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Chapt. 9 Media Relations

Relationship between PR and reporterAdversarial in nature

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Chapt. 9 Media Relations

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    1. Chapt. 9 Media Relations Instant communication drives the need for good Media relations. Media as a gatekeeper of your messages. Lends credibility to your messages and is segment-able and can be targeted Internet, small-town, business, industry, etc. The Internet. Media day = the media hour. Uncontrolled media increases Access to information to build background, check references, build support, or look for flaws/red flags The Org website is critical messages must be accurate, consistent, relevant, and timely. Most traditional media also have web outlets. Newspapers. The workhorse (daily and community-focused). Beyond news they also offer features (ie lifestyle, business, science, etc.) Newswires. AP, NYTimes, WA Post, LA Times, Knight-Ridder, King Features, PR Newswire. Look at them as a distribution tool. Magazines. 22K reg. Pubs. (12K gen interest/10Kspecialized). PR tends to work more with industry or trade pubs Vs Consumer Radio. Growing strength today is via talk shows. Good targeting TV and Cable. Kids and News. Best for Large Audience targeting about 240M viewers (75%).

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