中心與總管。 藉著連續不斷的按手禮,一切所賜給彼得的權柄,都傳給了以後歷任的教皇,直至今日。 主耶穌曾說要在彼得的磐石上建造“我的教會”;天主教當然就是主說的“我的教會”,也就是普世唯一真教會。 聖經真道 馬太福音十六18所說的“彼得”二字,在原文的意思是一塊單獨的石頭(Petros)。 这座磐石,不是彼得而是耶稣自己 彼得引用先知的話為主作見證:"看哪!我把所揀選、所寶貴的房角石,安放在錫安;信靠祂的人必不至羞愧。"(彼前二6)。 這"房角石"是誰呢? 請讀弗二20:"並且被建造在使徒(們)先知(們)的根基上,有基督耶穌自己為房角石"
  25. 天主教的信仰(二)教皇無誤論 在一八七零年的梵蒂崗會議中,羅馬天主教宣布了所謂教皇無誤的說法;教皇所作一切有關信仰及道德的諭旨,都是絕對正確而不可能有錯誤的;教皇所頒一切命令是普世天主教徒所應該完全相信、接受,並遵從的。  聖經真道 聖經中找不到一個地方可以作教皇無誤論之根據。 聖經中卻明確告訴我們監督、執事、長老等,負責牧養群羊之人的靈性與道德標準。 (徒六3,廿28;提前三1~13;多一5~9) (徒六3,廿28;提前三1~13;多一5~9) 從歷史裡我們看到歷代多少教皇言行的缺欠,而且後世之教皇常常廢止以往教皇之諭旨,並斥為矣謁。 甚至曾有三人同時宣布自己為教皇,而互相攻擊。 教皇無誤論僅在百餘年前(主後一八七零年),在梵蒂崗的會議中經過諸多抗議而強行通過為天主教信條的。
  26. 天主教的信仰(三)罪 羅馬天主教認為人類所犯之罪分為二類:一類是"該死的罪";一類是"可恕的罪"。 "該死的罪"使犯罪者成為神的敵人,應入地獄。 "可恕的罪"不使犯者成為神的敵人,也不致墮入永刑。 聖經真道 人所犯的一切罪都足以引致滅亡。 聖經告訴我們:"罪的工價乃是死"(羅六23),又說:"凡遵守全律法的,只在一條上跌倒,他就是犯了眾條。"(雅二10) 只要人肯悔改認罪,神必赦免我們的罪,凡不悔改的,一切罪都是該死的。 (約壹一9)
  27. 天主教的信仰(四)功德 羅馬天主教認為人得救只靠信心不夠,必須也靠善行與功德。 人的功德若不夠,則可藉用其他聖徒或聖母馬利亞之"多餘功德"來補個人善功之不足。 天主教用雅二22"信心是與他的行為並行,而且信心因著行為才得成全",作他們的根據。  聖經真道 查考原文,這裡的"行為"二字並不是善行或功德的解釋,而是行動與實行的意思。 這里雅各是說活的信心與死的信心之不同,"信"的本身就是一個行動。 是說有行動的(活的)信心是完全的信心。 "你們得救是本乎恩,也因著信,這並不是出於自己,乃是神所賜的;也不是出於行為,免得有人自誇。"(弗二8,9) 神在他恩典中,用信心相信並接受耶穌,成就了救贖的恩典,在主裡重生成了新造的人,行為自然有了改變。 好行為乃是得救的結果,而不是得救的條件。
  28. 天主教的信仰(五)洗禮 認為洗禮是得救的必要條件,人臨死前若不經過神父的洗禮,要立刻下地獄! 1215年第四屆拉特蘭會議中宣布洗禮可洗淨一切已犯之罪! 認為耶穌基督寶血的諸般功能,乃是藉著各種聖禮而臨到信眾。 洗禮的水可以確實洗去人的罪,並免去一切當受的懲罰。 當洗禮的水灑到嬰兒身上時,嬰兒的原罪就立刻被洗淨 羅馬天主教更引用約三5的話:"人若不是從水和聖靈生的,不能進神的國。"他們認為這裡所提的水即洗禮的意思,所以凡受過天主教洗禮的,就是"重生得救"的人。 聖經真道 洗禮並不能洗去人的罪。 洗禮乃是一個見證、一個表示。信心才是得救的根基。 聖經告訴我們說:(羅六3-4)洗禮乃是我們與基督同死、同埋葬、同復活的一個公開見證,表徵一個屬靈經歷。 洗禮的本身並不能洗淨罪。 洗禮是好的,是信徒當遵行的,但若不從心里相信接受耶穌為救主,縱使洗一百次,也不能得救。 反之,那與主同釘的強盜,雖未受洗,卻因信而得救了。 所以洗禮只是一個外在的見證。 我們不能同意嬰兒受洗的事。 因為受洗是個外面的見證,表示裡面的一個真實經歷;對於無知的嬰兒這是不適用的。 在聖經裡我們也找不到嬰兒受洗的例子與教訓。 約三5所說的水並不是指洗禮,而是指神的道、神的話、基督寶血洗淨之能力。 神的話進入我們耳中,聖靈感動我們,使我們相信並接受神的話,我們的罪被主寶血洗淨,我們成了新造的人,重生得救了,這是經文的意思。
  29. 天主教的信仰(六)煉獄 煉獄之說乃是受了佛教及其他異教學說之影響,主後第三、四世紀時,即已有一些類似說法流傳。 第六世紀末,羅馬天主教第一任正式教皇大貴格利宣布,在天堂地獄之間有熬煉之火存在。 至十五世紀,羅馬教廷正式將煉獄列為信條:未悔改而死的惡人一直墜落地獄,具有特殊功德的人直升天庭,絕大多數的一般信徒則需經過煉獄火燒之苦。 煉獄中之長短,羅馬天主教神學家們意見不同。 有的認為每人每日平均犯30個小罪。 每一小罪需受煉獄之苦一日,再加上其他大罪,則一個60歲死去的人平均需在煉獄中1800年! 聖經真道 天主教引用林前三15的話:"人的工程若被燒了,他就要受虧損,自己卻要得救,雖然得救乃像從火裡經過的一樣。"認為所說的火就是指煉獄。 但他們卻不看見使徒在這信息裡所談的,並不是罪的問題,而是事奉的問題。 天主教多引用"次經"及教父們的話證明煉獄之存在,因為聖經裡找不出煉獄的教訓。 神的話說:"從今以後,在主裡面而死的人有福了。聖靈說:是的,他們息了自己的勞苦,作工的果效也隨著他們。"(啟十四13) "耶穌對他說:我實在告訴你,今日你要同我在樂園裡了。"(路廿三43) "我們坦然無懼,是更願意離開身體與主同住。"(林後五8) "因我活著就是基督,我死了就有益處。我正在兩難之間,情願離世與基督同在,因為這是好得無比的。"(腓一21~23) "因為你們已死了,你們的生命與基督一同藏在神裡面。基督是我們的生命,他顯現的時候,你們也要與他一同顯現在榮耀裡。"(西三3,4)
  30. 天主教的信仰(七)向神父認罪與被赦罪 羅馬天主教認為洗禮是洗去原罪與以往所犯之罪,但受洗以後所犯之罪則必須向神父認罪才得赦免,因為神已將審判、定罪與赦罪的權柄給了神父。 羅馬天主教引用約廿23的話:"你們赦免誰的罪,誰的罪就赦免了;你們留下誰的罪,誰的罪就留下了",作為根據。 16世紀的天特會議宣布凡不相信並遵守此信條的,必受咒詛。 聖經真道 在聖經中,找不出記載主的門徒或使徒們,接受人悔罪,或宣布赦罪。 約廿19~23所記載耶穌復活顯現的事,與路廿四36~49所記載的,乃是同一件事。 路加福音詳細地說明了,當時在場的人不單包括了十一位使徒,也包括 “和他們的同人”(33) 聖經清楚告訴我們:"只有一位神,在神和人中間只有一位中保,乃是降世為人的基督耶穌。"(提前二5) 我們再看使徒們如何遵行主的話。 彼得在五旬節時藉先知的話宣布說:"凡求告主名的,就必得救。"(徒二21)彼得併沒有說:"凡向我悔罪的,就必得救。"使徒們是按著主的命令宣揚他的道。 凡接受耶穌的,罪得赦免;不信的,必被定罪。 當腓立比的獄卒問保羅和西拉說:"我當怎樣行才可以得救?"他們的回答乃是:"當信主耶穌,你和你一家都必得救。"(徒十六31) 聖經清楚告訴我們:“只有一位神,在神和人中間只有一位中保,乃是降世為人的基督耶穌。”(提前二5)耶穌為我們死了,為我們開了一條又新又活的路,使我們來到父神面前。 我們決不相信在耶穌以外,我們仍需要其他中保。 關於"赦免"與"留下"的意義:主自己吩咐說:"基督必受害,第三日從死裡復活,並且人要奉他的名傳悔改赦罪的道,從耶路撒冷起直傳到萬邦。你們就是這些事的見證。"(路廿四46,47)
  31. 天主教的信仰(八)功德庫 羅馬天主教認為人必須藉禁食、禱告、捐獻、善行來積蓄功德,而所積之功德可抵銷個人所犯之罪過。 功德特高者可免去煉獄之苦。 大功大德之人,所積功德遠超過自己所需,他們可將多餘的功德,移交所謂"教會寶藏",即"功德庫"中。 此庫儲藏著基督藉彌撒而施放之功德,以及"聖母"馬利亞和諸"聖人"之多餘功德,而由"基督的代表人"-教皇,全權處理運用。 羅馬天主教的教訓是信徒多參加彌撒,並多向天主教會奉獻金錢,即可獲得功德庫中多餘功德之分配,而縮短或免去煉獄之苦。 聖經真道 多少世紀來,這"功德庫"無疑成了羅馬天主教轄制人,聚斂錢財的最大方法之一。 整個"功德庫"的說法,近乎原始迷信;不但在聖經中找不出絲毫教訓和根據,一般有識之士也不該相信這種說法。 聖經告訴我們:"現在基督已經來到,作了將來美事的大祭司用自己的血,只一次進入聖所,成了永遠贖罪的事。"(來九11-12)聖經又說:"他(耶穌)為我們的罪作了挽回祭,不是單為我們的罪,也是為普天下人的罪。"(約壹二2)不論時間和空間,人類一切贖罪、得救的事,基督在十字架上已經一次而永遠地解決了。 我们今世来世一切所需,都可从基督耶稣那里因信而得到。 我們今世來世一切所需,都可從基督耶穌那裡因信而得到。 神說:"我的恩典夠你用的",可見不必再依靠什麼寶德庫,或所謂"聖"人的餘功。 一切的"聖"人和馬利亞都需要主耶穌的救恩才能得救,自己不可能有任何功德,更談不到有功德可以分給別人。 聖經中曾提到賞賜:"人在那根基上所建造的工程,若存得住,他就要得賞賜。"(林前三14)但神的賞賜純是出乎恩典,並不是因著人的功德而給與。 甚至神最大的恩典,將他的獨生子賜給世人,也是白白賜給,而不是因著人的任何功德或善行。
  32. 天主教的信仰(九)贖罪票 天主教認為,基督在世時既有權向犯罪的婦人說:"我也不定你的罪。去罷,從此不要再犯罪了。"教皇是"基督耶穌的代表人",當然也可作同樣的事,可以赦人的罪,並且有權從教會寶藏(功德庫)中支取余德給需要的人,給與的方式是一張贖罪票。 千百年來贖罪票大體可分下列數種: 限時贖罪票, 個人贖罪票,  特別贖罪票, 即時贖罪票-為緊急之用, 通用贖罪票, 無限贖罪票, … 另外還有一種贖罪票,發行於一五一七年。 當時羅馬教皇急需大筆款項修建聖彼得大教堂,遂差遣代表四處出售賣該種贖罪票。 該票可使購票人已死之親屬立刻脫離煉獄,直升天庭。 教皇代表到馬丁路德之教區聚眾演講:"聽啊!你們的父母、妻子、兒女們在煉獄中的哀號!當你們的錢落在這錢櫃中而發出響聲時,他們的靈魂就立刻升入天國了。" 這種情形傳入馬丁路德耳中,激起了他寫九十五條宣告的決心。 終於在漫無邊際的黑暗之中,引進了光亮-宗教改革。 時至今日贖罪票的製度仍然用各種不同方式進行。 聖經真道 (弗二8,9 )聖經明明告訴我們說:"你們得救是本乎恩,也因著信,這並不是出於自己,乃是神所賜的,也不是出於行為,免得有人自誇。神的話也告訴我們:"我們在愛子裡得蒙救贖,罪過得以赦免"(西一14)。 爱子就是耶稣基督,信靠他是通往永生唯一的路,因為"除他以外別無拯救,因為在天上人間,沒有賜下別的名,我們可以靠著得救"(徒四12) 。 天主教用贖罪票的方法聚斂錢財並控制人的救恩問題,是完全違反聖經的。 假若"買票"可以贖罪,那麼基督的寶血與十字架的功勞都是不必要的了。 假若金錢可以去掉罪,那麼世上的富翁們可以許多變象的、使人可以"將功折罪"的辦法。 例如多年前筆者去羅馬參觀梵蒂崗聖彼得大教堂,該堂內有一段寬闊的樓梯,約有二、三十級之高,旁有一木牌,上面寫著,凡用膝蓋爬上此樓梯者,可免受煉獄之苦若干年。 天主教徒們,男女老幼,用膝蓋跪行,恭敬的爬此樓梯,絡驛不絕。 所以赎罪票及一切"将功折罪"的人为办法都是不合圣经的错误教训,在赦罪与救恩的事上,毫无用处。
  33. 天主教的信仰(十A)敬拜馬利亞 羅馬天主教敬拜馬利亞的程度,有些地方已經超過了敬拜神或基督的程度。 十六世紀的天特會議中,稱馬利亞為"向自己所生之王代求的天后"。 四世紀末時,西方教會(即羅馬教會)就開始向馬利亞禱告了。 在天主教的日曆中,每年有十四個節日為慶祝馬利亞而設,每週六要紀念馬利亞,很多地方每年的五月全月獻給了馬利亞。 一九五三年被定為馬利亞年。 耶穌是神,馬利亞被稱為"神母"。天主教認為:當我們向主耶穌禱告時,若轉請馬利亞向主代求,耶穌當會因母親之情面而容易(或優先)答應我們的祈求。 馬利亞無罪成胎論祂(Immaculate Conception) 馬利亞在母腹中是無罪成胎的,所以馬利亞沒有原罪。 "没有原罪的女子"。 天使稱她為"蒙大恩的女子",意思也就是說:"沒有原罪的女子"。 馬利亞始終童身: 馬利亞終身是童身的,聖經中所提耶穌的兄弟實在是他的表兄弟。 馬利亞升天論祂(The Assumption of Mary) 馬利亞無原罪,終身沒犯罪,極端聖潔,以致她與我們的主一樣,死後三天復活併升天了。 現在天上坐在基督的右邊被封為天后。 耶穌基督是"救主"(Redeemer),馬利亞是"同救主“ (Co-Redemptrix)。
  34. 天主教的信仰(十B)敬拜馬利亞 聖經真道 神在眾女子中選擇了馬利亞作道成肉身的器皿,當然有他的理由。 報信的天使曾對她說:"蒙大恩的女子,我問你安,主和你同在了......你在神面前已經蒙恩了。"(路一28~30)馬利亞無疑是一個敬畏神、謙卑、安靜,具有美德之女子。 施洗約翰的母親以利沙伯被聖靈充滿對她說:"你在婦人中是有福的,你所懷的胎也是有福的。"(路一42) 但馬利亞不能因這一切的福而驕傲(她本人並未因此驕傲,事實上也不該驕傲),正如以色列人不能因為被神揀選為選民而驕傲一樣。 摩西死前在曠野向以色列人說:"以色列啊!你是有福的,誰像你這蒙耶和華拯救的百姓呢?"(申卅三29)這話與以利沙伯向馬利亞所說的話極為相似。 以色列人之被選,不是因著他們自己的長處,而是完全因著神的揀選。 "耶和華說:我要顯我一切的恩慈......我要恩待誰就恩待誰,要憐憫誰就憐憫誰。"馬利亞之被選也是如此。 一、禱告時,特請馬利亞向耶穌代求是完全不合聖經的;向任何聖徒祈禱,也是不合聖經的;向天使祈禱也是不合聖經的。 我们只能向主耶稣,或藉着主向父祈求。 我們只能向主耶穌,或藉著主向父祈求。 " 因為"神和人中間只有一位中保,就是降世為人的耶穌基督。" 聖經中找不出向馬利亞或聖徒或天使禱告的教訓。 我們與神之間不需其他中保,更不需要徇情取巧的方法。 主耶穌清楚告訴我們:"你們奉我的名無論求什麼,我必成就,叫父因兒子得榮耀。"(約十四13)可見我們的禱告與馬利亞、聖徒或天使亳無關係。 二、天主教為要將馬利亞高舉為神,就先證明馬利亞沒有原罪。 若是"蒙大恩"可以當作"無原罪"解釋的話,那麼但以理"大蒙眷愛"也可以算為"無原罪"了。 聖經中沒有任何地方可作為馬利亞無原罪而成胎的根據。 馬利亞本人所作的讚美詩中說:"我心尊主為大,我靈以神我的救主為樂。"惟有罪人才需要救主,馬利亞承認並自然流露了她對救主的需要。 她與約瑟去聖殿,在她潔淨的日子獻祭,表示她自己有罪需要救贖。 (路二24;利十二)。 (路二24;利十二)。
  35. 天主教的信仰(十B)敬拜馬利亞 聖經真道 三、這是一個嚴肅的問題,是我們的主在世之母的事,我們不願輕率講論。 但為駁斥矣謁,我們有以下的明辨: 天主教有一種不正確的思想,他們認為不結婚者較結婚者為聖潔。 所以為了高舉馬利亞,必須要證明她是始終童身。 路二7所說:"頭胎的兒子",顯示馬利亞以後仍有其他兒女。 詩六十七篇乃是預言彌賽亞之受難,第八節說:"我的弟兄看我為外路人,我的同胞(原文為我母親的子女)看我為外邦人。"證明耶穌有同母的兄弟。 可六3的話:"這不是那木匠麼?不是馬利亞的兒子,雅各、約西、猶大、西門的長兄麼?他妹妹們不也是在我們這裡祂?"這些經文,亳無疑惑的說明了馬利亞生有其他子女。 四、馬利亞肉身升天論,是天主教高舉馬利亞為神的最高峰。 自第七世紀開始就有此論說,到了第九世紀就規定了每年八月十五日為馬利亞升天節。 至一九五零年十一月一日諸聖節的一天,教皇更正式宣佈為信條。 不接受此信條者被驅逐出教。 五、 馬利亞無疑是一位具有美德而敬虔的女子。 在迦拿的婚筵上她對僕人們說:"他告訴你們什麼,你們就作什麼。"(約二5)她將一切榮耀、權柄歸給了主。 她今日若還在世,將要如何嚴厲斥責這一群拜她,將她高舉為神的人! 她必定高聲疾呼:"在神和人中間只有一位中保,就是降世為人的基督耶穌!"
  36. 天主教的信仰(十一A)相信遺物 自從第八世紀,羅馬天主教開始敬拜偶像或畫像。 雖幾經反對,但卒在一五六二年的天特大公會議中決定通過。 天主教認為聖經中所說不可拜偶像僅指異教偶像而言。天主教的聖經將第二條誡命(不可拜偶像)刪除,而將第十條誡命分為兩條,以滿其數。 天主教相信基督或“聖”人的遺物可以護身並可降福。 最普通的遺物是聖人骨頭。 最出色的遺物包括有摩西石板的碎片、摩西及亞倫的杖、最後晚餐的桌子、耶穌十字架的木片、荊棘冠冕的刺、十字架的鐵釘、耶穌的內外衣、施洗約翰的頭 很多遺物是偽造的。 釘十字架只需三、四枚釘子,今日共保存有十四枚;刺入主肋骨的槍頭只有一個,今日共出現四個! 天主教所策封的聖人不計其數。 並在日曆中為每位聖人分派一日專一向他祈禱。 後因聖人過多,於是設立了諸聖節(All Saints Day),將一切未分配日子的聖人皆放入此日中。 天主教也主張敬拜天使,並引證太十八10作根據:"他們的使者在天上,常見我天父的面。"
  37. 天主教的信仰(十一B)相信遺物 聖經真道 十條誡命中的第二條清楚記載神的吩咐說:"不可為自己雕刻偶像......不可跪拜那些像......"(出廿4,5)。 天主教既製造偶像,又引人拜像。 很多天主教徒的汽車窗內都放一個小型的耶穌像或馬利亞偶像,認為可以保護他們駕車平安,這與其他迷信的宗教有何不同? 這是何等可憐的事! 拜偶像是神所痛惡的大罪之一。 我們除去不敬拜有形的偶像之外,更當剷除心中無形的偶像,讓主在凡事上居首位。 天主教引用王下十三20,21,死人碰到以利沙的骨頭而復活的事,作為遺物具有能力的根據。 我們首先應該明白,使死人復活不是以利沙骨頭的能力,而是神的大作為。 同時以色列人也並未因此而爭取以利沙的骨頭,或給他修廟、敬拜他。 天主教並引用彼得的影兒及保羅的手巾、圍裙醫病等事作為相信遺物的根據。 但請聽彼得如何作見證:"以色列人哪......為什麼定睛看我們,以為我們憑自己的能力和虔誠,使這人行走呢......我們列祖的神,已經榮耀了他的僕人(僕人或作兒子)耶穌......他的名便叫你們所看見、所認識的這人健壯了。"(徒三12~16)。
  38. 天主教的信仰(十一B)相信遺物 聖經真道 保羅寫信給哥林多、腓立比等教會的會眾,稱他們為聖徒。 意思是他们因信耶稣基督被神算为义,在地位上成了聖,成了屬神的人。 天主教中所謂聖人的意思不同;乃是在人死後,大家有感於他的功績,由教會封他為聖人。 既被封為聖人,人們也就開始向他禱告。 全部聖經中沒有一處向死人禱告的教訓。 禱告是與敬拜相連。 聖經說:"當拜主你的神,單要事奉他。"(太四10)。 敬拜天使也是完全不合聖經。 在啟十九10,廿二8,9兩次記載使徒約翰要敬拜天使,但兩次都被拒絕,而且被勸告說:"你要敬拜神"。 神將一切都賜給了我們,但是他的榮耀與敬拜,我們不可以輕忽、隨便,這是惟獨歸給神,也是應當歸給神的。
  39. 基督教與天主教信仰比較表
  40. 分別基督教的基礎信仰 異端與純正信仰?基督教的基礎信仰 否信有獨一真神, 是父子聖靈三位一體, 是聖潔無罪的(神只有一個) 是否信耶穌基督是道成肉身, 由聖靈感孕而生(耶穌是神的獨生子, 有神性又有人性) 是否信耶穌為罪人死, 且在死後三日復活(死是代人受罪的刑罰, 復活表明祂勝過死亡) 是否信聖經是神的話語,且是無誤的和唯一的(有些異端(如摩門教, 雖信聖經, 但認為聖經有誤, 且自己另加一些經書"補充"聖經) 是否相信因信稱義(有些異端要求信徒要有行為才能得救) 是否信耶穌會再來, 審判世人
  41. 如何向天主教徒传福音? 大多數天主教徒不研究“聖經”,許多人只能跟著天主教徒傳統! 強調共同的基本信仰(使徒信條) 鼓勵研究“聖經”去發現真理(約翰,羅馬書,加拉太書,以弗所書) "你們得救是本乎恩,也因著信,這並不是出於自己,乃是神所賜的;也不是出於行為,免得有人自誇。"(弗二8,9) “只有一位神,在神和人中間只有一位中保,乃是降世為人的基督耶穌。”(提前二5) (+羅馬書3:23,4:1-5,10:3-4,10:9-10,11:6,... ...;加拉太書5:6;希伯來書10:10-12) 奉耶穌的名祈禱,,聖靈激發引導我們 “真理必叫你們得以自由”(約 8:32)
  42. Backup
  43. 基 督 教 與 天 主 教 可 否 合 一 ? 作者: 盧偉生http://infoshare.icedsolo.com/NWO/ureligion/u027.html 基 督 教 與 天 主 教 簽 署 了 合 約 書 ( 1994 年 3 月 29 日)名 為 " 福 音 派 與 天 主 教 於 主 後 第 三 千 年 之 共 同 使 命 ",(Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the third Millennium, 簡 稱 ECT) 統 一 不 等 如 合 一 合 一 的 四 大 條 件 (ONLY SCRIPTRUE) 唯 獨 聖 經 (FAITH ALONE) 唯 獨 信 心 (GRACE ALONE) 唯 獨 恩 典 (CHRIST ALONE) 唯 獨 基 督 合 一 的 七 大 要 素 “身 體 只 有 一 個 , 聖 靈 只 有 一 個 , 正 如 你 們 蒙 召 , 同 有 一 個 指 望 , 一 主 , 一 信 , 一 洗 ,一 神 ( 弗 4:4-5)” 一 主 : 一 信 : 一 洗 : 一 神 : 一 身 體 :( 林 前 12:13): 一 靈 : 一 盼 望 : 合 一 的 攔 阻 天 主 教 並 沒 有 改 變, 天 主 教 所 提 倡 的 合 一 是 假 合 一
  44. Apocrypha 旁經 兩約間寫成的一些書卷 包括在七十士譯本中(Septuagint) A.D.1546 羅馬天主教天特會議(Council of Trent)承認為正典 猶太哲學家 Philo (20B.C.-A.D.40) 常引用舊約聖經 但從不把旁經當聖經來引用 猶太歷史家 Josephus (A.D.30-100) 不包括旁經在聖經中 也從不把旁經當聖經來引用
  45. http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/次經 次經, 旁經 (Apocrypha, Deuterocanon), 隱藏、隱密的意思
  46. 2. http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/次經, http://infoshare.icedsolo.com/NWO/rationalism/o127.html http://bibletimes.netfirms.com/jesus/simple/index.php?t9459.html 證主聖經神學辭典 次經, 旁經 (Apocrypha, Deuterocanon), 隱藏、隱密的意思 次經既是在約主前二百五十年至主後一百年之間的作品,故有一部份作品,在主耶穌的時代就被一般人所知悉或閱讀,或傳述,然而主耶穌從不以旁經為具有 權威性的經典,加以引述 羅馬天主教和東正教的基督徒都把它們納入舊約正典 (七十士譯本Septuagint) 不列在希伯來文的舊約中:猶太的經家或史學家,甚至一般猶太人均否認次經能成為舊約神的話語之一部份 其真實和準確性值得懷疑:次經中,有許多的故事充滿傳奇性,卻是缺乏可靠、真實性,使人懷疑,而且其中的歷史、地理、年代常出現錯誤 有偏離舊約教義之傾向:次經中有不少教訓,與舊約所顯明的真理相違背,如在馬加比書下卷中就敘述有煉獄的存在和為死人代禱之事 次經,旁經 (偽經)
  47. 新約正典化過程 Athanasius, Origen 初期教父时代(70-120A.D.)
  48. http://www.christianity.com/historybycentury/ Church History By Century 1st Century The words and sayings of Jesus are collected and preserved. New Testament writings are completed. • A new generation of leaders succeeds the apostles. Nevertheless, expectation still runs high that the Lord may return at any time. The end must be close. • The Gospel taken through a great portion of the known world of the Roman empire and even to regions beyond. • New churches at first usually begin in Jewish synagogues around the empire and Christianity is seen at first as a part of Judaism. • The Church faces a major crisis in understanding itself as a universal faith and how it is to relate to its Jewish roots. • Christianity begins to emerge from its Jewish womb. A key transition takes place at the time of Jewish Revolt against Roman authority. In 70 AD Christians do not take part in the revolt and relocate to Pella in Jordan. • The Jews at Jamnia in 90 AD confirm the canon of the Hebrew Scriptures. The same books are recognized as authoritative by Christians. • Persecutions test the church. Jewish historian Josephus seems to express surprise that they are still in existence in his Antiquities in latter part of first century. • Key persecutions include Nero at Rome who blames Christians for a devastating fire that ravages the city in 64 AD He uses Christians as human torches to illumine his gardens. • Emperor Domitian demands to be worshiped as "Lord and God." During his reign the book of Revelation is written and believers cannot miss the reference when it proclaims Christ as the one worthy of our worship. 2nd Century The Lord has not returned as soon as expected, so organization is needed to continue the ministry, resist persecution, oppose heretical teachings, and spread the word. Thus the office and role of the bishop becomes stronger. • While persecution continues intermittently from without, heresies pose major dangers from within and must be answered. Heresies include: GNOSTICISM -- A kind of New Age movement that claimed special knowledge. MARCIONISM -- An attempt to reduce the Scriptures--both the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures -- to a few select books MONTANISM -- A charismatic movement that got carried away with new revelations, prophecies, and judgmental attitudes toward other Christians. • Apologists, or explainers of the faith, emerge to combat heresy and answer the church's opponents. Key apologists include Irenaeus and Justin Martyr. • The churches are not legal and have no public forum or church buildings. Local persecution can break out at any time. A profound public witness emerges as Christians are put to death because they will not deny the faith at any cost. Examples: Martyrdom of 84-year-old bishop Polycarp (AD 155) and a whole group mercilessly tortured at Lyons in AD 177. • The strongest centers of the Church are Asia Minor and North Africa. Rome is also a center of prestige. • The church continues its amazing spread reaching all classes, particularly the lower. Callistus--a former slave--actually becomes bishop of Rome and makes claims for special importance of the Roman bishop. 3rd Century At beginning of century, Edessa (Urfa in modern Turkey) becomes first Christian state. • Emperor Septimus Severus (202-211) persecutes; forbids conversion to Christianity. Then a generation of peace for the church. Amazing growth and spread of faith continues and church buildings begin to be built. • North Africa a key Christian center. Egypt alone has a million Christians by the end of 3rd century. Carthage and Alexandria leading centers of Christian theological development with such figures as Origen, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria. • AD 248 the 1,000th anniversary of Rome but all is not celebration as threats to the empire increase from neighboring populations on borders. • The first empire-wide persecution instituted under Decius in AD 250. Everyone must offer pagan sacrifice and show certificate of proof. • Church has to deal with the difficult problem of how to handle the "lapsed"--those who relented during the persecution and now want back into the church. • Church problems not only political. Intellectual attacks must also be answered. Porphyry writes Against the Christians attacking apostles, church leaders, Gospels and Old Testament. Origen around 245 answers attack of Celsus written 70 years earlier and apparently still a threat to the church. • The role of the bishop continues to grow in strength. • Before 300 Anthony goes into desert as a hermit, an important early step in development of monasticism--which will be a kind of protest movement against worldly Christianity and an alternative approach to spiritual commitment. 4th Century The fourth century, like the sixteenth, and perhaps our own twentieth, is one of those periods in church history when momentous changes take place that stand out as pivotal turning points in the history of God's people. The century witnessed major changes and transitions in church relations with state and society. Here are six: • Empire Persecutes Church -- At the beginning of the century the church went through the "Great Persecution"--the last and the worst. Instituted by emperor Diocletian in 305, it was intended to wipe out the church. It failed. • Empire Tolerates Church -- Emperor Constantine professed Christianity and the church was given legal status. Often you will hear that Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the empire. He didn't. But he did restore its losses and gave it favored treatment as one among many tolerated religions. • Empire Challenges Church -- Paganism didn't give up without a battle. Emperor Julian (361-363) attempted unsuccessfully to reestablish paganism. • Empire Adopts Church --Christianity was officially made the state religion under emperor Theodosius IX in the year 381. • Church Challenges Empire -- In a dramatic confrontation that foreshadowed centuries of church-state jockeying for position, Bishop Ambrose of Milan defied the emperor. • Church Persecutes Opponents -- It started off the century as a persecuted minority. By the end of the century the persecuted church had turned into a persecuting church. Its motives made sense. It saw itself as combating heresy, false religion and evil forces. In many ways it was a different church and a different world at the end of this century. • Canon of New Testament confirmed. In the 367 AD Easter letter of Athanasius, and at Councils in 382 and 397, final recognition was given. These do not create the Christian scriptures but confirm what was already generally recognized and accepted. • Millions of new members pour in. Becoming a Christian is no longer a risk, but can even be politically and socially opportune, so the church has to deal with a new laxity in standards of belief and behavior. • Persecuted Church turns into persecuting church. By the end of the century the church that had for so long endured persecution as a minority faith, now becomes a persecutor. • Major Councils - Church now needs to clarify and define what it believes. Long time required to understand and explain person and nature of Christ. Under emperor Constantine the first major council of church held in Nicea (modern Turkey) in 325. Second major Council held at Constantinople in AD 381. • Donatists Arise in 311 - No sooner does the church achieve toleration than a severe rupture occurs within the North African church that would continue for three hundred years. What had been one of the strongest early centers of the church is so weakened it was eventually lost to Christianity. • Major Missionary Advance as Ufilias takes Gospel to the Barbarian Goths in mid-century. • Church Buildings Flourish -- After legalization the church gets big into real estate. Often its great basilicas are built on the sites of what were formerly pagan temples. • Capital of Empire moves to Constantinople -- In 324 city founded. City dedicated on May 11, 330. Rome no longer the center of power for the empire and church begins to fill in the gap at Rome. • Eusebius' Church History --Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea becomes the first significant church historian and gives us invaluable documentation on the early church. • Augustine converted in AD 386. He would become one of the most important theologians in all of church history. 5th Century As the barbarians increasingly threatened the Empire, sacking the city of Rome, Augustine wrote City of God (413-426), showing that the true movement of history was the unseen conflict between sin and salvation, between the city of man and the kingdom of God. • Nestorianism spreads in the eastern church, emphasizing a distinction between Christ's human and divine natures. Chalcedon creed describes Jesus Christ as fully human and fully divine, with the two natures existing together without confusion. • As the emperor's power declines, the Bishop of Rome's increases. Pope Leo I (440-461) negotiates and saves Rome from Attila the Hun (452). He asserts authority over other bishops, claiming bishop of Rome is successor to Apostle Peter. • Patrick (c. 390-460) sold as slave at age 16. He later escapes, goes to Ireland where he undertakes monumental mission. • 496--Frankish King Clovis converted to Christianity and baptized. Conquers half of France and paves the way for Charlemagne's "Holy Roman Empire." • Church calendar with the Christian year begins to be in place. Cult of martyrs and relics widespread, and glorification of Virgin Mary grows. Incense is first introduced into a Christian church service in the West. • With upheavals and disintegration of secular society, church hierarchy becomes more established and influential. 6th Century We are now in the early Middle Ages. Frankly, this, the longest era in Christian history, is the one we find most difficult to grasp and interpret. It seems such an alien time, yet there was an amazing and gradual progression that paved the way for us to receive the gospel. Then, as now, the pure molten gold of the gospel went forth in crucibles of iron. At the risk of gross oversimplification, let me suggest ten "M" words to give some overview hooks for the Middle Ages: -- Migrations of barbarian tribes that reshaped Roman world-- Missions--often heroic ventures that over seven centuries reached all Europe-- Monasticism--first a reaction against worldliness, becomes preserver of learning, Scripture and spearhead of missions and education-- Men of the papacy-- Manorial culture and economy-- Mutuality of Church and State-- Menace of Church divisiveness--quest for truth has never been easy nor always clean-- Islam which overtook established Christian centers and posed grave threat to Christianity-- Mentality of accommodation to paganism as "the stream imbibes the color of the soil through which it flows."-- Mysticism of High Middle Ages As one who has always had difficulty understanding monks and popes, this by historian Norman Cantor has given me much to think about: The Latin church was preserved from extinction, and European civilization with it, by the two ecclesiastical institutions that alone had the strength and efficiency to withstand the impress of the surrounding barbarism: ...monasticism and the papacy. The Civilization of the Middle Ages, p. 146 - Ken Curtis • 529--Responding to growing secularization of the church, Benedict of Nursia establishes monastery of Monte Cassino and the Benedictine Order. Benedict's "Rule" for monks (c. 540) will become the most influential over future centuries. • 530-532--Boniface II, first pope of Germanic ancestry • Church and State are becoming more closely intertwined. Emperor Justinian (483-565) closes 1,000-year-old School of Philosophy in Athens 529, issues Code of Civil Laws reflecting Christian morals, sends missionaries as spies to China to smuggle out silkworms, reconquers N. Africa from the Vandals. • Church buildings become more monumental. Justinian builds Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, dedicated to Christ as the "Holy Wisdom." Constructed 532-537. • Dionysius Exiquus (d. c. 550), a monk in Rome, establishes modern system of dating, using events after Christ as "Anno Domini," in the year of our Lord. (He missed the date of Christ's birth by a few years.) • Columba (c. 521-597) goes as missionary to Scotland. Mission headquarters at Iona. • Conversion of barbarian groups continues. Recared, Visigoth King in Spain and an Arian, becomes Roman Catholic. • By the end of century the Western church tolerates magic and other manifestations of pagan spirituality as diverse cultures are incorporated into the church. • Pope Gregory the Great ((c.540-604) gives the mass much of the shape it has today. 7th Century • 600-636--Isidore, Bishop of Seville. His writings provide invaluable and encyclopedic knowledge for the Middle Ages. He is known for important efforts to resist barbarism and heresy in Spain, found schools and convents and evangelize Jews. • 609--Pagan pantheon in Rome consecrated as church of St. Maria Rotunda. As part of the dedication, Pope Boniface (609-610) confirmed All Saints' Day. • Organs begin to be used in churches. Church bells are used to call people to worship and to give the hours to the monks in the monasteries. • Learning flourishes in Anglo-Saxon monasteries • 648--Emperor Constans II issues "The Typos" limiting Christian teachings to that defined in first five ecumenical councils. Pope Martin I (d. 655) refuses to sign Typos. Martin is seized and banished to Crimea and dies. He is last pope to be venerated as a martyr. • 664--After conflict between the original Celtic church and the Roman missionaries, England adopts the Roman Catholic faith at the Synod of Whitby. • Mohammed (c. 570-629) begins the religion of Islam, which begins to supplant Christianity across the Middle East and North Africa. • 638--Islamic capture of Jerusalem • 690--Two Anglo-Saxon bishops, Kilian and Willibrord, carry on extensive evangelistic mission on the continent among the Franks. 8th Century • 731--The "Venerable Bede" (c. 673-735) completes his Ecclesiastical History of the English People. • Spain is invaded by the Moors, Moslems from North Africa; Charles Martel defeats them at the Battle of Tours in 732--a decisive juncture in Christian resistance to Moslem advance. • Boniface of England is a missionary to the Germans for 40 years. Finally is murdered by pagans in 754. • Iconoclastic controversy over the veneration of images divides the Byzantine Emperor and the Pope. • Papacy asserts its earthly rule and establishes the papal states in Italy. Pope Leo III (d. 816) separates from the Eastern Empire and becomes supreme bishop in the West. • Charlemagne becomes sole King of the Franks in 771; later is crowned "Holy Roman Emperor," establishing dream of a kingdom with a Christian king. • Nestorian Christians in China develop missionary activities and build Christian monasteries. • Schools for church music are established at Paris, Cologne, Soissin, and Metz. • 781--Alcuin of York, England becomes advisor to Charlemagne and catalyzes the "Carolingian Renaissance." • 793--The North Men invade Lindisfarne and invade Iona in 795. 9th Century • 800--On Christmas day Charlemagne (Charles the Great, c. 742-814) is crowned the first "Holy Roman Emperor" by Pope Leo at St. Peters in Rome. Charlemagne noted for military conquests, strong central government, ecclesiastic reform and educational patronage. • 831--Radbertus (c. 790-865) publishes first writing in the West on the Eucharist. It provokes controversy and anticipates later Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation. • John Scotus Erigena (c. 810-877), one of greatest theologians of early middle ages, helps pave way for scholasticism. Involved in eucharistic controversy with Radbertus and maintains in the supper we partake of the Lord "mentally not dentally." • Anskar (801-865), "Apostle of the North," lays foundation for Christianity in Scandinavia. • Significant missionary efforts make further inroads among heathen peoples of Europe. Cyril (826-869) and Methodius (c. 815-885), the "Apostles of the Slavs," work in Moravia and invent an alphabet for the Slavs. • Photius (c. 820-895), a renowned scholar and layman, made Patriarch of Constantinople in 858. Later deposed and reinstated at least twice. Conflicts with pope and Rome over spiritual jurisdiction and doctrine ("filioque controversy") foreshadow deepening rift and eventual split between churches in East and West. • Alfred the Great is King of Wessex in England. Translated Christian writings into the language of the common people. Set up a palace school and founded two monasteries. Devoted half his time and money to religious purposes. 10th Century Christianity continues to spread among the peoples of eastern Europe during this century. • To the east, Hungarians and Poles begin to convert to Christianity, and Christianity reaches Iceland and Greenland to the west. • Ecclesiastical leaders were increasingly becoming embroiled in the political struggles of the European continent. • Benedictine monastery established 909 at Cluny; becomes the center of a reform movement for the church to rid itself of the increasing secularization of its institutions and practices. • Bohemian people embrace Christianity, but their "Good King [Duke] Wenceslaus" is soon murdered c. 929 by opposing pagan rivals. • 988--Vladimir, sole ruler of KievanRus is baptized. There people were baptized at Pentecost. That same year Vladimir married Princess Anna, sister of Basil II, Emperor of Byzantium. • Otto the Great (emperor 936-973) revives Charlemagne's dream of a Holy Roman Empire among the German people. In some form Otto's empire continues until the time of Napoleon. • 993--Saints begin to be officially canonized by the Roman church. • Private confession develops from public confession in both Eastern and Western Churches. The Roman Church begins the concept of indulgences. (No sure evidence of this before the 11th century.) • Papacy reaches a low point in morality. • As the year 1000 approaches, many fear the end of the world and the Last Judgment. 11th Century • The expansion of Islam continues to occupy Christian thought and activities. • 1009--Moslems sack Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. • 1054 The East-West Schism. Brewing for centuries, rupture finally comes to a head with the fissure that has lasted to this day. • 1071--Seljuks conquer Armenia, ending the Byzantine Empire in Asia Minor. • 1095--Pope Urban II proclaims the First Crusade to reclaim Jerusalem from the Moslems. • 1099--Crusaders take Jerusalem. • A century and a half of weak popes ends by the middle of the century, and papal authority begins to increase. Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085), "Hildebrand," moves to reform the church with emphasis on priestly celibacy and complete freedom of the Church from the State. • Renewal of church through new monastic orders • 1098--The Reform-minded Cistercian order founded at Citeaux • William of Normandy conquers England, appointing Lanfranc Archbishop of Canterbury in 1070. Lanfranc reorganizes and reforms the English church. • Anselm succeeds Lanfranc as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1093. Wrote Why Did God Become a Man? explaining the reasons for Christ's death. • Musical developments: In 1015 Pomposa Monastery near Ravenna introduces sight singing. By the middle of the century, polyphonic singing replaces Gregorian Chant, the harp arrives in Europe, and the first German Christmas carol is written. 12th Century Gothic architecture, with its pointed arches and high, vaulted ceilings prevails in church building. • 1182--Notre Dame Cathedral consecrated • 1194--Chartres Cathedral begun • The medieval papacy, at the height of its power and influence, continues to encourage crusades to liberate the Holy Land from the Moslems. • 1104--Acre taken by the Crusaders, fell to Moslems again in 1191 • 1147--Second Crusade (supported by Bernard of Clairvaux) fails, with most Crusaders dying in Asia Minor. • 1187--Loss of Jerusalem by the Crusaders • 1190--German Hospitalers founded (later becoming the Teutonic Order) • Belief in immaculate conception of Mary spreads. • 1170--Pope Alexander III established rules for the canonization of saints, the same year Thomas Becket is murdered in England. Becket is canonized in 1173. • 1173--Waldensian movement begins in Lyons, seeking truth in Bible rather than medieval tradition. The church persecutes these devout believers sometimes seen as predecessors of Protestant reform. • Monasticism continues to be main source of reforming church. • 1115--St. Bernard establishes monastery at Clairvaux. He will become the "greatest churchman of the 12th century." • 1155--Carmelite Order founded 13th Century We are presently in the high Middle Ages. As a Protestant believer, I absorbed a common attitude among us that asks: How did the church ever survive the Middle Ages? How could the church sink so low? Why did God allow the papacy to develop as it did? How could both doctrine and practice become so corrupt? I have to now admit that the more I learn of this period, the more I come to marvel they did as well as they did. In every generation there were godly men and women who followed Christ with a devotion we would look far to find today. The medieval church met just about every barbarian threat across Europe and brought brutal peoples to some level of Christian understanding and practice. I dreamt recently that we 20th-century Christians and churches will have far more to answer for than our medieval 'dark age' predecessors at the Great Judgment when the Lord takes into account the light we each had. -- Ken Curtis • This century is often called the high point of the middle ages, with the papacy reaching its greatest power, scholastic philosophy reaching its zenith, and Gothic Cathedrals towering over the landscape. • Crusading cause and spirit continues. • 1204--Europeans, with Vienna taking the lead, capture Constantinople. • 1212--Children's crusade • Mendicant orders of friars established, another effort at church reform. These reemphasize the importance of the sermon. • 1209--Francis of Assisi establishes Franciscans (canonized 1228). • 1220--Dominican Friars established as a teaching order, later entrusted by the Pope with the Inquisition. Some became missionaries to Central Asia, Persian Gulf, India, and China. • Salisbury Cathedral built within one lifetime (1220-1258), a rarity for medieval cathedrals! • With Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) the papacy was at the height of its powers. Affirmed all churches were under his control. Developed theory of papal power that allowed him to interfere in political affairs of nations. Approved 4th Crusade. Established Dominicans and Franciscans. Instituted Inquisition, joining powers of church and state to punish heretics. • 1215--Fourth Lateran Council summarized and reinforced medieval doctrines and practices. • Thomas Aquinas summarizes Scholastic Theology in his Summa Theologica, 1271, writing, intelligoutcredam "I understand, in order that I may believe." 14th Century We have now reached the 14th century in our ongoing series of century summaries. My Christian hero from this century is John Wycliffe--commonly hailed as "the Morning star of the Reformation." It was my privilege to produce a film on his life. During the preparation phase of the production, our director, Tony Tew, and his family moved from London to Dorset in the south of England. One day a woman in her eighties welcomed them to the neighborhood. She inquired about Tony's profession. He told her he was a filmmaker preparing a film on a late medieval clergyman named John Wycliffe. The dear lady was stunned and almost passed out. When she was able to speak, she revealed her name as Marcella Wycliffe -- Thompson, the only known living descendant of John Wycliffe, from the lineage of Wycliffe's sister. She had lived her life as a Christian and devout daughter of the Church of England and never once heard the life and ministry of Wycliffe emphasized. That a film would now be made on his life exceeded her fondest dreams that her ancestor would not be forgotten. What a joy it was to bring this aged woman to the set and let her meet the actors. She gazed for a long time into the face of Peter Howell, who played the role of Wycliffe, in beard and costume. Then she asked him a few questions, before turning to me to say: "Yes, that is he all right!" She, of course, had drawn her impression of Wycliffe from historic paintings just as we had in preparing the actor. - - Ken Curtis • The Papacy, having reached its high point with Innocent III (1160-1216), begins a decline under Boniface VIII (c. 1234-1303). • 1302--Papal bull "Unam sanctum" pronounces the highest papal claims to supremacy • 1309-1377--"Babylonian Captivity" of papacy. Pope resides in Avignon, France, strongly under the control of the French King. • 1378-1417--Great Schism, with two or three popes claiming authority. • The Black Death or bubonic plague ravages Europe; 25 million Europeans, over 1/4 of the population, dies. • Mysticism flourishes in many areas, especially Germany and the Low Countries. • Meister Eckhardt teaches the nature of God is unknowable except through the inner knowledge of Himself God has placed in each soul. • Catherine of Siena has a vision joining her with Christ in a mystical marriage; spends her life in serving others, including trying to end the Great Schism of the papacy. • Seeking forgiveness from sins, bands of "flagellants" roam the countryside beating themselves as penance. • 1305-1314--Dante writes his Divine Comedy mirroring the heights and depths of the Christianity of the 13th and 14th centuries. • John Wycliffe transforms Oxford into the spiritual center of England. Looks to the Scriptures for authority and truth. • 1382--Wycliffe is expelled from Oxford, translates Bible into English, and trains lay preachers to spread the Scripture. • 1398--John Hus begins lecturing on theology at Prague University and spreads Wycliffe's ideas. 15th Century • 1414 -1417 - The Council of Constance seeks to end the Great Schism, the embarrassment of having two or three popes competing for authority and power. This same council burns Czech priest John Hus as a heretic and condemns John Wycliffe posthumously. • Religious beliefs continue to be matters of political concern. • Thomas a' Kempis' classic Imitation of Christ written. • 1431 -- French peasant woman Joan of Arc is burned at Rouen as a witch. • 1453 -- The Turks capture Constantinople and turn St. Sophia Basilica into a mosque. The many scholars fleeing west encourage a revival of classical learning - the Renaissance. • 1453 -- Johann Gutenburg develops his printing press and prints the first Bible. • 1479 -- The Inquisition against heresy in Spain set up by Ferdinand and Isabella with papal approval. Under Torquemada Jews are given 3 months to become Christians or leave the country. • 1498 -- Savonarola burned. He was a great preacher of reform in Florence, Italy. • Florence under the Medicis becomes the center of Renaissance humanism. Brunelleschi, Donatello, Michelangelo, Botticelli, and Leonardo da Vinci all create important works of art with Christian themes. At the same time the Medicis become supporters of a papacy more worldly than ever before. • The Vatican Library is founded by Nicholas V. • 1492 -- Columbus' voyage and a new age of exploration and Christian expansion begin. 16th Century In our progression century by century through church history, we come to the tumultuous 16th century and the explosive influence of the Reformation. A couple of years ago in preparing our Christian History Institute video curriculum Reformation Overview* I was privileged to visit all the major Reformation locations where the original events took place. People and issues I had read about came to life for me in an unforgettable way. Day after day I was gripped by the adventure of stepping back into the world changing convictions and issues faced by the great Reformers. Several impressions left a lasting mark upon me. The posting of the 95 theses by Luther in 1517 was not the beginning of the Reformation but in many ways a culmination of widespread developments that had been building up for generations. There was not one Reformation but many. Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Tyndale, the Anabaptists and others were all distinctive centers of dynamic development and spiritual renewal. The intellectual discipline of the major Reformers was prodigious. These leaders were almost without exception devoted to careful scholarship. Compare this to the kind of leaders we so often exalt today, based more on the attraction of personality and media charisma than the quality of their thought. We are familiar with the big names in the movement, but all of them had their circle of colleagues and close confidantes with whom they struggled, debated, agonized, and prayed. Luther had his Melanchthon, Zwingli his Bullinger, Calvin his Farel, Tyndale his Frith. Major reformation events often took place in little out of the way places far removed from the centers of influence. Luther's Wittenberg surely was no Rome. Even today it is so small we couldn't find a hotel in town. Calvin's Geneva was not a major international city when he went there. It became one because of what he did there. --Ken Curtis • The printing of books begun in the fifteenth century now develops swiftly, propelling the spread of the Reformation. • Michelangelo, Albrecht Durer, Raphael, and Lucius Cranach create art with Biblical themes. • 1517 Martin Luther posts his 95 theses at Wittenberg which stir Germany and Europe in a matter of months. • The Scriptures become more available for the common person as Luther translates into German and Tyndale into English in the 1520's. • The Protestant Reformation spreads throughout Europe with Zwingli in Switzerland, the Anabaptists in central Europe, and John Knox in Scotland. Henry VIII's quest for dynastic security causes him to separate from Rome and establish himself as head of the Church of England. John Calvin's ministry in Geneva and his Institutes begin a Scriptural reexamination of theology and society. • The Counter-Reformation defends traditional Catholicism against Reformation ideas. The Council of Trent (1545-1563) reaffirms Catholic doctrine. The Jesuit order becomes the defender of the Catholic faith and begins sending missionaries abroad. • Religious convictions produce martyrs among both Catholics and Protestants -- Sir Thomas More, William Tyndale, and Thomas Cranmer among the many executed. Huguenots in France begin to be persecuted. Foxe's Book of Martyrs (actually titledActes and Monuments) records the persecution believers in Christ have endured through the centuries. • In England, Puritans begin to fashion a church more closely based upon the Scriptures. 17th Century • The Protestant Reformation begun in the last century continues to affect the religious and political life of Europe. • In England the Puritan Revolution removes King Charles and executes him while attempting to establish a Puritan Commonwealth. • In France, the Protestant Huguenots rebel against King Louis XIII. • 1618-1648 -- In central Europe, the Thirty Years' War brings destruction as Protestants and Catholics vie for power. • England begins to establish colonies in North America, many with the purpose of spreading Christianity or establishing more Biblical Christian governments -- Jamestown begins in 1607, Pilgrims land in 1620, Massachusetts Bay Colony established by Puritans in 1630. • "King James Version" translation of the English Bible released in 1611; will shape and mold the English language for over three centuries. • 1633 - Galileo forced by the Inquisition to abjure Copernicus' theories. New scientific studies often pursued by men seeking to learn the ways of their Creator - Johann Kepler, Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, Robert Boyle. • 1634 -- the first Oberammergau Passion Play • Classic works of Christian literature are written: 1667 - John Milton's Paradise Lost; 1670 - Blaise Pascal's Pensees; 1678 - John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. • "Enlightenment" writers question Christianity and seek to base knowledge on human reason--Leibnitz, Hobbes, and Descartes. 18th Century • Voltaire, one of many Deists, further develops the rationalism of the "Enlightenment," attacking Christianity and finding in man the center of all things. The French Revolution of 1789 overthrows the traditions of the Church and briefly establishes the goddess of Reason. • An Evangelical Awakening spreads throughout England and America under the preaching of George Whitefield, the Wesley brothers, and Jonathan Edwards. • Pietism brings new life to German Lutheranism, and Lutheran J. S. Bach writes his music "only for the glory of God." • Count Zinzendorf establishes Herrnhut as a Moravian settlement in Saxony, from which the Moravian Brethren begin their missionary work. • Christians Handel and Haydn write classical music, including masterpieces of religious art, while Isaac Watts and the Wesleys write hymns for congregational singing. • Practical application of Christian truths found in classics written during the century: Philip Doddridge'sRise and Progress of Religion in the Soul; William Paley's Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy; and William Wilberforce's Practical View of the Religious System.Cruden's Concordance published early in the century. • Religious freedom gains grounds. In the United States, religious tests for government positions are abolished, and in Russia Tsarina Catherine the Great grants freedom of religion. • Christian Daniel Defoe begins writing novels reflecting man's spiritual struggles. • The era of modern missions advances with the establishment of London's Baptist Missionary Society and the sending of William Carey to India. 19th Century The nineteenth century is sometimes called the Protestant Century. Protestants established missions throughout the world. Organizations such as the British and Foreign Bible Society, the American Bible Society, the Sunday School Union, and the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions lead in the spread of the Gospel message. Reform societies form to deal with abolition, temperance, prisons, and education. • In America, many sects including Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Christian Science are established. • New philosophies such as Darwin's evolution, Marx's communism, and Freud's psychology, attack the traditional Christian view of life and history. German "higher critics" attack the historical validity of the Scriptures. • Revival leader Charles Finney establishes "new measures" in his revival meetings, believing conversions can be achieved if the right approaches and techniques are used. • Dwight L. Moody and Ira Sankey hold large revival meetings on both sides of the Atlantic, while thousands hear Charles Spurgeon preach in London's Tabernacle. • Fanny Crosby, Ira Sankey, Francis Havergal, and others poured out hymns of faith and devotion. • David Livingstone and others open the African continent to missions, while workers with Hudson Taylor's China Inland Mission spread throughout China. • Pope Pius IX condemns liberalism, socialism, and rationalism; also proclaims the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. The First Vatican Council declares the Pope infallible in the year 1870. 20th Century • World Wars pit nominally Christian nations of Europe against each other. • Emergence of charismatic Christian sects. • Rise of the ecumenical movement. • Revision of the Roman Catholic liturgy. • Missions reach virtually every region of the world. • New translation methods put the Bible into the languages of 95% of mankind, but about 1,500 small tongues, representing 5% of mankind, lack scriptures. • More Christians are said to have been martyred in the 20th century than in all earlier centuries combined. • Decline of church attendance becomes marked in much of the Western world. • Explosive growth of Chinese Christianity. • Emergence and collapse of powerful atheistic states. • Crises in Darwinism revive Christian attacks on evolutionary theory and development of scientific models from a Christian perspective. • Rise of internet and mass media lead to wide dissemination of the gospel by new means. • An overwhelming information explosion tends to bury truth.
  49. ChristianToday - Church history by Eventshttp://www.ctlibrary.com/ch/1990/issue28/2828.html Important Events in Church History: Christian History TimelineOctober 1, 1990Leaders & WritingsThe Age of Jesus and the Apostles (A.D.-70) 30: Crucifixion of Jesus; Pentecost 35: Stephen martyred; Paul converted 57: Paul’s Letter to the Romans The Age of Early Christianity (70-312) 150: Justin Martyr dedicates his First Apology 155: Polycarp martyred 180:Irenaeus writes Against Heresies 196: Tertullian begins writing 215: Origen begins writing 248: Cyprian elected bishop of Carthage The Age of the Christian Empire (312-590) 323: Eusebius completes Ecclesiastical History 386: Augustine converts to Christianity 398: Chrysostom consecrated bishop of Constantinople 440: Leo the Great consecrated bishop of Rome 524: Boethius completes Consolation of Philosophy 590: Gregory the Great elected Pope Christian Middle Ages (590-1517) 731: Bede’s Ecclesiastical History published 781: Alcuin becomes royal adviser to Charles 1093: Anselm becomes archbishop of Canterbury 1141: Hildegard of Bingen begins writing 1272: Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae 1370: Catherine of Siena begins her Letters 1373: Julian of Norwich receives her revelations 1415: Hus burned at stake 1418: Thomas à Kempis writes The Imitation of Christ 1431: Joan of Arc burned at stake Age of the Reformation (1517-1648) 1517: Luther posts his Ninety-Five Theses 1518: Ulrich Zwingli comes to Zurich 1536: Calvin publishes first edition of Institutes 1536: Menno Simons baptized as Anabaptist 1549: Book of Common Prayer released 1559: John Knox makes final return to Scotland 1563: Foxe’s Book of Martyrs published 1565: Teresa of Avila writes The Way of Perfection 1603: Arminius appointed professor at Leyden 1628: Jan Comenius flees 1647: George Fox begins to preach Age of Reason & Revival (1648-1789) 1654: Pascal has definitive conversion experience 1675: Spencer’s PiaDesideria advances Pietism 1678: Bunyan writes The Pilgrim’s Progress 1729: Jonathan Edwards becomes pastor at Northampton 1735: George Whitefield converted 1738: John and Charles Wesley’s evangelical conversions 1739: George Whitefield starts open-air preaching 1771: Francis Asbury sent to America 1780: Robert Raikes begins his Sunday school Age of Progress (1789-1914) 1799: Schleiermacher publishes Lectures on Religion 1807: Wilberforce leads abolition of slave trade 1817: Elizabeth Fry organizes relief in Newgate Prison 1834: Mueller opens Scriptural Knowledge Institute 1835: Finney’s Lectures on Revivals 1836:Müller opens orphanage 1844: Kierkegaard writes Philosophical Fragments 1845: John Henry Newman becomes Roman Catholic 1845: Phoebe Palmer writes The Way of Holiness 1854: Spurgeon becomes pastor of New Park St. Church 1855: D. L. Moody converted 1864: Newman's Apologia Pro Vita Sua 1896: Billy Sunday begins leading revivals 1906: Schweitzer’s Quest of the Historical Jesus Age of Ideologies (1914-Present) 1919: Karl Barth writes Commentary on Romans 1931: C. S. Lewis comes to faith in Christ 1941: Niebuhr’s Nature and Destiny of Man 1945:Bonhoeffer executed 1949: Los Angeles Crusade catapults Billy Graham 1951:Bonhoeffer’sLetters and Papers from Prison 1963: King leads March on Washington Orders & DenominationsThe Age of Early Christianity (70-312) 270: Anthony takes up life of solitude The Age of the Christian Empire (312-590) 358: Basil the Great founds monastic community 909: Monastery at Cluny founded 540: Benedict writes his monastic Rule Christian Middle Ages (590-1517) 1115: Bernard founds monastery at Clairvaux 1208: Francis of Assisi renounces wealth 1220: Dominican Order established Age of the Reformation (1517-1648) 1525: Anabaptist movement begins 1530: Augsburg Confession 1534: Act of Supremacy; Henry VIII heads Eng. church 1540: Loyola gains approval for Society of Jesus 1562: Heidelberg Catechism 1563: First text of Thirty-Nine Articles issued 1577: Formula of Concord 1609: Smyth baptizes self and first Baptists 1618: Synod of Dort begins 1646: Westminster Confession drafted Age of Reason & Revival (1648-1789) 1652: George Fox founds “Friends” 1773: Jesuits suppressed (until 1814) 1784: Wesley provides for “Conference of Methodists” Age of Progress (1789-1914) 1811:Campbells begin Restoration Movement 1816: Richard Allen elected bishop of new AME church 1819: Channing issues Unitarian Christianity 1827: J. N. Darby founds the Plymouth Brethren 1844: First Adventist churches formed 1878: William and Catherine Booth found Salvation Army 1885: Berlin Congress spurs African independent churches 1906: Azusa Street revival Age of Ideologies (1914-Present) 1950: Mother Teresa founds Missionaries of Charity 1960: Charismatic renewal advances Councils, Creeds, & ControversiesThe Age of Jesus and the Apostles (A.D.-70) 48: Council of Jerusalem The Age of Early Christianity (70-312) 172:Montanist movement begins The Age of the Christian Empire (312-590) 312:Donatist Schism begins 325: First Council of Nicea 381: First Council of Constantinople 431: Council of Ephesus 451: Council of Chalcedon Christian Middle Ages (590-1517) 663: Synod of Whitby 726: Controversy over icons begins in Eastern church 787: 2nd Council of Nicea settles icon controversy 861: East-West conflict over Photius begins 1054: East-West Split 1141: Abelard's teaching condemned 1173:Waldensian movement begins 1215: Innocent III assembles Fourth Lateran Council 1232: Gregory IX appoints first “inquisitors” 1309: Papacy begins “Babylonian” exile in Avignon 1378: Great Papal Schism begins 1414: Council of Constance begins 1479: Establishment of Spanish Inquisition 1497: Savonarola excommunicated Age of the Reformation (1517-1648) 1521: Diet of Worms 1527:Schleitheim Confession of Faith 1529: Colloquy of Marburg 1545: Council of Trent begins 1572: St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre 1598: Edict of Nantes (revoked 1685) Age of Progress (1789-1914) 1833: John Keble’s sermon launches Oxford Movement 1854: Immaculate Conception made dogma 1864: Syllabus of Errors issued by Pope Pius IX 1870: First Vatican Council declares papal infallibility 1908: Federal Council of Churches forms 1910: The Fundamentals begin to be published 1912: Social Creed of the Churches adopted Age of Ideologies (1914-Present) 1934: Barmen Declaration 1942: National Association of Evangelicals forms 1948: World Council of Churches organized 1954: Methodists ordain women 1962: Vatican II opens 1968: Medellin Conference advances liberation theology MissionsThe Age of Jesus and the Apostles (A.D.-70) 46: Paul begins missionary journeys The Age of the Christian Empire (312-590) 342:Ulphilas’s mission to Goths 432: Patrick begins mission to Ireland 563: Columba establishes mission community on Iona Christian Middle Ages (590-1517) 597: Ethelbert of Kent converted 716: Boniface begins mission to the Germans 862: Cyril and Methodius begin mission to Slavs 988: Christianization of “Russia” Age of the Reformation (1517-1648) 1549: Xavier begins mission to Japan 1582: Ricci and Ruggieri begin mission in China 1732: First Moravian missionaries Age of Progress (1789-1914) 1793: William Carey sails for India 1810: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions 1816:Judsons sail for Asia 1825: American Tract Society 1840: Livingstone sails for Africa 1859: Japan reopens to foreign missionaries 1865: J. Hudson Taylor founds China Inland Mission 1886: Student Volunteer Movement begins 1910: Edinburgh International Missionary Conference begins Age of Ideologies (1914-Present) 1924: First Christian radio broadcasts 1940: First Christian TV broadcasts 1950: Missionaries forced to leave China 1950: Mother Teresa founds Missionaries of Charity 1974: Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization Church & StateThe Age of Jesus and the Apostles (A.D.-70) 64: Fire of Rome; Nero launches persecutions 65: Peter and Paul executed The Age of Early Christianity (70-312) 110: Ignatius of Antioch martyred 230: Earliest known public churches built 250: Decius orders empire-wide persecution The Age of the Christian Empire (312-590) 303: “Great Persecution” begins under Diocletian 312: Conversion of Constantine 313: “Edict of Milan” 381: Christianity made state religion of Roman Empire 390: Ambrose defies emperor 445:Valentinian’s Edict strengthens primacy of Rome 529: Justin publishes his legal Code Christian Middle Ages (590-1517) 750: Donation of Constantine written about this time 754: Pepin III’s donation helps found papal states 800: Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor 1077: Emperor submits to Pope over investiture 1122: Concordat of Worms ends investiture controversy 1170: Thomas Becket murdered 1302:UnamSanctam proclaims papal supremacy Age of the Reformation (1517-1648) 1555: Peace of Augsburg 1589: Moscow becomes independent patriarchate 1618: Thirty Years’ War begins 1636: Roger Williams founds Providence, R.I. 1648: Peace of Westphalia ends Thirty Years’ War Age of Reason & Revival (1648-1789) 1653: Cromwell named Lord Protector 1689: Toleration Act in England Age of Progress (1789-1914) 1789: Bill of Rights 1801: Concordat between Napoleon and Pius VII Age of Ideologies (1914-Present) 1979: John Paul II’s first visit to Poland BibleThe Age of Early Christianity (70-312) 150:Marcion’s canon rejects Old Testament The Age of the Christian Empire (312-590) 343:Ulphilas’s Gothic Bible 367: Athanasius’s letter defines New Testament canon 405: Jerome completes the Vulgate Christian Middle Ages (590-1517) 1380:Wyclif supervises English Bible translation 1456: Gutenberg produces first printed Bible 1488: First complete Hebrew Old Testament 1516: Erasmus publishes Greek New Testament Age of the Reformation (1517-1648) 1522:Luther’s German New Testament published 1525: Tyndale’s New Testament published 1535: Coverdale Bible 1560: Geneva Bible 1611: King James Version of Bible published Age of Progress (1789-1914) 1804: British and Foreign Bible Society formed Age of Ideologies (1914-Present) 1934: Wycliffe Bible Translators founded 1946: Revised Standard Version New Testament 1947: Dead Sea Scrolls discovered 1971: The Living Bible ArtsChristian Middle Ages (590-1517) 500: Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite writes 600: Gregory’s chants 650: Iconography flourishes 698:Lindisfarne Gospels 730: First known church organ 965: First English polyphony 1150: Mystery plays flourish 1260: Chartres Cathedral 1321: Dante completes Divine Comedy 1476: Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales 1506: Work begins on new St. Peter’s in Rome 1512: Michelangelo completes Sistine Chapel frescoes Age of the Reformation (1517-1648) 1562:Genevan Psalter Age of Reason & Revival (1648-1789) 1667: Milton’s Paradise Lost 1668: Rembrandt paints Return of the Prodigal Son 1707: Watts publishes Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1738: Bach's Mass in B Minor 1742: First production of Handel’s Messiah 1779: Newton and Cowper publish Olney Hymns Age of Progress (1789-1914) 1873: Moody and Sankey’sSacred Songs and Solos 1880: Dostoyevsky’s Brothers Karamazov 1935: Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral World EventsThe Age of Jesus and the Apostles (A.D.-70) 70: Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus The Age of the Christian Empire (312-590) 410: Rome sacked by Visigoths 622: Muhammad’s hegira: birth of Islam Christian Middle Ages (590-1517) 732: Battle of Tours 843: Treaty of Verdun divides Carolingian Empire 1095: First Crusade launched by Council of Clermont 1150: Universities of Paris and Oxford founded 1215: Magna Carta 1348: Black Death 1453: Constantinople falls; end of Eastern Roman Empire 1492: Columbus lands in Western hemisphere Age of the Reformation (1517-1648) 1524: The Peasants’ Revolt erupts in Germany 1588: English defeat Spanish Armada 1605: Shakespeare’s MacBeth 1620: Mayflower Compact drafted 1633: Galileo forced to recant his theories 1636: Harvard College founded 1642: English Civil War Age of Reason & Revival (1648-1789) 1687: Newton publishes Principia Mathematica 1740: Great Awakening peaks 1759: Voltaire’s Candide 1773: American Revolution 1781: Kant publishes Critique of Pure Reason Age of Progress (1789-1914) 1789: French Revolution begins 1793: Festival of Reason (de-Christianization of France) 1804: Napoleon emperor 1848: Marx publishes Communist Manifesto 1851: Harriet Beecher Stowe releases Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1859: Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species 1861: U.S. Civil War 1895: Freud publishes first work on psychoanalysis Age of Ideologies (1914-Present) 1914: World War I begins 1917: Bolshevik Revolution 1920: U.S. women’s suffrage 1929: Great Depression 1939: World War II begins 1945: Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima 1966: Chinese Cultural Revolution 1985: Gorbachev General Secretary of Soviet Communist Party
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