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Les Verbes Réfléchis

Les Verbes Réfléchis. Français III. Les verbes réfléchis. REFLEXIVE VERBS are formed with a REFLEXIVE PRONOUN that represents the same person as the subject. Je me lave. Monsieur Martin se rase. Continued. tu. te laves. il/elle/on. se lave. nous. nous lavons. vous. vous lavez.

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Les Verbes Réfléchis

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  1. Les Verbes Réfléchis Français III

  2. Les verbes réfléchis REFLEXIVE VERBS are formed with a REFLEXIVE PRONOUN that represents the same person as the subject. Je me lave. Monsieur Martin se rase. Continued...

  3. tu te laves il/elle/on se lave nous nous lavons vous vous lavez ils/elles se lavent Les verbes réfléchis FORMS Review the forms of se laver in the present. PRESENT je me lave AFFIRMATIVE je ne me lave pas NEGATIVE est-ce que tu te laves? INTERROGATIVE te laves-tu? Continued...

  4. Les verbes réfléchis FORMS Review the forms of se laver in the imperative. IMPERATIVE AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE lave-toi! ne te lave pas! lavons-nous! ne nous lavons pas! lavez-vous! ne vous lavez pas! Continued...

  5. Les verbes réfléchis INFINITIVE CONSTRUCTIONS In an infinitive construction, the reflexive pronoun comes immediately before the verb and represents the same person as the subject. Je vais me laver. Je ne vais pas me laver les cheveux. Nous allons nous brosser les dents. Vous n’allez pas vous raser. Continued...

  6. Les verbes réfléchis USES Reflexive verbs are very common in French. They are used: • to describe actions that the subject is performing on or for himself/herself. Exemple: Catherine se regarde dans la glace. Catherine is looking at herself in the mirror. Je me fais un sandwich. I am fixing myself a sandwich. • to describe many aspects of one’s DAILY ROUTINE. Je me lève à sept heures. I get up at seven. Note the use of the DEFINITE ARTICLE after reflexive verbs. Tu te brosses les dents. You are brushing your teeth. Alice se coupe les ongles. Alice is cutting her nails. Link to Image

  7. Les verbes réfléchis COMMON REFLEXIVE VERBS • se laver = to wash (oneself) • se lever = to get (oneself) up • se promener = to walk (oneself) • s’habiller = to dress (oneself) • se brosser = to brush – hair/teeth • se couper = to cut (oneself) • se casser = to break – ankle/leg/etc. • se rendre compte = to realize • Se coucher = to go to bed • Se maquiller = to put on make-up • Se raser = to shave • Se reposer = to rest • Se déshabiller = to undress • S’approcher de = to approach • S’amuser = to have fun • Se fâcher = to get angry • S’inquiéter = to worry • Se dépêcher = to hurry

  8. Les verbes réfléchis COMMON REFLEXIVE VERBS, cont. • s’écrier = to cry out/exclaim • s’en aller = to go away • s’évanouir = to faint • se moquer de = to make fun of • se souvenir de = to remember

  9. Les verbes réfléchis REFLEXIVES THAT CHANGE MEANING battre = to beat se battre = to fight conduire = to drive/lead se conduire = to behave/conduct oneself demander = to ask (for) se demander = to wonder endormir = to put to sleep s’endormir = to go to sleep ennuyer = to bore/annoy s’ennuyer = to be bored occuper = to occupy s’occuper de = to take care of/be concerned with rappeler = to call back se rappeler de = to remember/recall trouver = to find se trouver = to be located/happen to be

  10. Stress Pronouns

  11. Stress pronouns are used: In sentences with no verb After c’est and ce ne’st pas To reinforce the subject Before and after et and ou . After prepositions like: Pour Chez Avec Moi! Pas toi! C’est lui. Ce n’est pas moi. Eux, ils aiment voyager Toi et moi, nous sommes amis. Je travaille pour lui. Je mange avec vous. Allez chez moi! Stress Pronouns

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