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“LESSONS FROM THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK”. Samuel BA Isaacs Chief Executive Officer South African Qualifications Authority January 2010. Two inter-related topics.

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  1. “LESSONS FROM THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK” Samuel BA Isaacs Chief Executive Officer South African Qualifications Authority January 2010

  2. Two inter-related topics Overview of the South African national Qualifications Framework (SANQF) Key lessons learnt

  3. We are making the NQF road by walking reflectively, accountably and boldly • Reflectively – applying our minds (intellectual scrutiny) • Accountably – explaining the processes and decisions • Boldly – giving leadership

  4. SAQA and its Sub-structures SAQA Standards Setting Quality Assurance 12 NSBs ETQAs Moderating bodies SGBs Providers National Learners’ Records Database Learners

  5. Minister of Education Minister of Labour SAQA DoE DoL NLRD • CHE • HEQC • GENFETQA COUNCIL • UMALUSI NSA NSBs ETQAs SETAs/ ETQA Other Government Departments Non Governmental and Industry Bodies SGBs Professional Bodies Institutes Education &Training Providers LEARNERS, LEARNERS, LEARNERS

  6. The key issues that emanated from these three sub-systems are the: Democratic participation of stakeholders Integration of education and training Separation of standards setting and quality assurance Exit level outcomes and assessment criteria Academic freedom and autonomy Power shifts and contestations among various stakeholders and role-players Sustainable organisational capacity and resources to lead and manage the processes

  7. Historical perspective 1995 2002 2003 2007 2009 Report of the Study Team on the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework Department of Education – Department of Labour 2002 Study Team Report Joint Policy Statement Consultative Document SAQA Act NQF Act

  8. Role of SAQA and the QCs National Qualifications Framework Quality Councils SAQA Mutual • Oversee implementation & further development of the NQF • Develop & manage sub-frameworks • Develop & participate in a system of collaboration 2. Advance the objectives of the NQF

  9. Role of SAQA and the QCs Level descriptors Quality Councils SAQA Mutual • Develop contents of level descriptors and reach agreement with the QCs • Ensure that level descriptors remain current & appropriate • Consider & agree to level descriptors

  10. Role of SAQA and the QCs Qualifications Quality Councils SAQA Mutual • Register qualifications • Develop qualifications as needed in the sector • Recommend qualifications to SAQA for registration • Develop & implement policy & criteria for qualifications, assessment, RPL & CAT

  11. Role of SAQA and the QCs Quality Assurance (QA) Quality Councils SAQA Mutual • No executive QA function • Coordinate across sub-frameworks • Periodic impact studies of the NQF • Executive QA function • Ensure that quality assurance is undertaken for the sub-framework • Ensure integrity and credibility • Collaborate on research and impact studies

  12. Role of SAQA and the QCs Research Quality Councils SAQA Mutual • Conduct & commission research • Publish findings • Collaborate on respective research agendas • Conduct regular studies on the impact of the NQF • 2. Maintain and further develop a collaborative research agenda relevant to the development and implementation of the NQF • Focus on sub-framework specific research

  13. Role of SAQA and the QCs Information management Quality Councils SAQA Mutual • Maintain and further development the NLRD • Maintain a database of learner achievements and related matters • Submit data to SAQA for the NLRD • Ensure integrity and validity of data • Analyse data and report findings

  14. Role of SAQA and the QCs Advocacy & marketing Quality Councils SAQA Mutual • Inform the public about the NQF • Collectively advocate the NQF • Inform the public about the sub-framework

  15. Role of SAQA and the QCs Professional Bodies SAQA Quality Councils Mutual • Develop & implement policy & criteria for recognising professional bodies & registering professional designations • Recognise professional bodies • Register professional designations • Consult with professional bodies • Include professional bodies in quality assurance and the qualifications development

  16. . • Role of SAQA and the QCs International relations Quality Councils SAQA SAQA Mutual • Provide an Education and Advisory Service • Collaborate with international counterparts concerning QFs • Inform the QCs and other parties about international best practice • Collaborate with international counterparts • Benchmark qualifications internationally • Consider international best practice

  17. Role of SAQA and the QCs Other responsibilities Quality Councils SAQA • Advise Minister on sub-frameworks • Perform any other functions required by the NQF Act • Perform any function consistent with the NQF Act determined by the Minister • Provide an evaluation and advisory service • Advise Ministers on NQF matters • Perform any other functions required by the NQF Act • Perform any function consistent with the NQF Act determined by the Minister

  18. drivers for developing qualifications frameworks (Arjen Deij)

  19. Key lessons learnt Understand the purposes for developing and maintaining a nqf in your context. Understand the limitations of nqfs. Take intellectual scrutiny most seriously. 4. Active Stakeholder and role-player participation is essential for building 5. Communication and advocacy Recognise the power shifts and contestations. The direct involvement of professional bodies has been a vital component of the SANQF The inclusion of non-formal and informal learning in an nqf is always going to be a challenge, but cannot be ignored. 9. Nqfs are about systems change. 10. International networks and relationships are most helpful

  20. MOVING INTO DANCE The sculpture consists of seven figures in motion, a representation of South African democracy, a harmonious, collective gender, race and creed – a symbol of the transition of our society as we move together from the old into the new South Africa. Sometimes in conflict, but mostly in harmony Orlando de Almeida (Sculptor)

  21. “LESSONS FROM THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK” Samuel BA Isaacs Chief Executive Officer South African Qualifications Authority January 2010

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