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WML Wireless Markup Language

WML Wireless Markup Language. Presented by: Richa Saxena Roll no 1706120. What is WML?. Markup Language built specifically for communicating across WAP-based networks. An specific instance of XML (Extensible Markup Language). WAP (Wireless Application Protocol).

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WML Wireless Markup Language

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  1. WMLWireless Markup Language Presented by: RichaSaxena Roll no 1706120

  2. What is WML? Markup Language built specifically for communicating across WAP-based networks. An specific instance of XML (Extensible Markup Language).

  3. WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) • It lets your mobile phone to communicate with your provider’s gateway. • The Gateway in turn retrieves content from servers using HTTP.

  4. Mobile World Entering the Web world access by PC access by PDA access by mobile phone Magic Lounge is entered via heterogeneous devices virtual meeting space

  5. WAP Browser interface: Users navigate WAP sites using three tools • Navigation arrows • Left and right soft buttons • Keypad

  6. WAP medium properties: • Site are designed for low Bandwidth condition. • Use minimal Graphics • Sites are broken into multiple cards. • Sites must be designed for easy bookmarking . • Sites tend to be menu driven rather than text-entry driven.

  7. Deck and Card Organization • Card- Each screen displayed on phone is called a card • Cards are saved in a group called Deck. • Deck is stored in a .wml file.

  8. What happens when user selects a link? • A new card in the current deck is brought to the foreground • A new deck is loaded and one of its cards is displayed

  9. Syntax used in WML script. • WMLScript is case-sensitive. • WMLScript is a weakly typed language . • Variety of operators that support assignment, arithmetic, logical, string, comparison, and array operations. • Functions can be created and used in WMLScript. • String - contains a set of functions for performing various string operations

  10. More WML syntax • Comments can either be single-line (beginning with //) or multi-line (bracketed by /* and */). • WMLScript supports a number of control statements

  11. WML Example: <?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml"><wml><card id="main" title="An Example"> <p>Hello World </p> </card></wml>

  12. WML follows XML rules • Tags must be nested <b><i>Hello</b></i> (invalid) <b><i>Hello</i></b> (valid) • Tags must be closed <p> <br > </p> (invalid) <p> <br> </br> </p> (valid) • Tags are case sensitive and must be written in all lowercase • All attribute values must be in quotes <p align=center> (invalid) <p align="center"> (valid)

  13. Multiple cards & hyperlinks <wml> <card id="home" title="SMPU"><p align="center"> <big>SMPU</big><br /> <small><i>Society of Mobile Phone Users</i></small><br /></p><p> <a href="#about">About SMPU</a><br /> <a href="become-simple.wml">Become a Member</a><br /></p> </card> <card id="about" title="About SMPU"> <p>SMPU was founded by a group of devoted mobile phone users.</p> <p><a href="#home">SMPU Home</a></p> </card> </wml>

  14. Anchoring <wml> <card title=“Anchor Tag”> <p> <anchor> Next Page<go href =“test.html”> </anchor> </p> </card> </wml>

  15. WML Tasks • GO Task <wml> <card> <p> <anchor> Go to Test <go href =“test.html”> </anchor> </p> </card> </wml>

  16. Prev Task <wml> <card> <p> <anchor> Previous Page <prev/> </anchor> </p> </card> </wml>

  17. No operation Element <noop> says that nothing should be done • Refresh <refresh> refreshes the screen • Image Element <img> Define an image

  18. Comparison of HTML with WML • WML is highly structured and very particular about syntax while HTML is not. • WML is case sensitive in contrast to HTML • Many tags have required attributes while in HTML we use only those attributes which we need • WML pages are organized into deck and card structure in contrast to HTML

  19. WML has to cope up with inherent limitation in environment………. • Display Size-smaller screen size and resolution. • Input Device-input is usually accomplished by combination of numeric keypad and some function keys • Computational resources-Low power CPU and small memory size • Narrowband network connectivity.

  20. Conclusion • With growing number of mobile users WAP network is bound to grow. • As limiting factor WAP cannot be employed for huge threaded message boards or slideshows. • WAP is best suited for small, concrete pieces of data; stock quotes, addresses, instant messaging, and such.

  21. THANKS

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