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Spring Festival (the first day of lunar January) Common vocabulary: 除夕 Spring Festival Eve

Spring Festival (the first day of lunar January) Common vocabulary: 除夕 Spring Festival Eve 买年货 do Spring Festival shopping 祭祖 offer sacrifices to one ’ s ancestors 守岁 staying-up in the eve of Spring Festival 拜年 pay New Year ’ s call/give New Year ’ s greetings/New Year ’ s visit

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Spring Festival (the first day of lunar January) Common vocabulary: 除夕 Spring Festival Eve

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  1. Spring Festival(the first day of lunar January) Common vocabulary: 除夕Spring Festival Eve 买年货 do Spring Festival shopping 祭祖 offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors 守岁 staying-up in the eve of Spring Festival 拜年 pay New Year’s call/give New Year’s greetings/New Year’s visit 辞旧迎新 bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new 春联 Spring Festival couplets 剪纸 paper-cuts 年画 New Year paintings; 门神 pictures of the god of doors 烟花爆竹 fireworks andfirecrackers 红包 red packets/envelops; 压岁钱 gift money 团圆饭 family reunion dinner/年夜饭 the dinner on New Year’s Eve

  2. Lantern Festival(the 15th of lunar January) Common vocabulary: 灯会 exhibit of lanterns 赏灯 watching lanterns 猜灯谜guessing lantern riddles 汤圆yuanxiao / tangyuan / rice dumplings 舞龙 a dragon lantern dance 舞狮 a lion dance 舞旱船 a land boat dance 舞秧歌 a yangge dance 踩高跷 walking on stilts 击鼓 beating drums

  3. Qingming Festival / Pure Brightness Festival(April 4-6) Common vocabulary: 二十四节气 the 24 seasonal points 纪念 in commemoration of 祭祖 offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors 扫墓 sweep the tombs of the diseased 烧香 burn incense 烧纸钱 burn paper money 墓碑 the memorial tablet 春游 Spring outings 放风筝 kite flying

  4. Dragon Boat Festival(the 5th of lunar May) Common vocabulary: 纪念屈原 in commemoration of Qu Yuan 赛龙舟 dragon boat(dragon-shaped canoes) racing 粽子 zongzi (pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves) 雄黄酒 realgar wine(Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar) 春秋 the Spring and Autumn Period 战国 the Warring States Period

  5. Seventh Evening / Double Seventh Festival(the 7th of lunar July) Common vocabulary: 银河 the Milky Way 牛郎织女星 the Cowhand and Weaver Maid 喜鹊 magpies Valentine's Day in China

  6. Mid-Autumn Festival(the 15th of lunar August) Common vocabulary: 团圆节 the festival of reunion 后羿 Hou Yi 嫦娥 Chang E 长生不老药 elixir 成仙 turned into a celestial being 香案 the incense table 赏月 enjoy the full moon 月饼 moon cakes

  7. Chongyang /Double Ninth Festival(the 9th of lunar September) Common vocabulary: 登高节 Height Ascending Festival 重阳糕 Double Ninth Gao / Double Ninth Cake 赏菊 enjoying the flourishing chrysanthemum 敬老节 Seniors' Day (1989) 秋游 an autumn trip

  8. Some ethnic minorities’s traditional festivals: • The Water Sprinkling Festival of the Dai people 傣族泼水节 • The Torch Festival of the Yi people 彝族火把节 • The third month Fair of the Bai people 白族三月街 • The Antiphonal Singing Day of the Zhuang people 壮族对歌节 • The Jumping Flower Festival of the Miao people 苗族花山节

  9. What festival do you like best? Why? • How do you spend that festival? • What western festival have you spend? How?

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