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Classification and Characteristics of Various Organisms

This text discusses the classification and characteristics of different organisms, including birds, reptiles, arthropods, mollusks, cnidarians, and more. It covers their circulatory systems, heart structure, external coverings, excretion methods, and other unique features. Perfect for biology enthusiasts!

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Classification and Characteristics of Various Organisms

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  1. Who am I?

  2. Bird (Aves) Reptile Arthropod Porifera Nematoda Mollusk Cnidarian Platyhelminthes Echinoderm Annelida Chordata Who am I? 2 loop circulatory system 4 chamber heart Endothermic Fur and milk Amphibian Fish Mammal

  3. Bird (Aves) Reptile diploblastic Who am I? radial symmetry gastrovascular cavity polyp & medusa forms jellyfish Amphibian Arthropod Fish Porifera Nematoda Mammal Mollusk Platyhelminthes Cnidarian Annelida Echinoderm

  4. Bird (Aves) Reptile diploblastic Who am I? Lack true tissues asymmetry sponges Amphibian Arthropod Fish Porifera Nematoda Mammal Mollusk Platyhelminthes Cnidarian Annelida Echinoderm

  5. Bird (Aves) Reptile Arthropod Porifera Nematoda Mollusk Cnidarian Platyhelminthes Echinoderm Annelida Chordata Who am I? 2 loop circulatory system 4 chamber heart Endothermic Excrete uric acid Amphibian Fish Mammal

  6. Bird (Aves) Reptile invertebrate triploblastic Who am I? Starfish invertebratedeuterostomes Open circulation deuterostome Amphibian Arthropod Fish Porifera Nematoda Mammal Mollusk Platyhelminthes Cnidarian Annelida Echinoderm

  7. Bird (Aves) Reptile Arthropod Porifera Nematoda Mollusk Cnidarian Platyhelminthes Echinoderm Annelida Who am I? Vertebrate deuterostomes 2 loop circulatory system 3 chamber heart Amniotic eggs excrete uric acid dry scaly skin Amphibian Fish Mammal

  8. Vertebrate deuterostome 2 chamber heart 1 loop circulatory system Ectothermic Excrete ammonia Lay eggs WITHOUT shells Scales/fins Who am I? Chordata Vertebrate Fish

  9. Vertebrate deuterostome Most 3 chamber heart 2 loop circulatory system Ectothermic Internal fertilization Amniotic eggs Dry scaly skin Who am I? Chordata Vertebrate Reptile(snakes, turtles, lizards, crocodiles)

  10. Vertebrate deuterostome 3 chamber heart 2 loop circulatory system Ectothermic Lay eggs WITHOUT shells Metamorphosis (from aquatic larva to terrestrial adult) Who am I? Chordata Vertebrate Amphibian(frogs, toads, salamanders)

  11. Vertebrate deuterostome 4 chamber heart 2 loop circulatory system Internal fertilization Amniotic eggs Endothermicfeathers Who am I? Chordata Vertebrate Bird(Aves)

  12. Invertebrate protostome Coelomate Closed circulation Breathe through skin Segmented body Excrete w/nephridia Hydrostatic skeleton Who am I? Annelida (Segmented worms) Earthworms, leeches PHYLUM: ___________

  13. Invertebrate protostome Open circulation Exoskelton Jointed appendages Cephalothorax/abdomen Excrete w/ Malpighian tubules Book lungs 8 legs Who am I? Arthropodsarachnids(Spiders)

  14. Protist Eukaryote Unicellular algae Silica in cell wall Photosynthetic phytoplankton Major oxygen producer Who am I? Diatoms There are others, but this is the example we learned about

  15. Invertebrate protostome Open circulation Exoskelton Segmented body Jointed appendages cephalothorax/abdomen Excrete w/ Green glands Aquatic/gills 10 legs Who am I? Arthropods(crustaceans)

  16. Invertebrate protostome Open circulation Exoskelton segmented body Jointed appendages Head/thorax/abdomen Excrete w/Malpighian tubules Trachea & spiracles 6 legs Who am I? Arthropods(insects)

  17. Invertebrate ACOELOM Open circulation Breathe through skin Excrete w/ flame cells Hydrostatic skeleton < 2 opening digestive system(gastrovascular cavity or none) Who am I? Platyhelminthes (flatworms) Planaria, tapeworms PHYLUM: ________________

  18. Protist Unicellular eukaryote Ciliated heterotrophs Who am I? Paramecium There are others, but this is the example we learned about

  19. Invertebrate diploblastic NO true tissuesasymmetry Who am I? Porifera (sponge) PHYLUM: _________

  20. Chordata Vertebrate deuterostome Fur/milk Lay amniotic eggs Who am I? monotremes

  21. Invertebrate Diploblastic radiatatissues but no organs gastrovascular cavity Polyp & medusa forms Stinging nematocysts Who am I? Cnidarians (jellyfish, coral) PHYLUM: ___________

  22. Invertebrate deuterostome open circulation Endoskeleton Water vascular system Spiny skin Who am I? Echinodermata (starfish) PHYLUM: ____________

  23. Prokaryote Unicellular Peptidoglycan in cell wall Circular DNANo histones No introns 1 kind of RNA polymerase Who am I? Bacteria Eubacteria Domain: __________ Kingdom: __________

  24. Aquatic protist Unicellular eukaryote Flagella Many chloroplasts Reproduce with mitosis Who am I? Euglena There are others, but this is the example we learned about

  25. Invertebrate protostome Most open circulation Soft bodies Some have protective shells Who am I? Mollusca (clams, snails, octopus)

  26. Chordata Vertebrate deuterostome Fur/milk Placenta (short term)Babies incubate in pouch Who am I? marsupial

  27. Prokaryote Unicellular NO Peptidoglycan in cell wall Circular DNAHistones some introns several kinds of RNA polymeraseextremophiles Who am I? Archaea Archaebacteria Domain: __________ Kingdom: __________

  28. Invertebrates Pseudocoelom Open circulation Excrete w/ flame cells Hydrostatic skeleton 2 opening digestive systembreathe through skin some parasitic Who am I? Nematoda (round worms) Pinworms, hookworms PHYLUM: ___________

  29. Protist Unicellular eukaryote Pseudopod movement No cell wall Heterotrophic predator Who am I? Amoeba There are others, but this is the example we learned about

  30. Eukaryotic Absorptive heterotrophs Multicellular (except yeast) Cell wall containing chitin Who am I? EukaryaFungi Domain: __________ Kingdom: __________

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