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E v a lu a t io n o f C or n a n d Gr a i n S or g h u m P l a n t in g Geo m e t rie s a n d S eedin g R a t e s. L u c a s Haa g , G r aduat e Re s e a r c h A ss i s tan t A l a n S c h l e g e l , P r o fe ss o r a n d A g r on o m i s t - i n - C ha r g e

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  1. EvaluationofCornand GrainSorghum PlantingGeometriesandSeedingRates Lucas Haag,GraduateResearchAssistant AlanSchlegel, ProfessorandAgronomist-in-Charge SouthwestResearch-ExtensionCenter–Tribune,Kansas Other Contributors: R.AikenandK.Pidaran,K-StateNWREC-Colby K.Roozeboom,K-State Agronomy

  2. Somebriefworksummaries • Somepreliminaryresearchresults fromSWREC-Tribune3yearstudy (HaagandSchlegel) • On-Farm ResearchTrials (HaagwithKARTAcooperators) • RobAikenandKalaiyarasiPidaran • KraigRoozeboom (withAiken,Schlegel,andHaag)

  3. Geometries Conventional Clump P1S1 P2S2 Cluster or SkipwithinRow (SwinR)

  4. SWREC-Tribune MaterialsandMethods • Fiveplanting geometries • Conventional • Clump • Plant2Skip2 • Plant1Skip1 • SkipwithintheRow • Seeding Rates • Corn:12, 16, and20,000plants ac-1 • GrainSorghum:35,000plants ac-1 • AdaptedHybrids,33B54and86G32andadequatefertility • Plots measured8rows (20’)x 40’

  5. TribuneCorn2009-2011 ANOVAP>F Kernels Plant-1 Kernel Weight Biomass Yield HI Geometry Population GeometryxPopulation <0.0001 <0.0001 0.079 <0.0001 0.376 0.0016 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0414 0.0008 <0.0001 0.0087 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.1705

  6. Corn- Biomass Biomass(lbac-1) Geometry Population

  7. Corn- GrainYield GeometryandPopulationEffects onCornGrainYield SWREC-Tribune, 2009-2011 Lettersrepresent differencesatLSD (0.05) 140 a 120 ab a abc abc bcd cd de 100 def def def ef ef ef f Yield(buac-1) 80 12k 16k 20k 60 40 20 0 Clump Conv P2S2 SwinR P1S1 Geometry/SeedingRate

  8. Corn- GrainYield GrainYield (buac-1) Geometry SwinRClumpConvP1S1P2S2 111.4 a 108.9 a 94.0 b 95.4 b 86.4 c LSD(0.05) 6.55 Population

  9. Corn- Harvest Index GeometryandPopulationEffects onHarvestIndex SWREC-Tribune, 2009-2011 Lettersrepresent differencesatLSD (0.05) 0.539 0.496 0.543 0.539 0.531 0.70 0.60 a a ab ab ab ab abc bcde bcd cde de cde de ef 0.50 f HarvestIndex 0.40 12k 16k 20k 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 Clump Conv P2S2 SwinR P1S1 Geometry/SeedingRate

  10. Corn- Kernels Plant-1 Kernels Plant-1 Geometry Clump SwinR Conv P1S1 P2S2 627.2 a 594.2 ab 589.2 b 584.0 b 527.7 c LSD (0.05) 34.2 Population 12 16 20 699.9 a 579.9 b 473.5 c LSD (0.05) 26.5

  11. Corn KernelsPlant-1 Geometry andPopulationEffects onKernels Plant-1 SWREC-Tribune, 2009-2011 Lettersrepresent differencesatLSD (0.05) a a 800 ab abc 700 bc cd de de 600 ef efg fgh fgh gh 500 hi KernelsPlant-1 i 12k 16k 20k 400 300 200 100 0 Clump Conv P2S2 SwinR P1S1 Geometry/SeedingRate

  12. KernelWeight Geometry andPopulationEffects onKernel Weight SWREC-Tribune, 2009-2011 Lettersrepresent differencesatLSD (0.05) 232.92 231.83 300 242.38 245.94 237.24 a a a a a a 250 b b b bc bc bcd cde de e Kernel Weight(g1000seed-1) 200 12k 16k 20k 150 100 50 0 Clump Conv P2S2 SwinR P1S1 Geometry/SeedingRate

  13. On-Farm Research2010RedWillowCounty YieldDifferenceMap- Conventionalvs.ClumpCorn

  14. RedWillowCounty,2010ClumpCorn CornGrainYield Conventional Clump 72.1b 77.3a Drylandcornoncorn,108dayprovendrylandflexearedhybrid

  15. Sorghum

  16. TillersPlant-1asaffectedbyMainCulmsinClumpSWREC-TribuneandStantonCounty, KansasProductionField 6 n=251 5 4 Tillers Plant-1 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 4 5 6 3 MainCulmsClump-1

  17. SWREC-Tribune MaterialsandMethods • Fiveplanting geometries • Conventional • Clump • Plant2Skip2 • Plant1Skip1 • SkipwithintheRow • Seeding Rates • GrainSorghum:35,000plants ac-1 • AdaptedHybrid, 86G32andadequatefertility • Plots measured8rows (20’)x 40’

  18. Sorghum,Tribune2009-2011 ) <0.0001 0.0009 0.0010 0.0016 P>F 0.0001 <0.0001 0.0044 †Letterswithin a column represent differencesat LSD(0.05)

  19. CenterforSorghum ImprovementStudy KraigRoozeboom, RobAiken,AlanSchlegel, JohnHolman,Lucas Haag • 2Hybrids –Short(DKS36-06)andFull(DKS44-20) • 5SeedingRates –10,30,50,and80kseeds ac-1 • 2Geometries –Conventional30”Rows andClump • 3Locations –Colby,Tribune,andGardenCity

  20. Clumpvs. Conventional Sorghum 2009 Tribune -CSISorghumProject 100 Meansacross2hybrids,DKS33 16(med-short)andDKS44-20 a 95 ab (med-full) bc bc 90 abc 85 cd d GrainYield(bu ac-1) 80 75 70 65 e 60 55 Conventional Lettersrepresentdifferencesat LSD =0.05 Clump 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 SeedingRate(1000ac-1)

  21. Clumpvs. Conventional Sorghum 2010 Tribune -CSISorghumProject 120 Meansacross2hybrids,DKS33-16(med- short)andDKS44-20(med-full), andacross geometry,clumpandconventional a 110 a ab GrainYield(bu ac-1) 90 b 80 70 60 Series2 Lettersrepresentdifferencesat LSD =0.05 0 10 20 30 60 70 80 90 40 50 SeedingRate(1000ac-1)

  22. Clumpvs. Conventional Sorghum 2009-2010 Tribune -CSI SorghumProject 110 Meansacross2hybrids,DKS33 16(med-short)andDKS44-20 (med-full) a ab 100 a a ab a 90 GrainYield(bu ac-1) b 80 70 c 60 Conventional Lettersrepresentdifferencesat LSD =0.05 Clump 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 SeedingRate(1000ac-1)

  23. Yield advantage of clumped planting geometry over uniformplanting geometry Yield advantage of clumped planting geometry over uniformplanting geometry T:Tribune, B: Bushland, fromBandaruet al.,2006;Source: K. Pidaran

  24. e K·STATE ResearchandExtension

  25. 2009 ModeledYieldDifference

  26. Source:K. Pidaran

  27. ResearchQuestions • Genotypeinteractions(leaf angle,rootingpattern) • Whereisthetradeoff betweenleaves shadingthegroundandreducingE vs.wastedT • Criticallevelof surfaceresidueforsystemtobepreferabletoconventionalplanting? • Mechanisms atplay?

  28. Questions/Discussion? SouthwestResearch-Extension Center–Tribune,Kans. Photo byLucasHaag –Summer2009

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