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Problem-Solution Writing

Problem-Solution Writing. Solving Intolerance. Position Statement (Thesis). represents your position on a controversial topic Should clearly state a plan for solving a problem or a call to action Include words like “will” or “should”

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Problem-Solution Writing

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  1. Problem-Solution Writing Solving Intolerance

  2. Position Statement (Thesis) • represents your position on a controversial topic • Should clearly state a plan for solving a problem or a call to action • Include words like “will” or “should” • Ex: Intolerance toward people with disabilities should be combated by including the disabled in social interactions, promoting the positive aspects of life with a disability, and educating the public about disabilities.

  3. Solutions • Your position (belief) needs to be supported by three solutions • Each reason should directly relate to the position statement • Each reason must be distinct from others • If not, the structure of your essay will start to crumble

  4. Reasons Example • Intolerance will end —position • Reasons(ways): • Integration • Promotion of lifestyle • Education

  5. Evidence • Each reason must be supported with evidence HELLO RESEARCH • Facts, statistics • Examples • Quotes from experts • Ex: Experts agree that “informal interaction between students with and without disabilities is a necessary antidote to isolation and teasing” (Harrison 29).

  6. Explanation– So what? • Explain how evidence relates to solution • How will this help solve intolerance? • EX: Informal conversation between people leads them to connect through personalities and interests. Students without disabilities can learn how to interact with disabled students; their time together creates a personal connection and tolerance for people with disabilities.

  7. Order • Order reasons and their evidence from least to most important/persuasive

  8. Conclusion • Should include a restatement of your position statement • Should summarize the solutions and how they will be effective • Should then hook back to attention-getter.

  9. Concessions • A good argument will interweave opposing arguments and counteract them– see handout • Located after topic sentence, but before supporting details. • The strongest reason should NOT include a concession

  10. Body Paragraph Structure Transition Topic sentence Concession statement-only on para 1 and 2 Concession rebuttal– only on para 1 and 2 Supporting detail 1 and explanation/ trans Supporting detail 2 and explanation/ trans Supporting detail 3 and explanation Clincher

  11. Body Paragraph Sample Topic Sentence: solution To create tolerance toward people with disabilities, society must promote social interaction between students with and without disabilities. True, only focusing on young children doesn’t solve the problem, as adults also need to develop tolerance. On the other hand, students will later become leaders in this world, and school provides a unique opportunity for interaction between those with and without disabilities. One way to encourage tolerance is to promote including disabled people in sports. Sport practices, competitions, and team bonding experiences provide endless opportunities for meaningful social interaction. As disabled people often feel left out, being part of a team makes them feel tolerated and accepted. As non-disabled people interact with disabled people, they will see that the person isn’t as different or incapable as they originally seemed. Concession Rebuttal Supporting Detail #1, Research, and explanation

  12. Body Sample Con’t One boy’s basketball coach says that he “often forgets that [the boy] is missing a hand” (Himmelsbach 17). If people spend more time through sports with a disabled person, they will become more tolerant. Another viable solution to aid in social interaction isto form clubs within schools to support those with disabilities. Experts agree that “informal interaction between students with and without disabilities is a necessary antidote to isolation and teasing” (Harrison 29). Informal conversation between two groups leads them to connect through personalities and interests. Students without disabilities can learn how to interact with disabled students; their time together creates a personal connection and tolerance for people with disabilities. CONTINUE TO THIRD EXAMPLE/EXPLANATION Through social inclusion of students with disabilities, tolerance will improve. Transitions Supporting Detail #2, research, explanation Clincher: restate solution

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