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Special Education at SCSU: Advising and Program Overview for Students

Special Education at SCSU: Advising and Program Overview for Students. J. Michael Pickle, Ph.D. . Some basics. The undergraduate SPED major prepares a student for working with students who have mild to moderate disabilities

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Special Education at SCSU: Advising and Program Overview for Students

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  1. Special Education at SCSU: Advising and Program Overview for Students

    J. Michael Pickle, Ph.D.
  2. Some basics The undergraduate SPED major prepares a student for working with students who have mild to moderate disabilities The related license is the Academic and Behavioral Strategist (ABS) license Link to rules associated with ABS license in MN
  3. 8710.5050 TEACHERS OF SPECIAL EDUCATION: ACADEMIC AND BEHAVIORAL STRATEGIST. The training and the duties of teachers with an ABS license are addressed in Minnesota Rule 8710.5050
  4. The ABS License Addresses needs for students from Kindergarten to age 21 years The license is associated with skills for addressing needs in the “areas of academics, behavior, social, emotional, communication, and functional performance” A teacher holding an ABS license may work with students who have primary disability areas of “autism spectrum disorders (ASD), developmental cognitive disability (DCD), emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD), other health disorders (OHD), and specific learning disabilities (SLD).” Teachers with an ABS license are “not prepared to serve needs beyond those that are moderate in these disability areas.”
  5. Continuing Preparation A teacher holding an ABS license may add a “severe specialty” At SCSU, we offer such specialties at the graduate level in Emotional and Behavioral Disorders MN license in Emotional Behavioral Disorders Developmental Disabilities (intellectual disabilities) MN license in Developmental and Cognitive Disabilities (DCD) Specific Learning Disabilities MN License in Specific Learning Disabilities Autism Spectrum Disorders (coming soon) For such teachers trained at SCSU, a specialty license involves one additional course and a supervised graduate practicum (in most instances)
  6. More on the ABS License The ABS license also allows a teacher to work in collaboration with other special education teachers to address the needs of students with other disabilities “The teacher with this license may work in collaboration with, but not replace the expertise and services of those who serve children and youth with a disability in the areas of: blind or visually impaired, deaf or hard of hearing, deaf-blind, speech and language impairment, physical impairments, traumatic brain injury, and severely multiply impaired. For these children and youth, a teacher with the academic and behavioral strategist (ABS) licensure would need to refer to an educational professional with expertise, certification, or specific special education licensure.”
  7. The Program Sequence Link to Undergraduate SPED Program Sequence
  8. Liberal Education Program Students MUST fulfill the requirements of the Liberal Education Program Link to SCSU Liberal Education program http://www.stcloudstate.edu/liberaleducation/ Your status within the Liberal Education Program may be determined through your DARS report Check it often
  9. Standards Each course addresses specific standards Standards of Effective Practice Core/content standards To transfer or substitute a course from a different school, ALL of the standards must be addressed The student must demonstrate that the standards are addressed Often involves producing a syllabus and supporting documents from the course For courses that are housed in the Special Education Department, the student must receive permission to substitute/transfer from the external department
  10. Prerequisite Major Courses These courses address both Standards of Effective Practice (SEP) and Core/Content Standards Includes both SPED courses and courses from other departments
  11. Prerequisite Major Courses: SPED SPED 200 SPED 203 SPED 204 SPED 420 SPED 421 SPED 431
  12. Prerequisite Major Courses: SPED Field experience and service learning hours SPED 200 A field experience is required and is completed outside of hours scheduled for the course The Office of Clinical Experiences arranges placements for this experience SPED 203 20 hours of service learning experience related to disabilities and to rehabilitation services are required The experience is completed outside of hours scheduled for the course Procedures and options for the experience are addressed in the course
  13. Prerequisite Major Courses: SPED SPED 420: Characteristics - Developmental Disabilities and Physical/Health Disabilities SPED 421: Characteristics – Specific Learning Disabilities and Emotional Behavioral Disorders Because the ABS license allows teachers to work with students with of “autism spectrum disorders (ASD), developmental cognitive disability (DCD), emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD), other health disorders (OHD), and specific learning disabilities (SLD)” BOTH characteristics are required.
  14. Prerequisite Major Courses: SPED SPED 204: Program Overview and E-folio You will develop the macrostructure for your Pass-Port portfolio All SPED courses have portfolio artifacts Insert these artifacts in Pass-Port or save electronic versions for later inclusion SPED 431: Collaboration Skills and Transition Planning
  15. Prerequisite Major Courses: SPED 300-400 level courses To register for any 300-400 level course, students must have submitted scores on MTLE Basic Skills subtests
  16. Prerequisite Major Courses: External departments CEEP 262: Human Growth and Development IM 422: Media, Materials, Methods MAT 201: Mathematical Thinking MAT 301: Math for Elementary Teacher MAT 201 and MAT 301 must be completed in sequence MAT 201 has prerequisites (MAT 201 is the prerequisite for MAT 301) You will need to contact the Math Department to determine if you have fulfilled the requirements You may be required to complete the Mathematics Placement Test (AccuPlacer test) Link to Mathematics Placement Test http://www.stcloudstate.edu/mathplacement/
  17. Prerequisite Major Courses During the semester in which the prerequisite major courses are completed, students must apply for Junior Block A student must have successfully completed all sections of the MTLE Basic Skills Tests to be admitted to Junior Block A student must also have a G.P.A. of 2.65 or higher to be admitted to Junior Block Application Dates for Junior Block Applications are available in the SPED Office If enrolling in Junior Block courses during Fall semester, applications are due March 1. If enrolling in Junior Block courses during Spring semester, applications are due October 1
  18. Junior Block
  19. Junior Block In almost all cases, the following set of courses needs to be completed during the same semester The courses are designed for functional integration with other courses in the block and with the concomitant field experiences SPED 405: Behavior theories and practices (3 credits) SPED 415: Assistive technology for students with special needs (3 credits) SPED 418: General Education Literacy Instruction for SPED Teachers (3 credits) SPED 445: Social and Natural Science Instruction for SPED Teachers (3 credits) SPED 338: Field experience – Elementary (2 credits) SPED 339: Field experience – Secondary (2 credits)
  20. Junior Block: Field Experiences SPED 338: Field experience – Elementary SPED 339: Field experience – Secondary The ABS is for ages/grades Kindergarten to age 21 years Because of the scope and breadth of the license, each teacher candidate applying for licensure must show experience at the levels of elementary school, middle school, and secondary school. The junior block experiences are designed to address some of these grade levels/age requirements. The experiences are in regular education classrooms, not special education classrooms. Field experiences are arranged through the Office of Clinical Experiences. Meetings related to the field experiences occur on campus during the Junior Block semester. Students must attend meetings related to the structure and the procedures used in Junior Block during the semester prior to enrollment in Junior Block. Follow the SoE monitors for information about these meetings.
  21. Junior Block: Field ExperiencesCriminal Background Check You must complete a criminal background check (CBC) to participate in Junior Block. The CBC is arranged through the Office of Clinical Experiences. Certain violations may prohibit a candidate from participating in field experiences. The scope of the CBC includes criminal violations, restraining orders issued in family courts, and other. Different school districts apply different criteria for participation in field experiences within schools. If you have questions about individual circumstances and effects on field experiences/teacher licensure, contact the SoE Student Services Office. Link http://www.stcloudstate.edu/soe/students/
  22. Junior Block: Field Experiences Evaluation and supervision: Junior block field experiences are supervised and graded experiences. Junior block candidates are supervised by both SCSU personnel and practicing teachers. Skills, knowledge, and dispositions are evaluated during these experiences. Candidates must receive satisfactory evaluations to progress in the program. Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA): Initial opportunities to apply concepts related to the TPA occur during Junior Block. The structure and timing of field experiences and courses during Junior block prohibit employment during morning and afternoon hours.
  23. Senior Block
  24. Additional prerequisite courses that must be completed prior to Senior Block CEEP 361: Educational Psychology (3 credits) HLTH 301: Health Issues/Strategies (2 credits) HURL 497/498: Human Relations for Teachers I/II (4 credits)
  25. Prerequisite courses: HLTH 301 and HURL 497/498 HLTH 301: Health Issues/Strategies (2 credits) A licensure course addressing specific standards To determine if a course or combination of courses will replace HLTH 301, contact the HLTH Department HURL 497/498: Human Relations for Teachers I/II (4 credits) A requirement for ALL Minnesota teaching licenses Includes both course requirements and a series of supporting lectures scheduled outside of regular class hours For special education majors, both HURL 497 and HURL 498 are required Standards covered in HURL 497/8 typically are not fully covered in other HURL courses
  26. Senior Block In almost all cases, the following set of courses needs to be completed during the same semester The courses are designed for functional integration with other courses in the block and with the concomitant field experiences SPED 411: SPED Procedural Safeguards (3 credits) SPED 416: Individualized Assessment (3 credits) SPED 419: Literacy Instruction for SPED Teachers (4 credits) SPED 440: Teaching English Learners with Special Needs (3 credits) – includes a field experience SPED 455: Field experience – Special Education (2 credits)
  27. Senior Block: Field Experiences Evaluation and supervision: Senior block field experiences are supervised and graded experiences. Senior block candidates are supervised by both SCSU personnel and practicing teachers. Skills, knowledge, and dispositions are evaluated during these experiences. Candidates must receive satisfactory evaluations to progress in the program. Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA): A mini-TPA with concomitant review occurs during Senior Block. The structure and timing of field experiences and courses during Senior Block prohibit employment during morning and afternoon hours.
  28. Senior Block: Field Experience SPED 440 In addition to the SPED 455 field experience, students complete an additional field experience in conjunction with SPED 440. The field experience is completed on three (3) Fridays. (The schedule varies across semesters.) The experience is full day, viz., morning and afternoon.
  29. Student Teaching The capstone experience for the undergraduate major is STUDENT TEACHING You will register for SPED 456/457 ABS Student Teaching (12 Credits) SPED 452 ABS Methods (3 Credits) SPED 490 Senior Seminar (1 credit)
  30. Student Teaching Student teaching is a full day experience You CANNOT work during the day and participate in student teaching You will be required to attend class sessions on six (6) Saturdays during the student teaching experience These sessions are from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. The schedule of Saturdays varies, but a typical schedule is every other week To participate in student teaching, your G.P.A. must be 2.75 or higher
  31. Student Teaching: Summative Evaluation of Portfolio The summative evaluation of the electronic portfolio (Pass-Port materials) occurs during student teaching The University Supervisor completes the summative evaluation
  32. Student Teaching: Evaluation Evaluation and supervision: Student teaching experiences are supervised and graded experiences. Student teachers are supervised by both SCSU personnel and practicing teachers. Skills, knowledge, and dispositions are evaluated during these experiences. Candidates must receive satisfactory evaluations to complete the requirements for a teaching license.. Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA): All students must complete and submit a formal TPA during student teaching.
  33. Student Teaching: Requirements Student teaching requirements are a function of an agreement between SCSU and the Minnesota Board of Teaching The agreement addresses the length, the content, and the location of the student teaching experience Length: For initial licenses, 12 credits of student teaching are required Content: The candidate will deliver instruction, participate in assessment, engage in activities related to procedural safeguards and due process, and manage behavior. The candidate will submit an electronic portfolio. The candidate will complete the requirements of the TPA. Location: In most cases, candidates cannot student teach in school districts that they attended as students, where they have been employed, on where relatives are students or employees.
  34. Opportunities within field experiences and student teaching MNSCU Consortium/Academic Common Market International experiences Aldine, TX
  35. Program Requirements and Related MTLE Basic Skills Advanced IM 260 Test-out: SOE Computer Competency Test Pass-Port TPA Block structure
  36. MTLE
  37. MTLE Minnesota Teacher Licensure Examinations Basic Skills Reading Test code: 001 Writing Test code: 002 Mathematics Test code: 003 Advanced Pedagogy Content-Area In Special Education, take the Special Education Core Skills (Subtests 1 & 2) Test codes: 180 and 181
  38. MTLE Scores: Basic Skills MTLE scores are scaled scores Scores range from 100 to 300 The MN Board of Teaching determines/sets the passing score for teaching candidates The current pass score is 240. The MN Board of Teaching projectsincreases in the pass score in the future.
  39. MTLE Scores: SCSU SoE Caution For advising purposes and to assist students with career choices, the SCSU SoE provides the following caution and data. The caution: “Notice that students scoring under 17 on the ACT are very unlikely to pass the required set of examinations for licensure in Minnesota.” Associated data: Students with ACT scores between 17-19 have less than a 25% chance of passing all sections of MTLE Basic Skills Battery. Asscoiated data 2: Students with ACT scores between 20-22 have less than a 50% chance of passing all sections of MTLE Basic Skills Battery.
  40. MTLE Principal Site http://www.mtle.nesinc.com/Home.aspx Registration for tests
  41. School of Education: MTLE Office Test preparation materials are available at the SoE MTLE Office Hours for the office vary but are posted outside of the office Link http://www.stcloudstate.edu/mtle/default.asp Test preparation classes tied to specific areas of the MTLE Basic Skills subtests are offered periodically Check the monitors in the SoE for dates, times, and related information
  42. School of Education Computer Competency Test
  43. IM 260 Test-outSOE Computer Competency Test IM 260: Exploring Information Technologies is a pre-requisite for IM 422: Information Technology and Learning for K-12 IM 422 is a pre-requisite for senior block Some students are able to test-out of IM 260 The link to the SoE Computer Compentency Test: the IM 260 Test-Out Option
  44. Pass-Port
  45. What does PASS-PORT do? Principal function is for the development of standards-based electronic portfolios Think in terms of program accreditation, e.g., NCATE For NCATE package, PASS-PORT HE Other versions available for different disciplines/accrediting agencies Each student (and conceivably faculty member) will hold a PASS-PORT account/portfolio Data for accreditation reports can be downloaded from PASS-PORT accounts e.g. What percentage of special education majors passed Disposition 1 on Standard 1 of the INTASC framework?
  46. More Letters: ILAT Innovative Learning Assessment Technologies From the ILAT website ILAT has a close working relationship with the Center for Innovative Learning and Assessment Technologies (CILAT) - part of the University of Louisiana of Lafayette - as well as Dr. Doug Williams, the center's director. Produces Pass-Port From the Pass-Port website Electronic data management is a central part of our services and PASS-PORT is the tool we use to help you gather, organize, and aggregate your data.
  47. TPA Teacher Performance Assessment Aka – Teaching Performance Assessment (in some areas) Related to the California Teaching Performance Assessment Link to CTPA for teachers Also related to Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT) Link to PACT Link to MACTE materials for TPA
  48. TPA: Some basics Instrument used for assessing beginning teachers Portfolio assessment (description of components follows later in presentation) Portfolio is review by trained, independent evaluators Paid extramural reviewers Calibrated reviewer Goal is to provide some uniformity across states for a) teaching licensing and b)teacher preparation accreditation Initial implementation in MN is tied to goal b Tied to goal of expanding alternative approaches/tracks to teaching licensure Above data are from the MACTE TPA page
  49. Non-tuition Program Costs Students must pay a number of fees that are not related to tuition nor SCSU fee structure
  50. Non-tuition Costs Registration $50 (1x/academic yr) $25 per area $108 (7 year subscription) $38 one year - $104 six years $25/year 4 checks ($20-$60) Registration $50 + test $300 $91 MTLE Basic Skills Test Areas: Reading, Math, Writing Pass-Port Periodic Professional Liability Insurance Criminal Background Check MTLE Pedagogy/Advanced Teacher Performance Assessment MN License Application
  51. Professional Topics Course transfers and substitutions Course credit based on work experience Professional concerns Unsuccessful student teaching experiences Transportation Accommodations and modifications during field experiences and student teaching experiences for students with disabilities
  52. Course transfers and substitutions Addressed earlier but as an additional reminder The SPED curriculum is standards based For course transfers and substitutions, a review of the specific course is required to ensure that the standards are addressed SPED courses …reviewed within the department Other courses …reviewed by the department that offers the course
  53. Course credit based on work experience The Department of Special Education does not allow for course substitutions (other than field experience) based on work experience
  54. Professional Concerns “Any SCSU faculty or staff member(s) who has a concern about a student should talk to the student to express the concern and try to formulate an informal plan to remedy the situation.” If the situation is not resolved, a written record of the concern and concomitant remedial plan is created.
  55. Professional Concerns: Categories Commitment to the Teaching Profession Awareness of Personal Responsibilities Personality Characteristics Responsibility Characteristics Communication Skills Social Relationships Physical Characteristics A description of the categories and associated behaviors/practices is available in SPED Office
  56. Unresolved Professional Concerns “Unsatisfactory completion of the contract may result in the redoing or extending the contract, or removal from the program.”
  57. Unsuccessful student teaching experience In the event of an unsuccessful student teaching experience, a candidate must wait one year before attempting a second student teaching experience. For example… If a student teacher fails student teaching during Spring 2013, the student cannot attempt a second experience until Spring 2014.
  58. Transportation Students are responsible for transportation to and from field experience and student teaching sites In some cases, the sites are not easily accessed through public transportation In some cases, field experiences and student teaching experiences begin earlier than start times for public transportation routes
  59. Accommodations and modifications during field experiences and student teaching experiences for students with disabilities The duties associated with field experiences and with student teaching differ markedly from students’ responsibilities during classroom instruction If a student requires accommodations or modifications during field experiences or student teaching, the student must work with the Office of Disability of Services at SCSU Consultations with field experience supervisors and student teaching supervisors prior to these experiences are highly recommended We also suggest that students with disabilities begin creating plans that will allow them to meet the demands of teaching early in their academic program and considering the potential of their disabilities on their efficacy as an instructor
  60. Co-curricular Activities Students may participate in the Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC) http://www.stcloudstate.edu/sped/information/default.asp Activities include Meetings Service learning opportunities Attending the MN CEC Conference Advocacy Social Activities
  61. Co-curricular Activities Students may participate in the Future Educators Club Associated with the Teacher Preparation Initiative (TPI) A link to discussion about the Future Educators Club Recruit WG to participate in Future Educators Club conference
  62. Future Educators Club Contact data Janice Courtney St. Cloud State University School of Education-Student Services Phone: 320-308-5332 E-mail: jcourtney@stcloudstate.edu
  63. Important Dates: Reminder You must apply for admission to junior block, senior block, and student teaching For courses and placements in Fall semester, the application deadline is MARCH 1 For courses and placements in Spring semester, the application deadline is October 1
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