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ISO 15926, OWL, and ISO 10303

This session explores the use of ISO 15926, OWL, and ISO 10303 for simple and effective data modelling. Topics include ontology vs. epistemology, time, reference data libraries, practical examples with OWL and XSLT conversion, and more.

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ISO 15926, OWL, and ISO 10303

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  1. ISO 15926, OWL, and ISO 10303 How to keep things simple Vico Equense, 3rd March 2006 David Leal, CAESAR Systems Limited

  2. Scope of session • Keeping it simple • ISO 15926 • OWL • XSLT datasheet demonstration • Ontology vs. Epistemology • two styles of modelling • Time • tags or functional locations • equipmentTime • Reference data libraries in practice • ISO 15926-4 development

  3. Material • Matthew West’s ISO 15926 presentation • link to Shell’s business practice • David Leal’s ISO 15926 presentation • some simple examples • OWL examples • with XSLT conversion to HTML • AP221 P&ID example • practical stuff • ISO 15926-4 • spreadsheets • POSC-CAESAR web browser

  4. Straightforward data modelling – ISO 10303 style Works well: has ends S[2:2] line segment point in space Works badly – not instantiable: person birth registered in administrative region has parents S[2:2]

  5. Straightforward data modelling – ISO 10303 style Works well: has ends S[2:2] line segment point in space Works OK: person birth registered in administrative region has parents S[2:2]

  6. Straightforward data modelling – ISO 10303 style Works OK: person has husband or wife

  7. Straightforward data modelling – ISO 10303 style Works OK – can even add constraints: person has husband or wife 1 man (RT) has husband or wife woman (RT) has husband or wife but in the real world:

  8. Straightforward data modelling – ISO 10303 style Works badly – ambiguous: person has husband or wife S[1:?] What: serial monogamy polygamy polyandry a combination of these? When? one way to fix the ambiguity is ‘4D modelling’:

  9. 4D data models – ISO 15926 style Works well – but not always intuitive: birth registered in person administrative region within life time period in the life of a person has husband or wife start point in time end and it gets worse:

  10. 4D data models – ISO 15926 style Works well – but not always intuitive: has temporal parts S[1:?] physical object start point in time end (RT) has temporal parts S[1:?] period in the life of a person (whole life) person a generic version of the previous slide – still less intuitive

  11. Think of the activities Correct and intuitive: start point in time marriage (as an activity) end participates as husband person participates as wife but often it is custom and practice to forget the activities We may associate a property value directly with the thing that ‘possesses’ it, but: an operational property value is the result of a measurement activity, a design property value is the result of a design activity.

  12. Measurement activity Correct and intuitive: start point in time measurement (as an activity) end participates as subject physical object participates as instrument measurement method (class of activity) method property value estimate produced most activities also have people participating

  13. 4D data models – ISO 15926 style Real engineering – thousands of attributes: physical object has temporal parts S[1:?] start point in time end period in the life of a pump (RT) has temporal parts S[1:?] operational data for defined periods operational data for particular periods operational data for defined periods operational data for defined periods (whole life) pump design data for whole life operational data for defined periods

  14. 4D data models – installation Tag and equipment: physical object has temporal parts S[1:?] start point in time end 1 materialised physical object equipment functional physical object tag or functional location (whole life) pump

  15. 4D data models – installation Tag and equipment: physical object has temporal parts S[1:?] start point in time end 1 materialised physical object equipment functional physical object tag or functional location RDL (whole life) pump

  16. 4D data models – installation - instances classified as classified as uninterruptible power supply class of physical object UPS_1234 COMS_101-power_supply materialised physical object functional physical object UPS_1234-23 temporal part of temporal part of physical object during period in time

  17. Some OWL – temporal part and properties <Thing about=“#UPS_1234”> <type resource=“ISO15926-2#materialised_physical_object”/> <type resource=“ISO15926-4#uninteruptable_power_supply”/> <has_temporal_part resource=“#UPS_1234-23” </Thing> <Thing about=“#UPS_1234-23”> <temporal_part_of resource=“#UPS_1234”> <during> <period_in_time> <beginning> <point_in_time> <utc>2006-03-03T16:10</utc> </point_in_time> </beginning> </period_in_time> </during> <located_at> ---- location information </Thing>

  18. Some OWL – temporal part and installation <Thing about=“#UPS_1234”> <type resource=“ISO15926-2#materialised_physical_object”/> <type resource=“ISO15926-4#uninteruptable_power_supply”/> <has_temporal_part resource=“#UPS_1234-23” </Thing> <Thing about=“#COMS_101-power_supply”> <type resource=“ISO15926-2#functional_physical_object”/> <type resource=“ISO15926-4#uninteruptable_power_supply”/> <has_temporal_part resource=“#UPS_1234-23” </Thing> <Thing about=“#UPS_1234-23”> <temporal_part_of resource=“#UPS_1234”> <temporal_part_of resource=“#COMS_101-power_supply”> </Thing>

  19. Some OWL – temporal part and installation <Thing about=“#UPS_1234”> <type resource=“ISO15926-2#materialised_physical_object”/> <type resource=“ISO15926-4#uninteruptable_power_supply”/> <has_temporal_part resource=“#UPS_1234-23” </Thing> <Thing about=“#COMS_101-power_supply”> <type resource=“ISO15926-2#functional_physical_object”/> <type resource=“ISO15926-4#uninteruptable_power_supply”/> <has_temporal_part resource=“#UPS_1234-23” </Thing> <Thing about=“#UPS_1234-23”> <temporal_part_of resource=“#UPS_1234”> <temporal_part_of resource=“#COMS_101-power_supply”> </Thing> installed as

  20. Some OWL – RDF notation uninterruptible power supply materialised physical object functional physical object type type type type UPS_1234 COMS_101-power_supply temporal part of temporal part of UPS_1234-23 point in time period in time during type beginning utc 2006-03-03T16:10

  21. Use of the RDL on the Internet RDL urn:iso:std:…… urn:iso:std:…… urn:oid:123:456 my data your data references are by URN

  22. Multiple RDLs urn:iso:std:5678:-3:….. RDL 1 RDL 2 urn:iso:std:15926-4:… urn:iso:std:5678:-3:….. my data

  23. Logical and physical ISO 15926-4 urn:iso:std:15926:-4:….. my data

  24. Logical and physical ISO 15926-4 www.iso.int/std/15926/-4:… software ISO network my data my network

  25. Logical and physical ISO 15926-4 www.iso.int/std/15926/-4:… software ISO network www.epistle.int/std/15926/-4:… ISO 15926-4 my data mirror site my network

  26. Logical and physical ISO 15926-4 local copy ISO 15926-4 www.iso.int/std/15926/-4:… software c:/std/15926/-4:… ISO network www.epistle.int/std/15926/-4:… ISO 15926-4 my data mirror site my network

  27. Versions thing ABC thing UVW subClassOf type thing PQR subClassOf thing XYZ

  28. Versions thing ABC thing UVW subClassOf subClassOf type type thing PQR v2 thing PQR subClassOf subClassOf thing XYZ

  29. Versions thing ABC thing UVW subClassOf subClassOf type type thing PQR v2 supersedes thing PQR subClassOf subClassOf thing XYZ

  30. thing ABC thing UVW subClassOf type thing PQR subClassOf thing XYZ Initial data New data Versions subClassOf type thing PQR v2 supersedes subClassOf

  31. part 2 part 3 Parts 2 and 3 manifold property subclass of sphere length radius domain range subclass of shape spatial location subclass of subclass of subclass of 10m sphere of space manifold shape member of sphere of space 10m radius range domain {10m} subclass of 10m sphere of space shape member of member of member of member of member of member of my 10m sphere of space manifold my physical object my 10m sphere of space 10m temporal part of has radius ‘similar to’ = same object different assumptions

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