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THE UNEP / WMO 8ORM Genève, Switzerland, May 2011

THE UNEP / WMO 8ORM Genève, Switzerland, May 2011 Summary of activities from Africa - National Reports Rapporteur:- Mr. Gerrie J R Coetzee ( on behalf of Africa) PLEASE ALSO SEE AVAILABLE REPORTS. The Reporting - WMO REGIONS. THE STATUS FOR REPORTING. Activity MAP indicator

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THE UNEP / WMO 8ORM Genève, Switzerland, May 2011

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  1. THE UNEP / WMO 8ORM Genève, Switzerland, May 2011 Summary of activities from Africa - National Reports Rapporteur:- Mr. Gerrie J R Coetzee ( on behalf of Africa) PLEASE ALSO SEE AVAILABLE REPORTS

  2. The Reporting - WMO REGIONS Note – WMO should update (revise) regions and countries on the WMO Member Pages. Note: I Apologise for missing vital reports and information if not presented here. The efforts to obtain these is NOT lost – we still have time until tom. before closure. Thank you !

  3. THE STATUS FOR REPORTING • Activity MAP indicator • Indicates National reports Received ? • There is a need to Improvise from • inherent knowledge / networking and past reports • Extensive activities on research and monitoring • MP activities – No Vienna Convention activities – but? To note ! • With some related noticeable other initiatives such as twinning, other Env. Sector involvement etc.

  4. Algeria • Extensive Monitoring - GAW • Under the enhanced program of surveillance and monitoring of the chemical composition of the atmosphere , WMO has initiated the project in 1989 GAW currently unites a network of thirty stations in the world. To consolidate this network with new stations globally , WMO selected in 1991 six new sites in developing countries , including the Algerian station coupled two sites Tamanrasset / Assekrem part . • Measurements of ozone in the site coupled Tamanrasset / Assekrem are of great interest to the scientific community because their data can be used for the validation of digital satellite systems modeled as the GAW station is located on a strategic location representative of the North African. • REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS • Supply GAW station by consumables and spare parts especially is very essential , the sudden a small pump failure can cause total shutdown of equipment as it was the case for continuous measures monoxide carbon Assekrem suspended since December 2013 , two measuring equipment which are the analyzer and aerosol particle counter have suffered the same fate in 2004 and 2007 after years of observations. Measuring instruments that are ozone or others are very sensitive , if you want that specific measurements of ozone continue to Tamanrasset / Assekrem , we must provide the monitoring stations by a necessary complement of spare parts and schedule regular IC’s TQM-PSN-001

  5. Burkina Faso • Establishment and Role of National Ozone Unit (Bureau National Ozone (BNO)) , was established in 1994 as an entity within the Department of Anti-pollution and Health which answers to the General department for the Preservation of the Environment within the Ministry of Environment. The objective of the BNO is to reduce ODS consumption according to the limits set in the Montreal Protocol for substances listed in Annexes A and C. To achieve this goal, the following specific tasks have been assigned to the BNO: • The control of ODS import and export on a day-to-day basis is achieved through close co-operation between the Bureau National Ozone (BNO), the Individual Client Centre, and the Customs Service. • Recommendations • To that end the country wish to be considered on voluntary basis by likely donors (USA, Canada that help sine Burkina on implementing the national ozone programme) in receiving a proper working second hands equipment either a Dobson or a Brewer Spectrophotometer from its previous quoted partners . A twinning arrangement with one or two developed countries can also be foreseen • In conjunctions with Met. Network they are able. The physics and atmospheric chemistry labs of University of Ouagadougou, the National Ozone unit and the national meteorological department jointly will be responsible for measurements and maintenance of the instruments

  6. Union Des Comoros ► The Comoros stands strong on Implementing of the MP goals and current status:- Comoros belongs to the group of countries with low volume consumption of ozone-depleting substance ozone , therefore, their concerns are based on the availability of reliable substances economically, environmentally and technically on the sub-sectors air conditioning and domestic and commercial refrigeration . As for the management of HFC , ongoing discussions consider the following questions: - The emphasis of research on the development of gas substitutions adapted to economic and climatic context of the country and meet safety standards vis vis- à-vis users and people - Support professionals in the use of substitutes and conversion facilities - Improving the accessibility and supply of products, especially for non- producers and isolated from major markets countries ONGOING - Awareness of the political authorities on emerging issues - The adoption of technical and scientific standards with a range of products put on the market to avoid the multitude of products currently on the market - The harmonization of standards on the production and use of substitutes - The establishment of the fund support for low-income countries under transition - Creating a platform to promote technological exchanges relating to alternatives - The effective involvement of the Montreal Protocol in the process of phasing out HFCs to ensure a better transition. Ozone research and monitoring – Not existing. But a need for this surely.

  7. Republic of KENYA • Stands strong on MP implementation and on Ozone Research and Monitoring. • Monitoring • monitors ozone in four stations namely: • Mount Kenya Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) station • Nairobi Regional GAW station ozonesonde • The station commenced monitoring of surface ozone in July 2012. • Jomo Kenyatta International Airport Urban air Pollution Monitoring Station. • Chiromo Urban Air Pollution Monitoring Station. • Successful Collaborations • in collaboration with International Twinning Partner • MeteoSwiss, • Swiss Federal Laboratory for Material Testing and Research (EMPA)) • Main Recommendations - To follow at end. • EXISTING RESEARCH • Kenya currently does not have any major ozone research project in progress. However, several researches on ozone are being conducted by University students at both under graduate and post graduate level and private researchers.

  8. Republic of South Africa RSA is strong on MP Implementation Moderate / Strong Ozone Research and Monitoring (Ground-based activities) Cape Point – GLOBAL WMO GAW station A few regional GAW Stations ( 2X Dobsons on plus D035 UK, Ozone sonde Soundings) Full GAW set of Parameters – CPT) Detailed SAAQIS Network Air Quality including Solar UV A and B, AOD , etc. Many national activities and wide international collaborations ANTARCTIC Station SANAR –Vessel SA AGULHAS Long term measurements of selected CFC’s at Cape Point. Source: Casper Labuschagne, Cape Point GAW station.

  9. REPUBLIQUE TOGOLAISE • Togo, like most countries , is concerned about the problems relating to issues • the environment, particularly in the case of emissions of chemical substances in • environment . The institutional framework is fairly well marked for each specific problem. • To this end, and in accordance with its commitments under the Montreal Protocol and its • amendments and other relevant texts , Togo took a number of provisions • regulations and conducts relevant actions for Substances that Deplete the • Ozone Layer ( ODS ) . Stands Strong on MP Implementation. • In contrast, in the field of ozone research , initiatives of national laboratories • remain tentative due to lack of resources needed to achieve their goals. • This report describes the state of research on current and future releases of • chemicals. STATE OF RESEARCH /MONITORING OZONE ACTIVITIES • Different research laboratories of public universities in Togo , University of Lome • University of Kara conduct research activities that focus on the emission of substances • chemicals in the ecosystem and the study of their impact on health, water, food etc. . • Researchers Togo are quite available and interested in this research , but they need • International Support.

  10. ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT EGYPT has extensive organizational and Montreal Protocol projects all I different sectors – Refrigeration, Foam, halon management, methyl Bromide etc. Different projects were and are conducted to minimize and stop using of these ODS, these projects can be summarized in the following: Mostly NMS orientated. Extensive network of Ozone Monitoring / Research monitoring Dobson (X4) and Brewer Stations ( Total ozone, Umkehr etc. Surface ozone , UV radiations Stations Well Set with international collaboration

  11. GAMBIA OZONE MONITORING CURRENT STATUS • The Gambia at the moment does not have a scientific Ozone Monitoring centre or centers that can monitor the Ozone Layer from the ground none the less for the Ozone office to attain its aims and objectives and to fully integrate with the international community on the monitoring of the Ozone Layer it is important the country gets fully equipped Ozone Monitoring centers in all the major regions. • We monitor imports of Ozone Depleting Substances by collecting Data from importers and refrigeration technicians country wide. The Data is reported to the Ozone Secretariat, the Ozone Action and the Multilateral Fund Secretariat. FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS • AMMA ? • Stratospheric research data is almost non-existent in the West Africa Sub Region, therefore the United Nations Environment programme needs to come up with an incentive to organize sub regional training programmes on how to get research centers to facilitating the collection of Atmospheric Data. • Securing funds to purchase computers and build the capacity of local staff and other stake holders to facilitating sustainable Stratospheric Ozone Monitoring and yearly reporting to the Ozone Secretariat of the United Nations Environment Programme.

  12. MADAGASCAR • Like most countries under Article 05 of the Montreal Protocol , Madagascar is importer of substances regulated by the said Protocol countries, it produces no substances or equipment or equipment containing Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS ) . • However, the country meets and adopts the program of action adopted at international level for the implementation in all countries Parties to the Montreal Protocol . • To this end , the country has developed and implemented its Country Programme (PP ) on the Protection of the Ozone layer. Four Plans / Projects have so far been implemented in accordance with the Ozone Country Programme ( CP) : • Projects on the " Institutional Strengthening of Madagascar for the purposes of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer “ . - Projects I and II on the Refrigerant Management Plan (RMP and RMP A). - The Management Plan for the Elimination Final ( TPMP ) of Chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs) , The Management Plan for the Elimination in terms of control and monitoring; It lacks a bit in Madagascar is the control and monitoring, we do not have stable and solid structure that is able to accomplish effectively. The right to inspect at any time and punish through a competent organization is necessary if we really want to succeed in this project. Without effective monitoring and control , all efforts to undertake and will be doomed to failure. • In Madagascar , there has not yet put in place incentives that can push users to use alternative fluids protecting both the ozone layer and climate hydrochlorofluorocarbons ( HCFCs) or HPMP. • In terms of control and monitoring; It lacks a bit in Madagascar is the control and monitoring, we do not have stable and solid structure that is able to accomplish effectively. The right to inspect at any time and punish through a competent organization is necessary if we really want to succeed in this project. Without effective monitoring and control , all efforts to undertake and will be doomed to failure. TQM-PSN-001

  13. Different Developments since the 2011 8ORM • Air Pollution monitoring is on the increase. Notably in Southern and Northern Africa, Kenya, Lesotho, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Angola, Sudan, Added sensors to these state of the art solar trackers such PFR AOD ( opportunities for AERONET), UVA/UVB/ sensors. Data sharing in exchange for looking after the stations. • Practical Surface Ozone instruments…a new research developments? (such as mini SAOZ, Pandora?) • WE Need to tap into these networks , establish much firmer collaboration – a great potential for sustained systematic ground based monitoring - with more sustained funding: COMMERCIAL INTIATIVES

  14. 9ORM Recommendations from Africa The Background Scene • Most countries are fulfilling the principles of the Montreal Protocol. In many reports this is being dealt with very well by in-country efforts with the international Community. In fact many countries see this is their only contribution that can be made with regards to the reporting. • Ozone research and monitoring , especially surface networks and station capabilities are in great need. One realises that not every country should have a global GAW station, but in addition to existing Meteorological networks, added value can be placed with some form of ozone related monitoring effort. • Africa has the capacity of researchers and they are quite available and interested in enhancing the research and monitoring needs for Africa. The fact remains that further mentoring and support with strong longer-term international collaboration project is still not easy accessible. Scientific isolation remains a difficulty to even establish a small pool of lasting in-country expertise. (E.G Togo, Comoros, Burkina Faso, etc. )

  15. 9ORM Recommendations from Africa Recommendations (1) • In light of a diminishing based ground observational network it is essential that we first off all sustain what we have, and encourage new stations. Satellite verification with a diminishing ground based network also runs into verification difficulties. However it is encouraging to see a few new ground based monitoring efforts. • Renewed efforts for renewed monitoring stations. The relocation of unused instruments remains a viable option. For monitoring of total ozone (Dobson) and possibly also UV (Brewer) it is also an important part of the capacity building. Though each campaign usually has specific features, general rules on ownership, financial support for transport of instruments, training of operators and installation at the site should be defined and fixed under the umbrella of WMO and UNEP. This will make preparation and realization of such actions faster, simple and more efficient. Up till now the progress made in this respect has been very slowly and some specific program needs to be established and managed to lead to any further success. Redistribution of instruments from instrument-rich sites to those areas that are poorly populated with instruments to be fast-tracked. ( Setting up a commission / Reference Group – task team etc. Complimenting UNEP Trust FUND For the ORM Parties ) Focal Point Appointment.

  16. 9ORM Recommendations from Africa Recommendations (2) • Mitigating and adaption to Climate Change also indicates to us that more (not less) atmospheric monitoring is needed. This is also crucial to enhance early warning systems and real time data. Atmospheric changes are still imminent just as the recent detection of 4 new banned CFC’s in the atmosphere and their fast rising levels. We need to monitor the ozone depleting substance concentrations in the atmosphere more vigorously • Models and/or methodologies exist to begin projecting the impacts of ozone change on human health such as heat stress, crop production, and growth inhibitors (ozone and UVB burn), etc. but they are still very robust. Thus there is a need for application development to forecast impact on health and such other risks. (modeling studies) • Economics (funding) plays a huge part in sustaining scientific (ozone) research and monitoring. There is an ever increasing demand on providing commercial revenue and thus it is also detrimental to our traditional way of research and monitoring. We shall have to find alternative project linkages such as with the alternative /renewable energy sectors in finding mutual grounds for enhancing and even sustaining monitoring capabilities. For example the Solar Energy sector provides a very good platform for additional solar, AOD and UV related measurements and we could and should exploit these options.

  17. 9ORM Recommendations from Africa Recommendations (3) • There are three-way links to bring resources together and to consolidate ground-based measurements for stratospheric, troposphere and near surface ozone. Thus combined research projects with earmarks on Ozone - Air Quality and Climate Change could pull resources together and provide more efficient impact on efforts which started out more than 25 years ago just to monitor our natural Ozone Layer only. • Balloon ozonesonde networks provides critical observations which gives high resolution vertical profiles (sampling every 2 sec.) of ozone, water vapor etc. The balloon monitoring efforts are spares and a denser ground-based distribution is needed. • The need for international Data Archives (such as WOUDC) needs to be preserved with great care, and services from these centers could be enhanced. • Advisory : - MOU’s, bilateral agreements between countries, institutions and NMHS’s should be exploited more and must reach the scientist on the ground-level. Most often these signed agreements only gather dust in offices. Perhaps we need to propagate at important managerial meetings such as this meeting so that tangible actions from MOU’s can filter though to enhance research and monitoring at ground-level.

  18. 9ORM Recommendations from Africa Recommendations (4) • Measuring instruments that are ozone or others are very sensitive , if you want that specific measurements of ozone continue to Tamanrasset / Assekrem , we must provide the monitoring stations by a necessary complement of spare parts and or easier access to this. • Scheduling regular international instrument calibrations exercises must be maintained. For example the last African Dobson IC was held in 2009. Perhaps for specific regions the new 5 year time frame for scheduling is proving to be too long. • Governments in this region( should be made more aware) sense the need to establish more ozone monitoring stations and enhance capacity in the regions. This would require both infrastructure and equipment support in order to establish new stations.

  19. The End. . . Thank you From Africa to the international Community - a word of thanks and appreciation is noted from in various country reports for specific interventions and collaborations. However more is called for… Thanking:- WMO and UNEP Kenya - EMPA and MeteoSwsiss. South Africa – USA NASA , NOAA; DWD GAWTEC Germany; etc. CZECH SOO-HK, in Hradec Kralove Meteorological Agency of Spain (AEMET) for offering the Brewer training . WOUDC and Other Data Centre's – Very Important roles The WMO-GAW Training and Education Centre (GAWTEC) established in Germany has been successful in providing training in measurements and instrument calibration to all our staff involved in ozone measurements. And Others. Please read reports. The ORM Report is a wealth of Information – “An Ozone Telephone/contact directory”

  20. Extra Slide :---- THE IRENE IC 2009 and after . . . Future remains very uncertain. D015 –Maun not operating, Dobson Lagos – not operating and Mahe, unsure if the have re-instated operations as their facilities were upgraded. Report on Nairobi, Kenya Instruments- #018 Dobson Report on Lagos, Nigeria Instruments. #5730 Shimatzu/Dobson Report on Maun, Botswana Instruments. #015 Dobson . Report on Mahe, Seychelles Instruments. #057 Dobson

  21. Extra slide : Pretoria IC2000 . ACTIVITIES OF A “ RDCC ” – past actions and status? THE PRETORIA IC2000 With Workshop SABS Building Still a unofficial Calibration Centre Meteorological Technical Centre at Irene

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