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Community Health Status Assessment: Louisa County

Community Health Status Assessment: Louisa County. Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships. A Compilation of Data that Reflects the Community’s Health. Section One: Who are we and what do we bring to the table?. Demographics Socioeconomics Health Resource Availability.

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Community Health Status Assessment: Louisa County

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  1. Community Health Status Assessment:Louisa County Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships A Compilation of Data that Reflects the Community’s Health
  2. Section One: Who are we and what do we bring to the table? Demographics Socioeconomics Health Resource Availability
  3. Demographics
  4. Population GrowthTJHD by Locality, 1990-2010 Source: Weldon Cooper Center
  5. Percent Change in PopulationTJHD by Locality, TJHD, and Virginia1990-2010 Source: Weldon Cooper Center and the Thomas Jefferson District Planning Commission
  6. Age and Sex DistributionLouisa County, 2010 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
  7. Age DistributionLouisa County, 2000, 2010 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
  8. Racial CompositionLouisa County, 2010 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
  9. Percent of Population by RaceTJHD by Locality, 1980-2010 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
  10. Percent Change in Hispanic PopulationLouisa County and Virginia, 2000, 2010 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
  11. Limited English Proficient Student Enrollment Louisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 2002-2012 Source: Virginia Department of Education
  12. SSI and Disabled OASDI BeneficiariesTJHD by Locality and Virginia, 2011 Residents who received SSI (Supplemental Security Income) benefits, excluding those who also received OASDI (Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance) benefits to avoid duplication, PLUS persons classified as “Disabled” who received OASDI benefits. Source: U.S. Social Security Administration; U.S. Census Bureau
  13. Percent of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Recipients Louisa County, 2010 Louisa County 1.9% *Measured as December 2010 recipients of SSI benefits divided by the total population Source: Weldon Cooper Center, County Health Rankings; U.S. Social Security Administration
  14. Percent of Students Receiving Special Education Louisa County, 2006-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Education; U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Health Insurance Estimates
  15. On-time* Graduation Rates Louisa County and Virginia, 2008-2011 All Students Disadvantaged Students All Students Disadvantaged Students *The percentage of students in a cohort who earn a diploma within 4 years of entering high school **Cohort: Students who entered the ninth grade for the first time together and were scheduled to graduate 4 years later Source: Virginia Department of Education
  16. Socioeconomics
  17. Median Household IncomeLouisa County, Virginia, U.S. 2000-2011 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates
  18. Percent of Persons in PovertyLouisa County, 2010 Louisa County 9.9% Source: Weldon Cooper Center; U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates
  19. Percent of Persons in PovertyLouisa County, Virginia, U.S., 2000-2011 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates
  20. Percent of Children in PovertyLouisa County, Virginia, and U.S., 2000-2011 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area and Income and Poverty Estimates
  21. Percent of Students Eligible for Free/Reduced LunchLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia 2005-2012 Source: Virginia Department of Education, School Nutrition Program
  22. Number of Households Receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Louisa County, 2001-2011 Source: Virginia Department of Social Services
  23. Percent of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Participants Louisa County, 2010 Louisa County 11.8% *Measured as average monthly persons on SNAP divided by the total population Source: Weldon Cooper Center; Virginia Department of Social Services
  24. Number of Homeless PersonsTJHD, 2004-2011 Source: Thomas Jefferson Area Coalition for the Homeless (TJACH)
  25. Unemployment RateLouisa County, TJHD, Virginia, and U.S., 2000-2011 Source: Virginia Workforce Connection
  26. Health Resource Availability
  27. Sources of Health Insurance Virginia and U.S., 2010 Virginia United States Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding effects Source: Kaiser Family Foundation
  28. Health Insurance Coverage by AgeVirginia, 2010-2011 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Annual Social and Economic Supplement
  29. Estimated Uninsured Persons, 18-64Louisa County, TJHD and Virginia, 2005-2010 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Health Insurance Estimates
  30. Estimated Uninsured Persons <19 YearsLouisa County, TJHD and Virginia, 2006-2010 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Health Insurance Estimates
  31. Medicaid Enrollment and Spending by Recipient Group Virginia and U.S., FY 2009 Virginia United States Source: Kaiser Family Foundation
  32. Number of Primary Care ProvidersTJHD by Locality, 2011 Source: UVA Physician Directory, Martha Jefferson Hospital Physician Directory
  33. Number of Charlottesville Free Clinic Medical PatientsTJHD by Locality, FY2012 Source: Charlottesville Free Clinic
  34. Number of Dental Service ProvidersTJHD by Locality, 2012 Source: Community Dental Center; DentaQuest; yellow pages
  35. Number of Charlottesville Free Clinic Dental PatientsTJHD by Locality, FY2012 Source: Charlottesville Free Clinic
  36. Average Number of Community Dental Center Patients Served Per Month, FY2010-2012 Source: Community Dental Center
  37. Medicaid/FAMIS Enrollees <19 Years Receiving Dental ServicesLouisa County and TJHD, FY 2007- FY 2010 Source: Virginia Smiles for Children
  38. Number of Licensed Mental Health Providers TJHD by Locality, 2011 Source: Mental Health America
  39. Number of Region Ten Community Services Board Direct Service StaffTJHD by Locality, 2012 All mental health direct service staff at Region Ten – anyone who provides mental health services, whether licensed or not Source: Region Ten
  40. Number of Public Health Staff by SpecialtyTJHD by Locality, 2012 Source: Thomas Jefferson Health District
  41. Section Two: What are the strengths and risks in our community that contribute to health? Community Resources Community Safety Environmental Quality Health Behaviors
  42. Community Resources
  43. JAUNT PassengersLouisa County, FY 2008-FY2012 *Passengers are counted by trip and may be duplicated Source: Jaunt Ridership Report
  44. JAUNT Passengers by TypeTJHD, FY2008–FY2012 Source: Jaunt Ridership Report
  45. Recreational Facilities TJHD by Locality and Virginia, 2009 Source: County Health Rankings
  46. Food Stores by TypeLouisa County, 2009 Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture
  47. Licensed Child Care FacilitiesTJHD by Locality, 2012 Fluvanna Charlottesville & Albemarle Louisa Nelson Greene Source: Virginia Department of Social Services
  48. Community Safety
  49. Reported Crime Incident RatesLouisa County and TJHD, 2000-2011 *Reported Group A Offenses; arson, assault, bribery, burglary, counterfeiting/forgery, destruction/damage/vandalism of property; drug/narcotic; embezzlement; extortion/blackmail; fraud; gambling; homicide; kidnapping/abduction; larceny/theft; motor vehicle theft; pornography/obscene material; prostitution; robbery; sex, forcible and non-forcible; stolen property; weapon law violations Source: Department of State Police, Virginia Uniform Crime Reporting Program
  50. Domestic Violence Arrest RateLouisa County, 2009-2011 Source: Louisa County Sheriff’s Office
  51. Violence Incidence Rates in Schools Louisa County, TJHD and Virginia, 2007-2011 Source: Virginia Department of Education
  52. Founded Child Abuse and Neglect RatesLouisa County, TJHD and Virginia, 2000-2011 *Five-year rolling averages of Rate of Abuse and Neglect per 1,000 Children (Founded Investigations and Duplicated) Source: Virginia Department of Social Services
  53. Reported Adult Abuse and Neglect Rates, Louisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 2008-2011 Source: Virginia Department of Social Services
  54. Drug/Narcotic Arrest RatesLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 2000-2011 Source: Department of State Police, Virginia Uniform Crime Reporting Program
  55. Driving Under the Influence(DUI) Arrest Rates, Louisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 2000-2011 Source: Department of State Police, Virginia Uniform Crime Reporting Program
  56. Environmental Quality
  57. Air Quality Index Report Charlottesville, Fairfax, Richmond, and Virginia Beach2011 Source: Environmental Protection Agency
  58. Good and Impaired Streams in WatershedsLouisa County, 2008 Source: Environmental Protection Agency
  59. Watersheds That Drain IntoLouisa County Rivanna Louisa County Pamunkey Middle James - Willis Source: Environmental Protection Agency
  60. Impaired StreamsLouisa County, 2010 South Anna River Little River Source: Thomas Jefferson District Planning Commission
  61. Rivanna: Biological Health ScoresLouisa County, 2006-2009 Samples are scored per an index that reflects the composition and diversity of the array of captured organisms. Site health is assessed based on all scores generated during the assessment window Source: StreamWatch
  62. Lead Exposure: At-Risk Zip Codes*TJHD by Locality, 2011 *VDH identifies areas in Virginia at risk for lead exposure as those with more than 27% of homes built before 1950 and/or those with an increased prevalence of children with elevated blood lead levels (EBLL) Source: Virginia Department of Health, Lead Safe Virginia
  63. Elevated Blood Lead Level Tests and Results in Children <72 Months of AgeLouisa County and TJHD, 2004-2011 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Lead Safe Virginia
  64. Health Behaviors
  65. Leading vs. Actual Causes of Death Leading Causes of Death Deaths Attributable to Individual Risk Factors Deaths (in thousands) Source: Danaei G, Ding EL, Mozaffarian D, Taylor B, Rehm J, et al. (2009) The Preventable Causes of Death in the United States: Comparative Risk Assessment of Dietary, Lifestyle, and Metabolic Risk Factors. PLoS Med 6(4): Heron, M., Tejada-Vera, B. (2009). Deaths: Leading Causes for 2005. National Vital Statistics Reports. 58(8)
  66. Self-Reported Adult SmokersTJHD and Virginia, 2000-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey
  67. Tobacco Facts Virginia, 2012 Source: Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids; City of Charlottesville City Treasurer Website
  68. Physical InactivityTJHD by Locality and Virginia, 2009 Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System; County Health Rankings *Numbers are self-reported
  69. Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults1985 (*BMI ≥30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5’ 4” person) No Data <10% 10%–14% Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
  70. Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults1990 (*BMI ≥30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5’ 4” person) No Data <10% 10%–14% Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
  71. Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults1995 (*BMI ≥30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5’ 4” person) No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
  72. Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults2000 (*BMI ≥30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5’ 4” person) No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% ≥20% Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
  73. Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults2005 (*BMI ≥30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5’ 4” person) No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% 20%–24% 25%–29% ≥30% Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
  74. Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults2010 (*BMI ≥30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5’ 4” person) No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% 20%–24% 25%–29% ≥30% Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
  75. Percentage of Adults Who Are Obese Louisa County, 2009 Louisa County 31.7% *Obese = Body Mass Index (BMI) ≥30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5’ 4” person **Body mass was derived from self-report of height and weight from adults 20 and Over. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: National Diabetes Surveillance System
  76. Percentage of Adults Who Are Obese TJHD and Virginia, 2000-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey
  77. Seat Belt UsageVirginia, 1987-2011 Source: Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, Highway Safety Office
  78. Three Year Rolling Average Number of Hospitalizations from Motor/Other Vehicle Accidents With and Without Safety Device Usage, Louisa County, 2007-2011 *Safety Devices include air bags, child safety seats, helmets, and safety belts; note that the presence of a safety device does not necessarily imply that it was used (properly or otherwise). Similarly, "none" does not necessarily mean that safety device was not used Source: Virginia Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services
  79. Percentage of Adequately Immunized KindergartenersTJHD, 2008-2011 *Includes schools that submit student immunization survey results in the Fall of each year – approximately 30 public schools and 6 private schools (only 2 private schools reported in 2008) Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Immunization
  80. Percentage of Adequately Immunized Sixth GradersTJHD, 2008-2011 *Includes schools that submit student immunization survey results in the Fall of each school year – approximately 10 public schools and approximately 8 private schools (only 2 private schools reported in 2008) Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Immunization
  81. Section Three: What is our health status? Maternal and Child Health Leading Causes of Death Cancer Unintentional Injury Infectious Diseases Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions Mental Health
  82. Maternal and Child Health
  83. Live Birth RatesLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia 1998-2011 *Live Births Counted by Place of Residence Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  84. Infant Mortality Rates*TJHD and Virginia,1999-2011 *Deaths among infants <1year of age Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  85. Infant Mortality Rates* by Race TJHD, Virginia, and U.S., 1999-2011 *Deaths among infants <1year of age Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  86. Neonatal Death Rate* TJHD and Virginia, 1999-2011 *Deaths among infants <28 days of age Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  87. Percentage of Preterm* BirthsLouisa County, TJHD, West Central Perinatal Region and Virginia, 2001-2010 *Percent of live births born less than 37 weeks gestation Source: Virginia Department of Health
  88. Percentage of Low-Weight* BirthsLouisa County, TJHD, Virginia, and U.S., 1999-2011 *Low Birth Weight = Live Birth weighing <2500 grams Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  89. Percentage of Low-Weight * Births by Race, Louisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 1999-2011 *Low Birth Weight = Live Births Weighing <2500 grams Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  90. Teen Pregnancy Rates: Ages 10-19Louisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 2000-2011 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  91. Teen Pregnancy Rates: Ages 15-17Louisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 2000-2011 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  92. Teen Pregnancy Rates by Race: Ages 10-19, Louisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 2000-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  93. Induced Termination RatesLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 2003-2011 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  94. Percentage of Mothers Entering Prenatal Care in the 1st TrimesterTJHD and Virginia, 2000-2010 *Percentage of Total Live Births to mothers with Prenatal Care Beginning in the First 13 Weeks Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  95. Percentage of Mothers Who had 10 or More Prenatal Care VisitsLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  96. Percentage of Mothers With <12thGrade EducationLouisa County and Virginia, 2002-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  97. Percentage of Mothers Who Smoke During PregnancyLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  98. Reported Substance Exposed Infants*TJHD, FY1999-2011 *Newborn infants that may have been exposed to controlled substances prior to birth (as indicated by a positive drug toxicology of the mother with presence of a controlled substance or by the child being born dependent on a controlled substance and demonstrating withdrawal symptoms) or have a diagnosis of fetal alcohol syndrome Source: Virginia Department of Social Services
  99. Leading Causes of Death
  100. Mortality RatesLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  101. Mortality Rates by RaceTJHD and Virginia, 2002-2011 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  102. Five Leading Causes of DeathTJHD and Virginia, 2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  103. Leading Causes of Death By AgeVirginia, 2010Youth/Teens Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  104. Leading Causes of Death By AgeVirginia, 2010Adults Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  105. Leading Causes of Death By AgeVirginia, 201065 and over Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  106. Heart Disease Death RatesLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  107. Heart Disease Death Rates by RaceLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 2000-2009 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  108. Stroke-Related Death RatesLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  109. Stroke-Related Death Rates by RaceTJHD and Virginia, 2000-2009 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  110. Cancer-Related Death RatesLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  111. Cancer-Related Death Rates by RaceLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 2000-2009 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  112. COPD-Related Death RatesLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 1999-2010 Four-year rolling averages Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  113. COPD-Related Death Rates by RaceTJHD and Virginia, 2000-2009 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  114. Diabetes-Related Death RatesTJHD and Virginia, 1999-2010 Five-year rolling averages Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  115. Diabetes-Related Death Rates by RaceTJHD and Virginia, 2000-2009 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  116. Unintentional Injury Death RatesLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 1999-2010 Four-year rolling averages Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  117. Unintentional Injury Death Rates by RaceTJHD and Virginia, 2000-2009 Four-year rolling averages Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  118. Suicide and Homicide Rates TJHD and Virginia, 1999-2009 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Online Injury Reporting System
  119. Youth Suicide Rates TJHD and Virginia, 2004-2008 Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 10-24 year-olds. On average, two Virginia youths die each week from suicide. The suicide rate is higher in males than the rate of females. The White suicide rate is 2.4 times higher than the Black suicide rate. Source: Virginia Department of Health, Office of Family Health Services
  120. Cancer
  121. Lung Cancer Incidence RatesLouisa County, TJHD and Virginia, 1999-2008 Source: Virginia Cancer Registry
  122. Lung Cancer Incidence Rates by Race TJHD and Virginia, 1999-2008 Source: Virginia Cancer Registry
  123. Lung Cancer Death Rates TJHD and Virginia, 1996-2007 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  124. Breast Cancer Incidence Rates Louisa County, TJHD and Virginia, 1999-2008 Source: Virginia Cancer Registry
  125. Breast Cancer Incidence Rates by Race TJHD and Virginia, 1999-2008 Source: Virginia Cancer Registry
  126. Breast Cancer Death Rates TJHD and Virginia, 1996-2007 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  127. Prostate Cancer Incidence Rates Louisa County, TJHD and Virginia, 1999-2008 Source: Virginia Cancer Registry
  128. Prostate Cancer Incidence Rates by Race, TJHD and Virginia, 1999-2008 Source: Virginia Cancer Registry
  129. Prostate Cancer Death RatesTJHD and Virginia, 1996-2007 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  130. Colorectal Cancer Incidence RatesLouisa County, TJHD and Virginia, 1999-2008 Source: Virginia Cancer Registry
  131. Colorectal Cancer Incidence Rates by Race, TJHD and Virginia, 1999-2008 Source: Virginia Cancer Registry
  132. Colorectal Cancer Death RatesTJHD and Virginia, 1996-2007 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Health Statistics
  133. Unintentional Injury
  134. Percent of Hospitalizations due to Unintentional Injury by CauseLouisa County, 1999-2009 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Online Injury Reporting System
  135. Hospitalizations due to Unintentional Injury by Cause and Age Group, Louisa County, 1999-2009 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Online Injury Reporting System
  136. Rates of Hospitalizations due to Falls among Persons Aged 65+, Louisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 1999-2009 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Online Injury Reporting System
  137. Rates of Unintentional Injury Death by CauseLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia,1999-2009 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Online Injury Reporting System
  138. Rates of Motor Vehicle AccidentsLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 2000-2011 *Crashes are by place of occurrence Source: Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
  139. Motor Vehicle Crash Fatality RatesLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia, 2000-2011 Five Year Averages Source: Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
  140. Percent of Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Crashes, Louisa County,TJHD, andVirginia, 2000-2011 Source: Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
  141. Percent of Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities, TJHDandVirginia,2000-2011 Source: Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
  142. Infectious Diseases
  143. Rates of Reportable Communicable Diseases, TJHD and Virginia, 2000-2010 *Population data based on U.S. Census Data for TJHD and State of Virginia (2000-2010) Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Surveillance and Investigation
  144. Chlamydia Incidence RatesLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia,1997-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Disease Prevention
  145. Gonorrhea Incidence RatesLouisa County, TJHD, and Virginia,1997-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Disease Prevention
  146. HIV and AIDS Incidence RatesTJHDand Virginia, 1997-2009 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Disease Prevention
  147. Syphilis (early) Incidence RatesTJHD and Virginia,1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Surveillance and Investigation
  148. Pertussis Incidence RatesTJHD,and Virginia,1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Surveillance and Investigation
  149. Chicken Pox Incidence RatesTJHD and Virginia, 1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Surveillance and Investigation
  150. Hepatitis B Incidence RatesTJHDand Virginia,1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Surveillance and Investigation
  151. Salmonellosis Incidence RatesTJHD and Virginia,1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Surveillance and Investigation
  152. Campylobacteriosis Incidence Rates TJHD and Virginia,1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Surveillance and Investigation
  153. E. Coli O157:H7 Incidence Rates TJHD and Virginia,1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Surveillance and Investigation
  154. Giardiasis Incidence Rates TJHD and Virginia,1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Surveillance and Investigation
  155. Legionellosis Incidence Rates TJHD and Virginia, 1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Disease Prevention
  156. Lyme Disease Incidence Rates TJHD and Virginia, 1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Surveillance and Investigation
  157. Spotted Fever Rickettsiosis Incidence Rates, TJHD and Virginia, 1999-2010 Reported Cases of Spotted Fever Rickettsiosis per 100,000 Persons Living in Locality Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Surveillance and Investigation
  158. Tuberculosis Incidence RatesTJHD and Virginia, 1999-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Division of Disease Prevention
  159. Ambulatory Care-Sensitive Conditions
  160. Percent of Adults Diagnosed with Diabetes (Self-Reported), TJHD and Virginia, 2000-2010 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
  161. Hospital Discharge Rates for DiabetesTJHD and Virginia, 2000-2011 Source: VDH Data Warehouse; Virginia Hospital Information Systems
  162. Hospital Discharge Rates for DiabetesTJHD by Locality, 2000-2010 Source: Virginia Hospital Information Systems
  163. Hospital Discharge Rates for AsthmaLouisa County, TJHD and Virginia, 2000-2010 Source: Virginia Hospital Information Systems
  164. Hospital Discharge Rates for Hypertension, TJHD and Virginia, 2000-2011 Source: VDH Data Warehouse; Virginia Hospital Information Systems
  165. Hospital Discharge Rates for COPDLouisa County, TJHD and Virginia, 2000-2010 Source: Virginia Hospital Information Systems
  166. Mental Health
  167. Average Number of Poor Physical/Mental Health in the Last 30 Days (Self-reported)TJHD by Locality, TJHD and Virginia, 2004-2010 *Numbers are self-reported Source: County Health Rankings
  168. Region Ten Community Services Board’s Most Frequent Diagnosed Disorders, 2011 Source: Region Ten Community Services Board
  169. Number of Emergency Services Delivered by Region 10 Community Services Board by Type of Service 1996-2009 Source: Region Ten Community Services Board
  170. Percent of Persons Served though State Mental Health Agencies with Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders, Virginia and U.S., 2010 MH = Mental Health; AOD = Alcohol and Other Drug Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
  171. Percent of Persons Served though State Mental Health Agencies with Co-Occurring Severe Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorder, Virginia and U.S., 2010 Adults with a serious mental illness (SMI) are Persons 18 years and Over who, “at any time during a given year, had a diagnosable mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder without the benefit of treatment or other support services … that has resulted in functional impairment which substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life activities.…" Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
  172. Hospital Discharge Rates for PsychosesTJHD and Virginia, 2000-2011 Source: VDH Data Warehouse; Virginia Hospital Information Systems
  173. Hospital Discharge Rates for Neurotic Disorders, Personality Disorders, and other Nonpsychotic Mental DisordersTJHD and Virginia, 2000-2011 Source: VDH Data Warehouse; Virginia Hospital Information Systems
  174. Section Four: What are community members’ perceptions of health in their communities? Thomas Jefferson Area Community Survey Louisa County Qualitative Data
  175. Thomas Jefferson Area Community Survey
  176. Thomas Jefferson Area Community Survey (TJACS)TJHD, 2012 Conducted by the UVA Center for Survey Research (CSR) Conducted in January 2012 Survey of 1,098 individuals living in Charlottesville City and Albemarle, Nelson, Fluvanna, Greene, and Louisa Counties Conducted through a Random Digit Dial (RDD) sample of landline and cell-phone numbers Also included a random sample of directory-listed landline households Source: UVA Center for Survey Research
  177. Question 1:Thinking about Louisa County, which of the following services is most difficult to get care from? Open-ended response: “The dentist at the dental clinic in Louisa was horrific. Billed more than it should have cost - everything had to be redone by a dentist and I had to pay out of pocket. Wound up being billed when I was told that I shouldn't have been.” Source: UVA Center for Survey Research
  178. Question 2: Thinking about Louisa County, what is the biggest difficulty people have in getting health services? Source: UVA Center for Survey Research
  179. Question 3:Which of the following public health concerns is the most important for Louisa County to give more attention to? Source: UVA Center for Survey Research
  180. Louisa County Qualitative Data
  181. Louisa County Citizen Survey:Health-related questions Source: UVA Center for Survey Research
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