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Migration to IMSI from MIN / IRM

Migration to IMSI from MIN / IRM . CDG - IRT December 1, 2005. Douglas Rollender rollender@lucent.com +1 973 386-4555. Overview. Results to Expect What the Migration Plan Provides Where We Begin Migration Plan Highlights Stage 1: Roaming with IMSI (Inter-Networking)

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Migration to IMSI from MIN / IRM

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  1. Migration to IMSI from MIN / IRM CDG - IRTDecember 1, 2005 Douglas Rollenderrollender@lucent.com+1 973 386-4555 Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  2. Overview • Results to Expect • What the Migration Plan Provides • Where We Begin • Migration Plan Highlights • Stage 1: Roaming with IMSI (Inter-Networking) • Stage 2: Intra-Networking with IMSI • How to Make it Work • CDG-IRT Plan Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  3. Results to Expect(Discussed at last September CDG-IRT meeting) • IMSI as an International Standard is the only network signaling address between service providers. • 10-digit MIN / IRM is used to provide service to subscribers at home. • MIN / IRM exhaust is averted. • Signaling of MSID over the air at home (i.e., 10-digit MIN / IRM) is most efficient. • Cross Technology Roaming between CDMA and GSM networks is less complex. • Only IMSI is needed. • No mapping between MIN / IRM and IMSI in the IIF. • Implementation of ePRL method for serving system selection is fully supported • Existing standards, including CDMA2000 air interface and ANSI-41 standard roaming operations, especially ISPAGE and ISPAGE2, are “repaired.” Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  4. What the Migration Plan Provides • A 2-Staged approach toward IMSI to identify • mobile stations • subscriptions • network elements • Service providers set your own pace through each Stage • You decide when to return your MIN / IRM Assignment independent of your roaming partner’s migration progress • Continue to support roaming even though your roaming partner may be at a different stage of migration. • Step by step process allows for forward progress with backward compatibility Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  5. Where We Begin: • MIN is used to identify a network signaling destination, subscription, mobile station, billing identity, NOT A TELEPHONE NUMBER • IMSI = 15-digit International Mobile Subscription Identity in ITU-T Recommendation E.212 • Digits 1-3 = Mobile Country Code (MCC) • Digits 4,5 and optionally 6 = Mobile Network Code (MNC) • Last 9 to 10 digits = Mobile Subscription Identification Number (MSIN) (<------------------------------------ IMSI -------------------------------------) (1 2 3) (4 5) (6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15) ( MCC ) (MNC) (Mobile Subscriber Identification Number) • When MCC + MNC = 5-digits, then MSIN = 10-digits = MIN / IRM Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  6. Migration Plan Highlights • Modify 3GPP2 specifications to require an assigned 2-digit MNC inside IMSI_M • Program MSIN inside IMSI_M with MIN / IRM • IMSI_T may not be programmed at all or may be programmed the same as IMSI_M if and when IMSI_T is supported at home. • Independent of MCC + MNC, keep MSIN (i.e., MIN / IRM) unique inside your network • Add inter-carrier signaling based on E.212 IMSI to Global Title Translation and Roaming Tables • Identify MSC and HLR with E.212 Global Title (GT) • Identify all subscribers in your HLR with the same MCC + MNC Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  7. Migration to IMSI from MIN / IRMStage 1: Roaming with IMSI (Inter-Networking) • Acquire MCC + MNC Assignment • You and your roaming partners: • Add IMSI to roaming and billing databases for inter-carrier message routing and billing notification • Add MCC + MNC translations for IMSI Global Title Translation (GTT) to STPs • MSC includes 15-digit IMSI in CDR’s • Program IMSI_M (not IMSI_T) in all Mobiles with 15-digit IMSI containing MCC + MNC + MIN / IRM • Program HLRs and MSCs with unique E.212 identities (MCC + MNC + 10 Digits) • In ANSI-41, • MSC sends MSCIndentificationNumber as E.212 IMSI • HLR sends SENDERIN as E.212 IMSIs • Cells broadcast Extended System Paramer Messaage (ESPM) • MCC and IMSI_11_12 = Assigned MCC + MNC • IMSI_T_SUPPORTED = 0 Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  8. Migration to IMSI from MIN / IRMStage 1: Roaming with IMSI (Inter-Networking) (continued) • 3. You and all your roaming partners test and verify: • ePRL System Acquisition based on MCC and IMSI_11_12 • Inter-carrier Message Routing based IMSI for Roaming MS • Billing based on IMSI • No change to: • ANSI-41 MAP messages contain MIN • Subscriber identify in home network based on MIN/IRM 4. MIN / IRM is no longer needed for inter-network signaling • MIN / IRM Assignments may be returned to the Administrator Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  9. Figure 1. MS at HomeIMSI_T not supported in Home Serving System; IMSI_M Provisioned in MS S-MSC DB MS: MIN = IMSI_M_S MINExtension = 31112 IMSI_M = 311 + 12 + IMSI_M_S IMSI_T = N/A HLR S-MSC BS MS ESPM (MCC = 311, IMSI_11_12 = 12, IMSI_T_SUPPORTED = 0) ePRL REGISTRATIONMESSAGE (IMSI= IMSI_M_S) LOCATIONUPDATEREQUEST (IMSI = 311 + 12 + IMSI_M_S) REGISTRATIONNOTIFICATION (MIN = IMSI_M_S, MSCIN = E.212 (S-MSC))* (Inbound Call to Deliver) ROUTEREQUEST/TLDN(MIN = IMSI_M_S, MSCIN = E.212 (O-MSC), SENDERIN = 311 + 12 + 10D) PAGEREQUEST (IMSI = 311 + 12 + IMSI_M_S) PAGE (IMSI = IMSI_M_S) * = only IMSI_M_S is signaled since the S-MSC does not support IMSI_T Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  10. Figure 2. MS RoamingIMSI_T not supported by Visited Serving System; IMSI_M Provisioned in MS S-MSC DB MS: MIN = IMSI_M_S MINExtension = 31234 IMSI_M = 312 + 34 + IMSI_M_S IMSI_T = N/A HLR S-MSC BS MS ESPM (MCC = 311, IMSI_11_12 = 12, IMSI_T_SUPPORTED = 0) ePRL RGM (IMSI = 312 + 34 + IMSI_M_S) LUR (IMSI = 312 + 34 + IMSI_M_S) REGNOT(MIN = IMSI_M_S, MSCIN = E.212 (S-MSC))* ROUTEREQ/TLDN(MIN = IMSI_M_S, MSCIN = E.212(O-MSC), SENDERIN = 312 + 34 + 10D) PR (IMSI = 312 + 34 + IMSI_M_S) PAGE (IMSI = 312 + 34 + IMSI_M_S) * = only IMSI_M_S is signaled since the S-MSC does not support IMSI_T Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  11. Migration to IMSI from MIN / IRMStage 2:Intra-Networking with IMSI • Create MIN Escape Code list for the S-MSC to know when to signal 10-digit MIN / IRM rather than 15-digit IMSI inside ANSI-41 messages • EC list includesMCC + MNC of both Home and Roaming Mobiles whose network elements identify subscribers using a MIN / IRM • Update the following: • HLR database to identify subscribers with IMSI = MCC + MNC + MIN / IRM • SCP database to identify subscribers with IMSI = MCC + MNC + MIN / IRM • Billing System with IMSI = MCC + MNC + MIN / IRM for subscribers • 3.Program all Mobiles with IMSI_T to be the same as IMSI_M Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  12. “Escape Codes are provisioned into the serving MSC (S-MSC). They are used to identify the IMSI received from the MS as a MIN-based IMSI or True IMSI.” (No longer needed since IMSI_M can be used for Roaming and IMSI_T is the same as IMSI_M Escape Code is needed to find MIN / IRM inside IMSI_T when IMSI_T is received from the MS but S-MSC or H-MSC do not support IMSI_T.) “S-MSC addresses network destinations with MIN when the Mobile provides the S-MSC with a MIN-Based IMSI” (No longer needed with IMSI_M. Needed now when MS provides IMSI_T) “S-MSC stores the MIN Escape Code (i.e., MCC + MNC) provided by the MS for subsequent paging with 15-digits” No longer needed. HLR sends MCC + MNC with SENDERIN along with MIN / IRM when requesting any service from the S-MSC. “Current” ANSI-41 Definitions – Network Operations (and how they help our IMSI Migration Plan) Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  13. Figure 3. MS RoamingIMSI_T not supported by Visited Serving System; IMSI_M and IMSI_T Provisioned S-MSC DB MIN Esc Codes: 311+12 312+34 … MS: MIN = IMSI_M_S MINExtension = 31234 IMSI_M = 312 + 34 +IMSI_M_S IMSI_T = 312 + 34 + IMSI_T_S S-MSC HLR BS MS ESPM (MCC = 311, IMSI_11_12 = 12, IMSI_T_SUPPORTED = 0) ePRL RGM (IMSI = 312 + 34 + IMSI_M_S) LUR (IMSI = 312 + 34 + IMSI_M_S) REGNOT(MIN = IMSI_M_S, MSCIN = E.212 (S-MSC))* ROUTEREQ/TLDN(MIN = IMSI_M_S , MSCIN = E.212(O-MSC), SENDERIN = 312 + 34 + 10D) PR (IMSI = 312 + 34 + IMSI_M_S) PAGE (IMSI = 312 + 34 + IMSI_M_S) * = IMSI may be used for routing and paging but MIN is still usable inside ANSI-41 messages. Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  14. Figure 4. MS at HomeIMSI_T not supported by Home Serving System; IMSI_M and IMSI_T Provisioned S-MSC DB MIN Esc Codes: 311+12 312+34 … MS: MIN = IMSI_M_S MINExtension = 31112 IMSI_M = 311 + 12 + IMSI_M_S IMSI_T = 311 + 12 + IMSI_T_S S-MSC HLR BS MS ESPM (MCC = 311, IMSI_11_12 = 12, IMSI_T_SUPPORTED = 0) ePRL RGM (IMSI = IMSI_M_S) LUR (IMSI = 311 + 12 + IMSI_M_S) REGNOT(MIN = IMSI_M_S, MSCIN = E.212 (S-MSC))* ROUTEREQ/TLDN(MIN = IMSI_M_S, MSCIN = E.212 (O-MSC), SENDERIN = 311 + 12 + 10D) PR (IMSI = 311 + 12 + IMSI_M_S) PAGE (IMSI = IMSI_M_S) * = IMSI may be used for routing but MIN is usable inside ANSI-41 messages and for paging. Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  15. Migration to IMSI from MIN / IRMStage 2:Intra-Networking with IMSI (continued) • Update networks to support IMSI_T • After your and all your roaming partners update their netowrks to support roaming based on ull 15-digit IMSI, the Cells may broadcastIMSI_T_SUPPORTED = 1 in ESPM • Remove MCC + MNC’s from MIN Escape Code List for Mobiles whose home networks have converted to IMSI subscriber identification (including your own) • You and your roaming partners test and verify: • ePRL System Acquisition based on MCC and IMSI_11_12 • ANSI41 messaging based on IMSI • Roaming based on IMSI • Billing based on IMSI Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  16. Figure 5. MS at HomeIMSI_T Supported in Home Serving System; IMSI_M and IMSI_T Provisioned S-MSC DB (No MIN ESC Codes) MS: IMSI** = 311 + 12 + IMSI_T_S IMSI_M = 311 + 12 + IMSI_M_S IMSI_T = 311 + 12 + IMSI_T_S HLR S-MSC BS MS ESPM (MCC = 311, IMSI_11_12 = 12, IMSI_T_SUPPORTED = 1) ePRL RGM (IMSI = IMSI_T_S) LUR (IMSI = 311 + 12 + IMSI_T_S) REGNOT** (IMSI = 311 + 12 + IMSI_T_S, MSCIN = E.212 (S-MSC)) ROUTEREQ/TLDN(IMSI = 311 + 12 + IMSI_T_S, MSCIN = E.212 (O-MSC), SENDERIN = 311 + 12 + 10D) PR (IMSI= 311+12+IMSI_T_S) PAGE (IMSI = IMSI_T_S) ** = 311+12 is no longer on the MIN Escape Code list. Therefore, send full IMSI in ANSI-41 messages. Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  17. Figure 6. MS RoamingTrue IMSI Supported Serving System with IMSI_M and IMSI_T Provisioned S-MSC DB (No MIN ESC Codes) MS: IMSI** = 312 +34 +IMSI_T_S IMSI_M=312+34+IMSI_M_S IMSI_T= 312+34+IMSI_T_S HLR S-MSC BS MS ESPM (MCC=311, IMSI_11_12=12, IMSI_T_SUPPORTED=1) ePRL RGM (IMSI= 312+34+IMSI_T_S) LUR (IMSI= 312+34+IMSI_T_S) REGNOT** (IMSI = 312+34+IMSI_T_S , MSCIN=E.212(S-MSC)) ROUTEREQ/TLDN(IMSI = 312+34+IMSI_T_S , MSCIN=E.212(O-MSC), SENDERIN=312+34+10D) PR (IMSI= 312+34+IMSI_M_S) PAGE (IMSI = 312+34+ IMSI_T_S) **- 312+34 is not on the MIN Escape Code list. Therefore, send full IMSI in ANSI-41 messages Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  18. Migration to IMSI from MIN / IRM:How Stage 2 Works. Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  19. Results:Migration to IMSI from MIN / IRM • MIN / IRM exhaust is averted. • IMSI is used to route signaling messages between roaming service providers, not MIN / IRM. • 10-digit MIN / IRM is used to provide mobile service to subscribers at home. • In Addition: • Signaling of MSID (i.e., 10-digit MIN / IRM or 15-digit IMSI) over the air is more efficient. • Cross Technology Roaming between CDMA and GSM is less complex without mapping between MIN / IRM and IMSI. • Implementation of ePRL for system selection is fully supported Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

  20. CDG-IRT Plan • Develop Roaming Guidelines for Migration to IMSI from MIN / IRM. • Send Guidelines to 3GPP2 with request to modify specifications to support the Migration Plan and notify member SDOs to modify standards. • Member SDOs notify national IMSI Administrators to modify MCC+MNC Assignment Guidelines as needed to be consistent with new 3GPP2 specifications and the CDG-IRT plan. • Service providers apply for and are assigned 2-digit MNCs or blocks of ten 3-digit MNCs. • Circulate Migration Guidelines for Service Providers to implement Stage 1 and Stage 2 as needed. • Plan to support IMSI between networks and control IMSI_M_S assignments within your own network • Set goals to phase out Industry MIN & IRM Administration to avert exhaust. • Communicate each service provider’s progress through the Migration Plan to help coordinate the transition, maintain roaming and encourage continued progress. Lucent Technologies – ProprietaryUse pursuant to company instruction

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