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Muscle. Overview. Myo- Mys- Sarco-. Striations Elongated cells Attach to cover the skeleton Power Voluntary  skeletal, striated, voluntary. Skeletal Muscle. Striated Branched Heart Involuntary Gap junctions  cardiac, striated, involuntary. Cardiac Muscle. No striations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Muscle

  2. Overview Myo- Mys- Sarco-

  3. Striations Elongated cells Attach to cover the skeleton Power Voluntary skeletal, striated, voluntary Skeletal Muscle

  4. Striated Branched Heart Involuntary Gap junctions  cardiac, striated, involuntary Cardiac Muscle

  5. No striations Walls of hollow visceral organs Involuntary Peristalsis  visceral, nonstriated, involuntary Smooth Muscle

  6. Muscle Functions #1: Producing Movement • Skeletal = locomotion and manipulation • Cardiac = movement of blood through heart. • Smooth = squeezes substances through organ tracts.

  7. Muscle Functions #2 Maintaining Posture

  8. Muscle Functions #3 Stabilizing Joints

  9. Muscle Functions #4 Generating Heat

  10. Muscle Characteristics #1 Excitability or Irritability • Ability to receive and respond to a stimulus.

  11. #2 Contractility - Ability to shorten forcibly when stimulated

  12. #3 Extensibility • Ability to stretch or extend

  13. #4 Elasticity Ability to resume resting length after being stretched

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