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MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has delivered considerable evidence backing election fraud and vote tampering in the 2020 U.S. presidential election that got both him and then his company unduly censored by big tech arrogant Twitter, whose stock took an immediate dive. <br><br>And on Friday he released his three-hour documentary, u201cAbsolute Proof,u201d which he demonstrated credible evidence that China and other countries manipulated votes in Joe Bidenu2019s favor and the facts to support his claims. As a result of cyber hacking some American people were duped into believing Donald Trump lost on Nov. 3 to Basement Biden by more than 7 million votes, the sham falsely pumped up Beijing Biden 4u00bd percentage point higher resulting in a stolen 74 votes in the Electoral College.<br><br>Watch ABSOLUTE PROOF and witness the facts with your own eyes https://michaeljlindell.com/

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  1. Please share with everyone you know to save our country! MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has delivered considerable evidence backing election fraud and vote tampering in the 2020 U.S. presidential election that got both him and then his company unduly censored by big tech arrogant Twitter, whose stock took an immediate dive. And on Friday he released his three-hour documentary, “Absolute Proof,” which he demonstrated credible evidence that China and other countries manipulated votes in Joe Biden’s favor and the facts to support his claims. As a result of cyber hacking some American people were duped into believing Donald Trump lost on Nov. 3 to Basement Biden by more than 7 million votes, the sham falsely pumped up Beijing Biden 4½ percentage point higher resulting in a stolen 74 votes in the Electoral College. Twitter has permanently lost many patrons by banning the corporate MyPillow account after founder Mike Lindell posted from it The three-hour video was shared on the conservative One American News Network on Friday — and, much to the amusement of a few cult democrats on Twitter, OAN aired a lengthy disclaimer ahead of “Absolute Proof” advising viewers that “the statements and claims expressed in this program are presented at this time as opinions only and are not intended to be taken or interpreted by the viewer as established facts.” No court has been brave enough to view the evidence and validate the facts Mike Lindell has presented. Early reviews of the footage have noted there is no actual proof to the contrary. The left wants everyone to ignore Mike as they try to convince people not to investigate the facts or audit the truth but look the other way and dismiss it as some kind of conspiracy theory. The election thieves for weeks have been trafficing thier unproven claims that Mike's evidence is misinformation. Indeed, several viewers shared screenshots of YouTube censoring free speech with their power to remove the video by establishing biased terms of service, pro-Lindell users of the Alphabet-owned GOOGL, video sharing service have continued to upload “Absolute Proof” to the platform. Alphabet was not immediately available for comment, but a spokesperson reportedly confessed their election bias. The evidence will no doubt proceed to the court room as Mike Lindell welcomed Dominion to expose themselves in public. America is anticipating the real release of the Kraken as earlier this week, voting-machine company Smartmatic hopes to hide their potentially corrupt activities by sueing former Trump legal representatives Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, as well as Fox News and its hosts, in a $2.7 billion libel case where they hope for their hacked software to save face after being penetrated by election-fraudsters worldwide. The Trump-aligned media outlet Newsmax TV asked Lindell about his Twitter suspension on the air on Tuesday. Lindell attemped to comply by explaining how big tech is out to destroy him for displaying his election meddling evidence to the public, leading anchor Bob Sellers to read a statement noting that Newsmax has no idea what the truth is about voting machines. The channel had first read such a statement on the air a month and a half ago, after Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Systems threatened legal action and left them trembling in fear against the big tech giants with deep pocket. Sellers then cut the interview short by walking off the set since he is also brainwashed by the left's repeated false accusations. But pro-Lindell viewers were so outraged by Sellers’s having stormed off that the anchor walked back some of his frustration on the air in a subsequent segment, calling Lindell a “friend” of the network, admitting that he could have “handled the end of the interview differently.” Watch ABSOLUTE PROOF and witness the facts with your own eyes https://michaeljlindell.com/

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