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CAE Speaking Paper Parts 3 & 4

CAE Speaking Paper Parts 3 & 4. Source : Advanced TRAINER. Cambridge (6 tests ). Part 3 3 minutes (5 minutes for groups of three ). Now , I’d like you to talk about something together for about three minutes (5 minutes for groups of three ).

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CAE Speaking Paper Parts 3 & 4

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  1. CAESpeaking PaperParts 3 & 4 Source: Advanced TRAINER. Cambridge (6 tests)

  2. Part 3 3 minutes (5 minutes forgroups of three) Now, I’dlike you to talkaboutsomethingtogetherforaboutthree minutes (5 minutes forgroups of three). Your pictures show different means of transport. First, talk to eachotherabouttheadvantages and disadvantages of each of thesemeans of transportforholidaytravel. Then decide which of thesetypes of transportwillbemost popular forholidaytravel in thefuture.

  3. What are theadvantages and disadvantages of each of thesemeans of transportforholidaytravel?Which of thesetypes of transportwillbemost popular forholidaytravel in thefuture?

  4. Part 4 4 minutes (6 minutes forgroups of three) To what extent do you thinkconcernsabouttheenvironmentshouldaffectpeople’stransportchoicestoday? What isyouropinionabouttheprovision of publictransport in yourarea? To what extent do you thinktheinvention of theaeroplane has improvedthelives of ordinarypeople? Do peoplereallyneed to travel as much as they do? Would you agreethat travelling to yourdestination can be one of themostenjoyableparts of yourholiday?

  5. Part 3 3 minutes (5 minutes forgroups of three) Now, I’dlike you to talkaboutsomethingtogetherforaboutthree minutes (5 minutes forgroups of three). Your pictures show different aspects of life 150 yearsago and now. First, talk to eachotherabouthowthese pictures show howeach of theseaspects of life has changed. Then decide whether they havechangedforthebetterortheworse.

  6. Howhaveeach of theseaspects of lifechanged?Havetheseaspects of lifechangedforthebetterortheworse?

  7. Part 4 4 minutes (6 minutes forgroups of three) Whoselife do you think has mostimprovedoverthelasthundredor so of years – men’sorwomen’s? Which period in historywould you mostlike to experience? Which invention of thelastcentury do you think has hadthemostimpactonyourownlife? What do you thinklifewouldhavebeenlikeforchildren in thepastcompared to now? In what ways do you thinkpeople’sliveswillbe different fromourown in anotherhundredyears’ time?

  8. Part 3 3 minutes (5 minutes forgroups of three) Now, I’dlike you to talkaboutsomethingtogetherforaboutthree minutes (5 minutes forgroups of three). Your pictures show peoplemakingdifferent decisions. First, talk to eachotheraboutwhy thepeopleneed to bemakingthesedecisions. Then decide what thepeoplemightbetakingintoconsiderationas they maketheirdecisions.

  9. Why mightthesepeopleneed to bemakingthesedecisions?What mightthepeoplebetakingintoconsideration as they makethesedecisions?

  10. Part 4 4 minutes (6 minutes forgroups of three) Howimportantisit to thinkfor a long time beforecoming to a decision? What factors do governmentshave to takeintoaccountwhenmakingdecisionsaffecting a whole country? Do you thinkthatparentsshouldhelptheirchildrenmakeimportantdecisions, evenwhenthechildren are grown-up? Do you believethatpeoplereallyhave free willwhenit comes to makingdecisions, or are weinfluencedbyfactorswe’reunaware of? What sorts of peopleisituseful to takeadvicefromwhenmakingimportantdecisions and why?

  11. Part 3 3 minutes (5 minutes forgroups of three) Now, I’dlike you to talkaboutsomethingtogetherforaboutthree minutes (5 minutes forgroups of three). Your pictures show peopledoingdifferent kinds of jobs. First, talk to eachotheraboutthe appeal of each of thesejobs. Then decide whichjobdeservesthehighestpayment.

  12. What isthe appeal of each of thesejobs?Which of thesejobsdeservesthehighestpayment?

  13. Part 4 4 minutes (6 minutes forgroups of three) Do you thinkitisbetter to do one jobforlifeor to have a series of different jobs? (Why?) Do you thinkitisimportant to have a careerwhichoffersopportunitiesforpromotion? (Why? / Why not?) Would you say itisbetter to workfor a smallor a largeorganization? (Why?) Do you thinkitis true thatmanypeople are influencedbytheworktheirparents do when they choose a career? (Why? / Why not?) What aspects of work are mostlikely to bringpeoplejobsatisfaction, in youropinion? (Why?)

  14. Part 3 3 minutes (5 minutes forgroups of three) Now, I’dlike you to talkaboutsomethingtogetherforaboutthree minutes (5 minutes forgroups of three). Your pictures show different ways of keeping in touchwith people. First, talk to eachotheraboutwhich you thinkisthebestway to keep in touch with friends. Then decide whether you think social networkingsitesonthe Internet willeventuallytakeoverallother ways of keeping in touch with friends.

  15. Which isthebestway to keep in touch with friends?Will social networkingsitesonthe Internet eventuallytakeoverallother ways of keeping in touch with friends?

  16. Part 4 4 minutes (6 minutes forgroups of three) Do you thinkthepopularity of the Internet ispreventingyoungpeoplefromdevelopinggood social skills? Do you think you actuallyneed to meetsomeoneregularly in order to stayclosefriends? What are thequalities you look for in a friend? To what extent do you feelitisimportantforfriends to share thesamevalues? What advicecould you givesomeonemoving to a new townaboutmaking new friends?

  17. Part 3 3 minutes (5 minutes forgroups of three) Now, I’dlike you to talkaboutsomethingtogetherforaboutthree minutes (5 minutes forgroups of three). Your pictures show aspects of citylife. First, talk to eachotheraboutwhat advantageordisadvantage of citylifeeachpicturesuggests. Then decide whether you thinktheadvantages of citylifeoutweighthedisadvantagesor vice versa.

  18. What advantageordisadvantage of citylifedoeseachpicturesuggest?Do you thinktheadvantages of citylifeoutweighthedisadvantagesor vice versa?

  19. Part 4 4 minutes (6 minutes forgroups of three) What can be done to helpsolvetheproblems of pollution in modernbigcities? To what extent do you thinkthatpeople in citiestodayhavelosttouch with nature? People in cities are muchlesslikely to knowtheir neighbours thanpeoplewholive in the country. In what ways doesthisaffecttheirlives? Do you thinkitispossibleforpeoplewholive in cities to have a sense of community? How do childrenbrought up in thecitydifferfromthosebrought up in the country?

  20. Source: Advanced TRAINER. Cambridge

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