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Interface Design for DLP Javascripts Support

Interface Design for DLP Javascripts Support. Better human-compuer interface Easy to make the system setting Change the system parameters at the run time. Example: Bus Driving with Javascript interface. Use Frames. world. interface. <html> <head>

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Interface Design for DLP Javascripts Support

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  1. Interface Design for DLPJavascripts Support • Better human-compuer interface • Easy to make the system setting • Change the system parameters at the run time.

  2. Example: Bus Driving with Javascript interface

  3. Use Frames world interface

  4. <html> <head> <title>Bus Driving Example (with Javascript Interface)</title> </head> <frameset frameborder=1 rows="80%,20%,*"> <frame src="busdriving_world.htm" name="world" marginwidth=0 scrolling=no> <frame src="busdriving_interface.htm" name="interface" marginwidth=1 scrolling=yes> </frameset> </html>

  5. DLP Javascript Interface • JS methods (Java script -> DLP) • var applet = window.document.applets['dlpbrow']; applet.set_queue("namespace", "queuename", term ) • to set a message on a message queue on a DLP program. • applet.get_field( "namespace", "fieldname", atomic ) to get a value of a global variable on a DLP program • applet.set_field( "namespace", "fieldname", term ) to set a value of a global variable on a DLP program • DLP methods (object jsilib) (DLP -> Javascript) • get_window( -JSObject ) • call( +JSObject, +JSFunctionName, +ArgList, -FunctionResult )

  6. busDriving_world.htm ...... <script type="text/javascript"> ......</script> <embed src="./../vrml/street/street5d.wrl" <applet codebase="./classes" archive="dlpsys.jar" code="dlpbrow.class" id="dlpbrow" name="dlpbrow" width=0 height=0 MAYSCRIPT> ...... <param name="object" value="busDrivingjsi"> </applet>

  7. busDriving_interface.htm <script> ... </script> <form name="interfaceform"> <INPUT TYPE="button" name="engine" Value="EngineOn" onClick="engineProcess()"> <INPUT TYPE="button" name="gas" Value="Gas" onClick="gasProcess()"> ...... <INPUT TYPE="button" name="turnleft" VALUE="TurnLeft" onClick="turnLeft()"> Speed: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="speed" VALUE="0"> ...... </form>

  8. Online Javascript Tutorials • http://www.w3schools.com/js/ • http://www.cs.brown.edu/courses/bridge/1998/res/javascript/javascript-tutorial.html

  9. busDrving_interface.htm <script> ...... function appletQueue(term) {window.parent.world.document.applets['dlpbrow'].set_queue("script", "queue", term);} function gasProcess() {var gaschange = 2.0; appletQueue("term: speedChange(bus1," + gaschange + ")"); } ...... </script>

  10. Pass values from Javascript to DLP :-object busDrivingjsi. main :-setInitialValues(bus1), new(busDrivinglistener(script, queue), _), ... setInitialValues(Object):- set_field(Object, speed, 0), set_field(Object, engine_status, off). :-end_object busDrivingjsi.

  11. :-object busDrivinglistener : [jsilib, bcilib, busDriving]. busDrivinglistener(Node,Queue):-run(Node, Queue). run(Node,Queue):- repeat, get_queue(Node, Queue, Term), process_test_term(Term), Term = stop, !. process_test_term(Term):- Term = speedChange(Object,Change), !, speedChange(Object,Change),... ...... :-end_object busDrivinglistener.

  12. speedChange(Object, Change):- get_field(Object, engine_status, Status), Status = on, get_field(Object, speed, Speed),% get a global variable Speednew is Speed + Change, Speednew > 0, !,set_field(Object, speed, Speednew), % set a global variable showSpeed(Object, Speednew). speedChange(_,_).

  13. Set parameters directly from Javascript <script> function engineProcess() { If (window.document.interfaceform.engine.value==“EngineOff” ) {….applets['dlpbrow'].set_field("bus1", "engine_status", "off"); ......} </script>

  14. Pass values from DLP to Javascript In DLP: showSpeed(Object, Speed):- get_window(Window), call(Window,showSpeed,[Object, Speed],_). In Javascript ( busDriving_world.htm): <script type="text/javascript"> function showSpeed(object, speed) {window.parent.interface.window.document.interfaceform.speed.value = speed; } </script>

  15. Change Parameters at the Run Time The second message queue is needed Run time control: engineOff, setRotation, speedChange Script_queue1 Javascript Script_queue2 engineOn

  16. In DLP: main :-setInitialValues(bus1), new(busDrivinglistener(script, queue), _), new(busDrivinglistener(script, queue2), _). In Javascript (busDriving_interface.htm): function appletQueue2(term) {window.parent.world.document.applets['dlpbrow'].set_queue("script", "queue2", term);} function engineProcess(){...... If(window.document.interfaceform.engine.value==“EngineOn” ){appletQueue2("term: engine(bus1, on)");......} ..... </script>

  17. Source Codes The source codes of the bus driving with Javascript interface are available at the MMA2 website: http://wasp.cs.vu.nl/mma2

  18. Exercise 1*(Bonus). Design a Bus Race Game with Javascript interface. Hint: Combine the Bus-Driving-with-Javascript program with the Bus-Moving-along-Route program.

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