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New Features of WS-PGRADE (and gUSE)

2010 Q3 - 2011 Q2. New Features of WS-PGRADE (and gUSE). Miklós Kozlovszky (m.kozlovszky@ sztaki.hu ) MTA SZTAKI LPDS. Outline. • External features (WS-PGRADE) Gridsphere  Liferay 6.x based (JSR 168 GS  JSR 286 Liferay) gUSE remote access specification + implementation New portlets

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New Features of WS-PGRADE (and gUSE)

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  1. 2010 Q3 - 2011 Q2 New Features of WS-PGRADE (and gUSE) Miklós Kozlovszky(m.kozlovszky@sztaki.hu) MTA SZTAKI LPDS

  2. Outline •External features (WS-PGRADE) GridsphereLiferay 6.x based (JSR 168 GS  JSR 286 Liferay) gUSE remote access specification + implementation New portlets Public key (support of remote resources) Internal Services Portlet group (visual feedback about the internal services) Resources (management of the available resources) gLite Explorer – It gives a chart to the users for configured gLite VOs Security enhancement (XSS extinguished) •Internal features (gUSE) Statistics & logging Submitters ARC UNICORE Authentication SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) LFS support PBS support Computing as a Service” new upcoming technologies as: Google Application Engine new supported middleware Optimization of submitter status updates (concurrency API) •Additional elements DCI Bridge Metabroker Translator service

  3. New portlets • Internal Services Portlet • group visual feedback about the internal services • Resources Portlet • management of the available resources • gLite Explorer Portlet • It gives a chart to the users for configured gLite VOs • Public key Portlet • Support of remote resources which need dedicated user accounts and SSH level identification.

  4. Chemaxon’s JChem JAVA API gUSE remote access Programming Environment (JAVA API) Remote access module (JAVA API) WS-PGRADE MOSGRID/x Remote client (CLI) SHIWA ASM ASM gUSE Remote access API Client side Server side

  5. ASM - Basic idea • A new module called “Application Specific Module” has been developed for gUSE thatease the creation of Application Specified Portlets • The moduleprovides programmingAPI to control applications developed using gUSE • The moduleprovides programmingAPI to access inner gUSE services • Any kind of Graphical interface can be developed on top of this module • GUI written in JSP, JSTL (Java Servlet Tag Library ) and Java • GUI can be customized for the grid application • GUI can be customized for end users

  6. ASM Concept Client Webbrowser WS-PGRADE Liferay + Tomcat Internal components gUSE submitter Desktop or Service grids / cloud / Clusters DCIs

  7. ASM Concept contd. Client Webbrowser WS-PGRADE Developed web-interface Liferay + Tomcat Internal components gUSE submitter Desktop or Service grids / cloud / Clusters DCIs

  8. ASM Concept in details Client Webbrowser You develop it Web pages (JSP, JSF or other) Developed web-interface Configuration files (wsdd) You develop it JAVA event handler, and inner classes Application Specific Module API

  9. Statistics & logging Objective Generic method for measuring workflow, job and resource performance Solution: Integrate a new service into the WS-PGRADE Grid Portal Data Collection Metric Calculation Metric Visualization

  10. Aggregate Job Example GILDA SEEGRID SEEGRID Inserted Into Inserted Into Inserted Into Aggregate Job for LongRunner Aggregate Job for Random Aggregate Job for LongRunner

  11. Workflow Instance Status = Done

  12. Data Aggregation Job Status Entries to Job Instance Entries Job Instance to Aggregate Job Entries

  13. Demo

  14. Case studies… • -CancerGrid was covered (skipping)

  15. ProSim workflow in g-USE • UK project for Protein Molecule Simulation on the Grid • a combination of GEMLCA and standard g-USE jobs • Executed on 5 different sites of the UK NGS • Parameter sweeps in phases 3 and 4 • Status: actively used in production Phase 1 Phase 2

  16. MosGrid Science Gateway for Molecular Simulations • Requirement: Workflow enabled grid portal for UNICORE based on Liferay • Solution: • Adaptation of WS-PGRADE from GridSphere to Liferay • Development of UNICORE Submitter • Support for SAML • Development of ASM support • See details: • Previous presentation by Sandra Gesing: A Science Gateway for Molecular Simulations

  17. Advanced simulation event visualization and result analysis • Simulations write result files: • vector results: a sequence of (time, value) pairs recorded during simulation • example: queue lengths during simulation; end-to-end delays of arrived packets • typical visualization: line chart • scalar results: values of variables, typically recorded at the end of simulation • example: total number of packets dropped; average throughput • typical visualization: bar chart, x-y plot (scatter plot) • File format: line-oriented text file • you can use OMNeT++'s tools to process and visualize them • or you can use 3rd party tools (R, Matlab, Excel, etc) or write your own ones for specialized computations

  18. Two types of OMNET portals OMNET user portal • User accounts exist for 1 week • Can handle NED files that use INET and Queuing module sets from OMNET • No binary come from end user • Portal does grid operations with one fixed certificate OMNET developer portal • Permanent user accounts • Can handle custom OMNET modules and NED files that handle such modules • Binaries come from end users • Users are authenticated based on their personal certificates

  19. OMNeT++ user portalAccount request

  20. OMNeT++ user portalAccount request

  21. OMNeT++ user portal“Account created” email

  22. OMNeT++ user portalPersonal settings

  23. OMNeT++ user portalInput definition window

  24. OMNeT++ user portalSimulation execution window

  25. OMNeT++ user portalSimulation execution window

  26. OMNeT++ user portalSimulation execution window

  27. OMNeT++ user portalResult download window

  28. Thank you for your attentionQuestions?m.kozlovszky@sztaki.huwww.lpds.sztaki.hu

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