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CRM 1204 CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. Presentation 8: Crew Personality. Learning Outcomes. At the end of this lecture, student should be able to: Realize the importance of having good personality as flight crews.

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  1. CRM 1204CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Presentation 8: Crew Personality Presented by MohdAmirul for AMC

  2. Learning Outcomes • At the end of this lecture, student should be able to: • Realize the importance of having good personality as flight crews. • Aware of the bad impacts of hazardous attitudes in flight operation and how to overcame them. Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  3. Outline for the Presentation • Introduction • Personality • Definition of Personality • Importance of Crew Personality • Aircrew Personality • Attitude • Definition of Attitude • Hazardous Attitudes • Antidote to Hazardous Attitudes Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  4. Personality Trait Test Everyone cannot build a successful career in aviation. To see how suited you are for these jobs, please rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 in following personality traits. 1 means minimum presence and 5 means maximum presence of a trait in your personality. • Ability to handle crisis/tough situations with commonsense • Friendliness and kind nature towards unknown people • Physical stamina • Proportionate figure with good body language • Communication skills and voice quality Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  5. Cont. • Score Inference:5-10: Aviation is not your calling!11-17: You are good. Get in to get better.18 and above: This is what you are made for. Take off! Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  6. Introduction • People differ from each other in fundamental ways, including their thoughts and feelings, their wants and beliefs, their words, their values, and their talents. • People are born with different personalities, and that these differences are central to nearly every aspect of their lives Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  7. Definition of Personality • Personality is the combination of personal traits and characteristics of individual that are set at a very early age and extremely resistant to change. • Personality distinguishes one person from the other. • Personality also determine what a person will do in a given situation. • In short word, personality is your unique personal style. • In aviation, bad personality can be one of the many factors in the chain of events which lead to accident. Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  8. Cont. According to American Psychiatric Association,1980 Personality is defined as “the characteristic way in which a person thinks, feels and behaves; the fix pattern of behavior that each person evolves, both consciously and unconsciously, as the style of life or way of being in adapting to the environment” Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  9. Importance of Crew Personality • The aviation scenario encompasses many demanding and challenging situations in the air and/or the ground. • The personality of the aircrew is likely to have its own impact on tackling or approaching those demanding situations. • Hence, knowledge about the aircrew’s personality and its influence on flying performance has an important bearing on flight safety. Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  10. Aircrew Personality • Assertive • An assertive aircrew is not afraid to ask questions • Always has initiative to get things done. • Extrovert • Extrovert means an outgoing and socially confident person. • Highly Focus • People with high focus can dominate situations, they feel able to influence the world and control events. Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  11. Cont. • Highly Motivated • Highly motivated people can accomplish much more • Managers usually try to improve morale and motivation to maximize company performances. • Anxiety • Feeling of being anxious. • Moderate levels improve performance, high levels lead to more errors   Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  12. Attitude Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  13. Definition of Attitude • Attitude is a personal motivational tendency to respond to persons, situations or events. • Attitude: a settled way of thinking or feeling. Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  14. Hazardous Attitudes • Anti-Authority - No one tells me what to do! • Impulsiveness - Do something quickly • Invulnerability - It won’t happen to me • Macho- I can do it! • Resignation - What’s the use Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  15. Hazardous Attitudes • Anti-Authority- No one tells me what to do! • Found in people who do not like anyone telling them what to do. • Impulsiveness- Do something quickly • Found in people who frequently feel the need to do something immediately. • Do not stop to think about what to do, do not choose the best alternative. Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  16. Hazardous Attitudes • Invulnerability - It won’t happen to me • Found in people that feelaccidents happen to others, but never to them. • Never really feel that they will be involved. • Aircrew who think this way a more likely to take chances and increase risk. • Macho- I can do it! • Always trying to prove that they are better than anyone else. • Also like to take risks in order to impress others. Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  17. Hazardous Attitudes • Resignation - What’s the use • Found in people that do not see themselves able to make a great deal of difference in what happens to the situation. • When things go well, they consider as good-luck. • When things go-bad, they consider as bad-luck. • Also they will leave the action to others, for better or worse. Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  18. Antidote to Hazardous attitude Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  19. Conclusion • Hazardous attitude might lead to bad or impulsive decisions. We all should objectively assess our own characters and recognize the situations where these hazardous attitudes occur in our own personalities. Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  20. Key Points • Definition of Personality • Importance of Crew Personality • Aircrew Personality • Definition of Attitude • Hazardous Attitude • Antidote to Hazardous Attitude Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

  21. End of Presentation #8Q/A session Presented by Mohd Amirul for AMC

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