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Clickspush Review


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Clickspush Review

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  1. https://www.dope-review.com/clickspush-review/ What is it: Clickspushis the fastest and easiest way to build and profit from a list, and it’s also a fraction of the cost. With Clickspush you can relax and you don’t need to worry about getting banned or shut down because you OWN the traffic so you have total control.. Building A List The OLD Way Is HARD Building A List The Typical Way Has A Lot Of Steps. You Need An Autoresponder Or Email Marketing Tool To Capture Contact Info And Send Messages. There’s a learning curve in figuring out how to use them and they charge you every month regardless of how much you make. It will cost you $100s per year even at beginner level and the cost goes up as your list grows. You Need An “Ethical Bribe” Or Something People Want. So you can offer it to them in exchange for their email address when they join your list. You’ll need to spend hours creating some info product and getting ecover graphics made and then hope it’s good enough to get people to join. You Need A Lead Capture Or “Squeeze” Webpage That Has A Signup Form. And an explanation of what they get for joining. You’ll need some web hosting, website platform, and web page layout to make your page look professional enough to convince people to sign up. It’s A Lot of Work And the worst part is, after all that it may still not even get signups. It’s harder and harder to get people to give their email address because they are already swamped with emails and overloaded inboxes. Clickspush Review. Even if you’re lucky or persistent enough to make it happen, the other problem is the bigger your list the higher your risk it gets CLOSED without warning. Email marketing services protect themselves at all costs. So if your list is getting complaints or they even ‘think’ you’re sending spammy messages they can close your account without warning...permanently.

  2. Clickspush Review: (Trust me...it’s happened to a bunch of people I know). Imagine new subscribers joining in 1 click, instead of needing to fill out a form with their name and email. And imagine growing your list from ALL desktop, tablet, and mobile platforms at once, without having to bribe anyone. That’s exactly what you’re about to do. Even Better And your open rate will be as high as 80% because your message will never get trapped in SPAM filters, junk inboxes, promotions tabs, or lost in a sea of emails in an overcrowded inbox. Or your account getting closed without notice. You can rest easy knowing that you can send messages and make sales and commissions every day. What Makes This All Possible. Introducing Clickspush. Clickspush Builds Your List For You Automatically And Lets You Send Messages And Promos To Your Subscribers. It’s Just 3 Easy Steps... STEP #1: Add 1 Line Of Code To Your Website: Paste the Clickspush Reviewcode on any web page where you want to build your list. STEP #2: Watch As Clickspush: Builds Your List For You Automatically. Every site you add the code to will start adding subscribers without you doing anything. STEP #3: Create And Send Messages From The Dashboard. Add your message and any link you want to promote—affiliate links, your products, social media profiles or anything—and get your message delivered in seconds with just 1 click. If You Want More Views, Clicks, Sales, And Commissions, Clickspush Is The Answer. No Matter What You’re Doing Online, If You Want More Results You Need Clickspush To Make It Happen. Get It Now. Features: Build a subscriber list automatically: Add 1 line of code to any website and start adding subscribers as fast as minutes from now.

  3. Clickspush Review: Get subscribers from desktop, mobile, and tablet ALL in ONE each users on computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones all in one to grow your list fast. Add subscribers from virtually ANY website including platforms like Clickfunnels: Add subscribe alerts to any of your websites on virtually any platform from self-hosted to 3rd party platforms like Clickfunnels. Create unblockable subscribe alerts: Use the HTTPS option and the subscribe alerts are unblockable so every visitor will see them and your list will grow even faster. Convert visitors to subscribers in 1 click: Get epic signup rates and turbocharged list growth because visitors subscribe in 1 click with no form to fill out. Customize subscribe alerts style and location: With Clickspush, you can use box style to stand out, bar for a more streamlined look, or native style to blend in with the user experience. Show at the top, center, or bottom of the page. Customize subscribe alerts appearance: Show instantly or appear on a delay. Make it transparent or solid. Use the preloaded message or create your own. Even customize the buttons and icon. Clickspush Review Send messages to desktop, mobile, and tablet ALL in ONE: Send messages to users direct on their computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones all in one for massive reach. Send messages with real-time instant delivery: Send messages in real time and subscribers will see them directly on their device as fast as seconds from when you click send. Customize messages: Customize headline, text, images, links, call to action buttons and icon. Choose up to 2 CTA buttons with different text and links. Personalize messages: With Clickspush, you can send to subscribers by site they joined from and keep messages targeted and personalized for higher click and conversion rates.

  4. Clickspush Review: Send UNLIMITED messages with no monthly fee: Customize headline, text, images, links, call to. Create and send as many messages as you want. You are not limited or charged extra so you are in complete control. Add UNLIMITED subscribers with no monthly fee: Grow your list as large as you want and add unlimited subscribers. You are not limited or charged extra so you have unlimited potential. ZERO Competition: Your messages are sent directly to subscribers’ devices and appear by themselves so you get their full attention with no distractions or competition. Split test messages to optimize click and conversion rate: Create 2 versions of your messages and half of your list gets each one so you can track and optimize what messages are getting the best results. Stats dashboard: Track your list growth, growth by website, and message views and clicks so you know exactly where your results are coming from and what’s working. Clickspush Gives You Everything You Need To Build A Powerhouse List And use it to create an evergreen, continuous income stream. Make it the foundation of your marketing efforts, or use it as an extra revenue source...the choice is yours. FAQ: Are there any monthly fees to Clickspush Review? No during the launch period you ONLY pay once and there are no monthly fees. After the launch ends they may change to a monthly fee pIan so now h the time to loch in your best deal What messages can I send? You can send informational, promotional or just about any type you want. You can use affiliate links and promote affiliate products. You cannot send any messages or links involving illegal, offensive, discriminatory, adult content or targeted tor children.

  5. Clickspush Review: You cannot send links to spyware, malware, or viruses. Is there a guarantee? YES You have a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee If you are not satisfied for any reason, just submit a ticket at their support desk within 30 days of purchase and they will refund You Do you or anyone else get to use my list? No. Your subscribers are your own. They do not message your subscribers and no one else has access to them either Do you have training or support? YES. They made detail walkthrough videos that show you every step of how to get setup and You can access them in the members area If You do get stuck, they also have a support desk to help out. Overview: Clickspush Reviewis a revolutionary new software that builds a list for you and lets you send promos to make sales and commissions. This 1 Line Of Code Can Build You a List With REAL Targeted Subscribers, 80% Opens, 15% Clicks, And INSTANT Message Delivery... AUTOMATICALLY. Say Goodbye to Bribing People For Signups, Fake Email Addresses, Crowded Inboxes, Junk Folders, Promotions Tabs, and SPAM Complaints... And Say Hello To A Powerful NEW Marketing Machine With ZERO Competition. It's a must-have for anyone doing anything online. It’s A Lot of Work: And the worst part is, after all that it may still not even get signups. It’s harder and harder to get people to give their email address because they are already swamped with emails and overloaded inboxes. Even if you’re lucky or persistent enough to make it happen, the other problem is the bigger your list the higher your risk it gets CLOSED without warning. Email marketing services protect themselves at all costs. So if your list is getting complaints or they even ‘think’ you’re sending spammy messages they can close your account without warning...permanently. (Trust me...it’s happened to a bunch of people I know).

  6. Clickspush Review: No Matter What You’re Doing Online, The More People You Reach The Better Your Results Will Be. The bigger your list, audience, or following...the more views, clicks, and sales you can make with anything and everything you post or promote. That’s why celebrities with the biggest following get paid the most for promoting products and events. And that’s why the marketers with the biggest lists are on the top of every leaderboard of every affiliate product they promote. BIGGER LIST → BIGGER PROFITS And cashing in with a list is so easy it’s almost unfair.Just send messages with affiliate links or buy buttons and watch the sales and commissions roll in. Every. single. day. So your list isn’t just a one-time money machine... it’s an evergreen, recurring-income money machine because you can send messages every day and make more sales every day. And I’m going to let you in on the worst-kept secret in online marketing... Most Marketers Make More Money From Their LIST Than From Selling Their Own Products. It’s true. Most marketers would give up their PRODUCTS before they would give up their LIST. Because they know that their subscriber list is like a goose that lays golden eggs. They click “send” and watch the sales come in every single day. Clickspush Review: These Are Some Screenshots Of My Daily Affiliate Commissions I Make From Mailing My List... Imagine the financial security of knowing no matter how things are going... or what expenses pop up... or how the economy is doing... or what’s going on at your job... you can click “send” and make money every day. That’s exactly how everyone with a big list, big audience, and big following feels right now.

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