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Test Review

Test Review. Diff. Biology April 21, 2005. Lets Get started…. Viruses are classified by ____________. (p. 574)

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  1. Test Review Diff. Biology April 21, 2005

  2. Lets Get started…. • Viruses are classified by ____________. (p. 574) • A. viral size and shape B. type of nucleic acid, including to whether the nucleic acid is single- or double-stranded C. presence or absence of an outer envelope D. all of the above E. none of the above since viruses are not living organisms and therefore cannot be classified

  3. Viruses have a cellular organization. (p. 574) • A. True B. False

  4. Prokaryotic cells lack __________. (p. 577) • A. a nucleus B. ribosomes C. respiratory enzymes D. a plasma membrane E. all of the above

  5. Bacteria that are unable to grow in the presence of oxygen are ________. (p. 577) • A. facultative anaerobes B. obligate anaerobes C. aerobic D. mutualistic E. saprotrophs

  6. Bacteria that are heterotrophic by absorption are ________. (p. 578) • A. facultative anaerobes B. obligate anaerobes C. aerobic D. mutualistic E. saprotrophs

  7. Bacteria have short, fine, hairlike appendages called ______. (p. 577) • A. mesosomes B. plasmids C. flagella D. spirilla E. fimbriae

  8. Bacteria occur in which basic shape(s)? (p. 578) • A. rod B. spherical C. spiral D. all of the above E. spherical, cuboidal and columnar

  9. The terms Archaea and Bacteria mean ___________. (p. 580) • A. aerobic and anaerobic bacteria B. gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria C. ancient and more recent bacteria D. harmless and disease bacteria E. independent and symbiotic bacteria

  10. Binary fission is a form of ______ reproduction. (p. 581) • A. reverse B. meiotic C. gamete D. sexual E. asexual

  11. Bacteria exchange DNA by ____________. (p. 581) • A. conjugation B. transformation C. transduction D. all of the above

  12. Protozoa are classified according to mode of reproduction. (p. 588) • A. True B. False

  13. Amoeboids often have no definite shape and move and engulf prey by a cytoplasmic extension called a ______. (p. 588) • A. food vacuole B. contractile vacuole C. trypanosome D. pseudopod E. trichocyst

  14. Slime molds and water molds have some fungus -like characteristics but differ in important traits. (p. 590) • A. True B. False

  15. Fungi are ___________. (p. 591) • A. heterotrophic by absorption B. multicellular C. eukaryotic D. all of the above

  16. A network of hyphae in fungi is called a ______. (p. 591) • A. slime mold B. plasmodium C. ascus D. sporangium E. mycelium

  17. Yeasts are ______ . (p. 593) • A. slime molds B. sac fungi C. club fungi D. imperfect fungi E. lichens

  18. A lichen is a ______ relationship between a green alga or cyanobacterium and a fungus. (p. 595) • A. saprophytic B. strictly parasitic C. predatory D. symbiotic E. competitive

  19. Imperfect fungi are called "imperfect" because they ___________. (p. 595) • A. have a mixed haplontic-diplontic stage B. cause many diseases C. do not have the features of fungi D. possess many errors or imperfections E. have not been classified since no sexual stage has been identified

  20. Imperfect fungi cause ___________. (p. 595) • A. athlete's foot B. Candida albicans or thrush C. ringworm D. all of the above

  21. Plants have a/an _________ life cycle. (p. 601) • A. asexual-only B. sexual-only C. alternation of generations D. diplontic E. haplontic

  22. The nonvascular plants are the ______. (p. 602) • A. algae and blue-green algae B. fungi and slime and water molds C. hornworts, liverworts and mosses D. gymnosperms E. flowering plants

  23. In the fern, fertilization takes place __________. (pp. 606-607) • A. when spores reach the eggs within the archegonia B. when sperm swim in external water to the antheridia C. when moisture is present D. when conditions are dry enough E. an insect can provide pollination

  24. What two groups of plants produce seeds? (p. 608) • A. gymnosperms and angiosperms B. bryophytes and ferns C. bryophytes and gymnosperms D. angiosperms and ferns E. angiosperms and bryophytes

  25. The gymnosperms produce ______ seeds meaning that they are NOT enclosed by fruits. (p. 608) • A. pollen B. dicot C. fruticose D. pubescent E. uncovered or "naked"

  26. Which of these are gymnosperms? (p. 608) • A. cycads B. ginkgo--the maidenhair tree C. conifers D. all of the above

  27. Pine, cedar, spruce, fir, and redwood trees are ______. (p. 574) • A. cycads B. fern relatives C. conifers D. flowering plants E. bryophytes

  28. Conifers _________. (p. 608) • A. include the largest trees in the world B. include the oldest trees in the world C. provide much of our construction wood and paper D. provide many varied and important chemicals for industry E. all of the above

  29. Seed plants ____________. (p. 583, 608-614) • A. have a haplontic life cycle B. require external water to reproduce C. have a modified alternation of generations of life cycle D. all of the above

  30. Once enclosed within the female cone, the pollen grain _________. (pp. 608-609) • A. develops a pollen tube B. becomes the female gametophyte C. undergoes meiosis D. disintegrates E. develops into the endosperm

  31. Flowering plants include many families but all are grouped into what two angiosperm classes? (p. 612) • A. monocotyledons and dicotyledons B. cycads and conifers C. mosses and ferns D. whisk ferns and horsetails E. sexual and asexual

  32. Double fertilization occurs in angiosperms. (p. 612) • A. True B. False

  33. Which structures are part of the pistil? (p. 614) • A. stigma B. style C. ovary D. all of the above

  34. In the flower the ovules are in the ovary at the base of the pistil. (p. 614) • A. True B. False

  35. Generally, a total of _________ germ layer(s) is seen in most animals, although cnidaria have fewer. (p. 618) • A. one B. two C. three D. four E. five

  36. Asymmetry means that the animal ___________. (p. 619) • A. has no particular symmetry B. is organized circularly C. has definite left and right halves D. can reach out in all directions E. is deformed

  37. Which of the following are classification features in animals? (pp. 618-619) • A. symmetry B. cell, tissue or organ level of organization C. body plan and type of coelom D. segmentation E. all of the above

  38. Which phylum has a true coelom? (p. 621-624) • A. Platyhelminthes B. Cnidaria C. Annelida D. all of the above

  39. Which of the following is NOT an example of a cnidarian? (pp. 622-623) • A. jellyfish B. flatworm C. sea anemone D. coral E. hydra

  40. Which of the following statements regarding parasitic flatworms is FALSE? (p. 625) • A. absorbs nutrients from the digestive tract of the host B. utilize a secondary host to transport the species from primary host to primary host C. cause serious illness in humans D. parasitic flatworms have well-developed sensory and nervous systems E. may have unique larval stages

  41. In animals that lack a skeleton, a fluid-filled interior acts as a ______ skeleton. (p. 626) • A. rigid B. hydrostatic C. temporary D. portable E. pseudo

  42. In protostomes __________. (p. 628) • A. the first embryonic opening becomes the mouth B. the coelom forms by splitting of the mesoderm C. the trochophore larva is common in many D. all of the above

  43. The body of a mollusk contains a __________. (p. 628) • A. visceral mass B. foot C. mantle D. all of the above

  44. Arthropods have an open circulatory system. (p. 635) • A. True B. False

  45. ______ compose the largest animal group with more species than species of all other living groups combined. (p. 636) • A. Crustaceans B. Annelids C. Chordates D. Insects E. Fish

  46. The body of the insect has _____ major body segments, _________. (p. 636) • A. two; a head and cephalothorax B. two; a cephalothorax and an abdomen C. three; a head, thorax and abdomen D. three; cephalothorax, thorax and abdomen E. four; head, cephalus, thorax, and abdomen

  47. Which of the following is TRUE regarding spider anatomy and physiology? (p. 639) • A. Spiders breathe by air flowing past book lungs. B. Spiders do not swallow food but use digestive juices outside to liquify tissues that are then slurped. C. Spiders possess two venom glands in their chelicerae to paralyze prey. D. Malpighian tubules function in the excretion of nitrogenous wastes. E. All of the above are correct

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