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S kills : none

Data quantity – how much data?. S kills : none C oncepts : the quantity of data as measured in bits or bytes, prefixes for large numbers, abbreviation conventions, data ≠ information. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

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S kills : none

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Data quantity – how much data? Skills: none Concepts: the quantity of data as measured in bits or bytes, prefixes for large numbers, abbreviation conventions, data ≠ information This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

  2. Where does this topic fit? • Internet concepts • Applications • Technology • Implications • Internet skills • Application development • Content creation • User skills

  3. All data is binary 010101011100101010101010101010111010101010101010101010101010100101010101000010110101010101010010101101101010101010110010110010101010100101110101001010010101010101010001001010101011010011010010101010100101101001011100101010101001010101000101010101010101010010101001010101001001001001010101001000101010101110100101001010101010010101010101001010100100101010010101001001010101001010100101010100101010101001010101011110101011100001111011

  4. The bit – the smallest amount of data 0 1

  5. One bit can contain information 1 → Male 0 → Female

  6. Numeric prefixes – exact and close enough

  7. Why 1,024? Decimal numbers, 10 symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Binary numbers, 2 symbols: 0, 1

  8. Binary 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 100000000 1000000000 10000000000 1111101000 Decimal 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1,024 1,000 Round number Funky number

  9. A byte is 8 bits

  10. Abbreviations

  11. How many bits in 200 k bytes?

  12. How much data? What is the capacity of your computer’s memory? Storage device? Do you know how to find out?

  13. Memory capacity

  14. Storage capacity

  15. How bits can encode information – a punch card example 1 → Hole 0 → No hole So, there are two ones (punched holes) in this card. The card has 12 rows and 80 columns -- how may 0s are there? What is the total storage capacity of a punched card?

  16. Punch cards used a 0/1 code for text See your name in a punch card using the keypunch emulator at kloth.net. What is the code for the letter X? Y?

  17. Data ≠ Information

  18. Summary 0 1 How much data?

  19. Self-study questions How many dollars is one megapenny? How many dollars is 1.5 megapennies? We call 8 bits a byte – what do we call 10 pennies? How many eggs in 17 dozen? What is the capacity of your computer’s storage device? What is the capacity of your computer’s memory? How many bits will an 8GB flash drive hold? Which requires more storage – a 1Mb text file or a 1Mb image file? How many bytes in a 27,503 bit file? How many bits in a 27,503 byte file? Which would take longer to transmit across the Internet – a 1Mb text file or a 1Mb image file? At 10 Mb per second, how long will it take to transfer a 20 Mb file across the Internet? At 10 Mb per second, how long will it take to transfer a 20 MB file across the Internet? At 10 Mb per second, how long will it take to transfer a 2Mb file across the Internet? At 10 Mb per second, how long will it take to transfer a 2 MB file across the Internet? At 10 MB per second, how long will it take to transfer a 20 Mb file across the Internet? At 10 MB per second, how long will it take to transfer a 20 MB file across the Internet? At 10 MB per second, how long will it take to transfer a 2 Mb file across the Internet? At 10 MB per second, how long will it take to transfer a 2 MB file across the Internet? Create a spreadsheet that can convert data quantities (see the calculator on the next slide). Create a spreadsheet to compute data transmission times given transmission speed and file size. You can count and do arithmetic in binary or decimal – what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

  20. Resource Data quantity conversion calculator: http://www.matisse.net/bitcalc/

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