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Understanding DI

Understanding DI.

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Understanding DI

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  1. Understanding DI • Differentiated instruction is defined by the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) as "a form of instruction that seeks to maximize each student's growth by meeting each student where she is and helping the student to progress. In practice, it involves offering several different learning experiences in response to students' varied needs. Learning activities and materials may be varied by difficulty to challenge students at different readiness levels, by topic in response to students' interests, and by students' preferred ways of learning or expressing themselves" (ASCD 2005 as cited in Kaufeldt 2005, p. 2).

  2. Analyzing Data • Which reporting category does the item belong to? • Which tested benchmark does the item correspond to? Which if any, also assess benchmarks fall under this tested benchmark? • Identify the content focus that relates to the item. • Identify the Depth of Knowledge Level of the item (see DOK Level Circle/Chart). • Why did the students select the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd most frequent incorrect answers? What clues/words enabled the students to answer the item correctly? What trends, similarities and/or differences can you interpret from the data?

  3. Analyzing Data Next Steps: • How would you differentiate instruction/teach the item content related to the % of correct response of the question? • Which task card would you select and why does that task card align to the item? How would you use the task card? • What else would you do in the classroom to enhance rigor and instruction according to the item analysis and % of correct and incorrect responses?

  4. Student Data Chat Forms The key to success with the Student Data Chat Form is the following: 1. The student completes the form with his/her teacher in order to have a clear understanding of the areas they need to improve upon in order to pass the EOC (student ownership of the learning). 2. The teacher makes a copy of the completed form to retain in the student folder (an accountability piece). 3. The Student Data Chat Form is updated after the Spring Interim Assessment to determine next steps. 4. Suggestion: Teachers attach a copy of the Student Data Chat Form to the Quarterly Progress Report to communicate the needs to family.

  5. Implementing DI • Learners will be able to design and choose to use appropriate differentiated instruction activities in response to data analysis results. • Grouping, Pairing up • After reviewing Data, Plan your DI by matching/pairing up students (based on weaknesses, mastery, etc.) • When implementing DI based on Data, complete (2/3 benchmarks) • Complete this in small steps, piece meal, building steps • Not a one shot deal, always evolving, changing • Activities: Task cards, Writing, High DBQ’s and DOK, Primary Source Documents, Different Graphic Organizers, Different Activities depending on strengths/weaknesses

  6. Differentiated Instruction • Content (Material being covered) and Product (Final work completion) – the same • The process is the key!

  7. Next STEPS! 1. Set aside time to plan 2. Get acclimated with Thinkgate 3. Analyze Data 4. Plan and set DI Strategies and Activities 5. Continue to Implement and Modify using the Content, Process and Product Model

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