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ESnet Trends and Pressures and Long Term Strategy ESCC, July 21, 2004

This document discusses the evolving quantitative and qualitative requirements for network infrastructure, as well as ESnet's plans for upgrading and expanding connectivity to meet future needs.

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ESnet Trends and Pressures and Long Term Strategy ESCC, July 21, 2004

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  1. ESnetTrends and PressuresandLong Term StrategyESCC, July 21, 2004 William E. Johnston, ESnet Dept. Head and Senior Scientist R. P. Singh, Project Manager Michael S. Collins, Stan Kluz,Joseph Burrescia, and James V. Gagliardi, ESnet Leads and the ESnet Team Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

  2. DOE Science Bandwidth Requirements • Bandwidth requirements are established by the scientific community by looking at • the increase in the rates at which supercomputers generate data • the geographic scope of the community that must analyze that data • the types of distributed applications must run on geographically diverse systems • e.g. whole system climate models • the data rates, and analysis and collaboration style of the next generation science instruments • e.g. SNS, Fusion, LHC/Atlas/CMS

  3. Evolving Quantitative Science Requirements for Networks

  4. S C C&C C&C I C&C C&C C&C C C&C C S Evolving Qualitative Requirements for Network Infrastructure S C S C guaranteedbandwidthpaths I 1-40 Gb/s,end-to-end I 2-4 yrs 1-3 yrs C C C C storage S S S compute C instrument I cache &compute C&C S C C&C C&C I 4-7 yrs 3-5 yrs C&C C&C C&C C C&C 100-200 Gb/s,end-to-end C S

  5. Point to Point Connections • 10 Gb/s connections between major data site provides the ability to move about 100 TBy/day – a petabyte every 10 days • A few 10 Gb/s connections between ½ dozen Labs will be probably be feasible in the next few years

  6. ESnet’s Evolution over the Next 10-20 Years • Upgrading ESnet to accommodate the anticipated increase from the current 100%/yr traffic growth to 300%/yr over the next 5-10 years is priority number 7 out of 20 in DOE’s “Facilities for the Future of Science – A Twenty Year Outlook”

  7. ESnet’s Evolution over the Next 10-20 Years • Based on the requirements of the OSC High Impact Science Workshop and Network 2008 Roadmap, ESnet must address I. Capable, scalable, and reliable production IP networking • University and international collaborator connectivity • Scalable, reliable, and high bandwidth site connectivity II. Network support of high-impact science • provisioned circuits with guaranteed quality of service(e.g. dedicated bandwidth) III. Evolution to optical switched networks • Partnership with UltraScienceNet • Close collaboration with the network R&D community IV. Science Services to support Grids, collaboratories, etc

  8. I. Production IP: University and International Connectivity • Connectivity between any DOE Lab and any Major University should be as good as ESnet connectivity between DOE Labs and Abilene connectivity between Universities • Partnership with Internet2/Abilene • Multiple high-speed peering points • Routing tailored to take advantage of this • Continuous monitoring infrastructure to verify correct routing • Status: In progress • 4 cross-connects are in place and carrying traffic • first phase monitoring infrastructure is in place

  9. Monitoring DOE Lab - University Connectivity • Normal, continuous monitoring (full mesh – need auto detection of bandwidth anomalies) • All network hubs will have monitors • Monitors = network test servers (e.g. OWAMP) + stratum 1 time source AsiaPac SEA Europe CERN/Europe Japan Japan CHI NYC DEN SNV IND DC KC LA Japan ATL ALB SDG ESnet/Qwest Abilene ORNL DOE Labs w/ monitors Universities w/ monitors network hubs high-speed cross connects with Internet2/Abilene ELP HOU

  10. Monitoring DOE Lab - University Connectivity • Diagnostic monitoring (e.g. follow path from SLAC to IU) AsiaPac SEA Europe CERN/Europe Japan Japan CHI NYC DEN SNV IND DC KC LA Japan ATL ALB SDG ESnet/Qwest Abilene ORNL ELP DOE Labs w/ monitors Universities w/ monitors network hubs high-speed cross connects with Internet2/Abilene HOU

  11. Monitoring DOE Lab - University Connectivity • Initial set of site monitors AsiaPac SEA Europe CERN/Europe Japan Japan CHI NYC DEN SNV IND DC KC LA Japan ATL ALB SDG ESnet/Qwest Abilene ORNL ELP DOE Labs w/ monitors Universities w/ monitors network hubs high-speed cross connects with Internet2/Abilene HOU Prototype site monitors

  12. Initial Monitor Results (http://measurement.es.net)

  13. Initial Monitoring Prototype LBNL/ESnet -> NCSU/Abilene Thanks! to Chintan Desai, NCSU, Jin Guojun, LBNL, Joe Metzger, ESnet, Eric Boyd Internet2 42 ms 41 ms 48 hour sample

  14. I. Production IP: University and International Connectivity JAPAN 10Gb/s 10Gb/s 10Gb/s Abilene core CERN AsiaPac 10Gb/s ESnet core 2.5Gb/s SEA Europe Starlight/NW AsiaPac 2.5Gb/s 10Gb/s 10Gb/s ESnet core MAN LAN ESnet/Qwest 10Gb/s Europe CERN/Europe ESnet/Qwest Japan Japan CHI NYC DEN SNV IND DC KC LA Japan ATL ALB SDG ESnet/Qwest Abilene ORNL ELP HOU DOE Labs network hubs high-speed cross connects with Internet2/Abilene

  15. I. Production IP: University and International Connectivity • 10 Gb/s ring in NYC to MANLAN for • 10 Gb/s ESnet – Abilene x-connect • international links • 10 Gb/s ring to StarLight for CERN link, etc. • 10 GE switch for ESnet aggration at Starlight in the procurement process • 10 GE interface in ESnet Chi router in the procurement process • will try and get use of second set of fibers from ESnet Chi router to Starlight so that we • Status:Both of these are in progress

  16. I. Production IP: A New ESnet Architecture • Local rings, architected like the core, will provide multiple paths for high reliability and scalable bandwidth from the ESnet core to the sites • No single points of failure • Fiber / lambda ring based Metropolitan Area Networks can be built in several important areas • SF Bay Area • Chicago • Long Island • maybe VA • maybe NM

  17. MAN Rings • The ESnet Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) rings are a critical first step in addressing both increased bandwidth and reliability • The MAN architecture approach is to replace the current hub and tail circuit arrangement with local fiber rings that provide • diverse paths to the Labs • multiple high-speed configurable circuits

  18. T320 monitor monitor ESnet MAN Architecture DOE funded CERN link StarLight Core ring – MAN intersection Qwest hubs production IP other international peerings circuits to site equip. Vendor neutral facility ESnet core network Chicago hub spare capacity ESnet managedcircuit services ESnet managedcircuit services ESnet management and monitoring ESnet production IP service ANL FNAL ESnet production IP service local fiber ring circuit services site gateway router circuits to site equip. circuits to site equip. site gateway router Site LAN Site LAN

  19. T320 monitor monitor New ESnet Architecture – Chicago MAN as Example CERN(DOE funded link) StarLight ESnet core Qwest hub other high-speed international peerings Vendor neutral telecom facility all interconnects from the sites back to the core ring are high bandwidth and have full module redundancy Current approach of point-to-point tail circuits from hub to site ESnet production IP service ANL FNAL No single point failure can disrupt site equip. Site gateway router site equip. Site gateway router Site LAN Site LAN

  20. The Case for ESnet MANs – Addressing the Requirements • All paths are based on 10 Gb/s Ethernet interfaces that are about ½ the cost of the 10 Gb/s OC192 interfaces of the core network • This addresses the next increment in site access bandwidth (from 622 Mb/s and 2.5 Gb/s today to 10 Gb/s in the MANs) • Logically the MAN ring intersects the core ring twice (though at one physical location) • This means that no single component or fiber failure can disrupt communication between any two points in the network • Today we have many single points of failure

  21. SF BA MAN – Engineering Study Configuration OAK Level3 POP (Emeryville) Phase 2 adds LLNL and SNLL Berkeley LBNL Walnut Creek JGI NationalLambdaRail Oakland NERSC Optoelectronics 10G Ethernet switch PAIX (Palo Alto peering point) the logical ring existing CENIC fiber paths Stanford Sunnyvale SLAC ESnetcore network 1400 Kifer (Qwest Comm., ESnet hub) 1380 Kifer (Level3 Comm. hub) 10GE ESnet T320core router

  22. T320 Chicago MAN – Engineering Study Configuration Shared w/ FNAL CERN Shared w/ IWire ESnet core ESnet Starlight optoelectronics ESnet Qwest hub one optical fiber pairDWDM Ethernetswitch FNAL ANL site equip. site equip. Site gateway router Site gateway router

  23. I. Production IP: A New ESnet Architecture • Status: In progress • Migrate site local loops to ring structured Metropolitan Area Networks and regional nets in some areas • Preliminary engineering study completed forSan Francisco Bay Area and Chicago area • Have received funding to build the San Francisco Bay Area ring

  24. I. Production IP: Long-Term ESnet Connectivity Goal • The case for dual core rings • For high reliability ESnet should not depend on a single core/backbone because of the possibility of hub failure • ESnet needs high-speed connectivity to places where the current core does not provide access • A second core/backbone would provide both redundancy for highly reliable production service and extra bandwidth for high-impact science applications • The IP production traffic would normally use the primary core/backbone (e.g. the current Qwest ring)

  25. I. Production IP: Long-Term ESnet Connectivity Goal • Connecting MANs with two cores to ensure against hub failure (for example, NLR is shown as the second core – in blue – below) AsiaPac SEA Europe CERN/Europe Japan Japan CHI NYC DEN SNV DC Japan ALB ATL SDG ELP MANs ESnet/Qwest High-speed cross connects with Internet2/Abilene NLR ORNL Major DOE Office of Science Sites

  26. The Need for Multiple Backbones • The backbones connect to the MANs via “hubs” – the router locations on the backbone ring • These hubs present several possibilities for failure that would isolate the MAN rings from the backbone, thus breaking connectivity with the rest of ESnet for significant lengths of time • The two most likely failures are that • the ESnet hub router could suffer a failure that take it completely out of service (e.g. a backplane failure) – this could result in several days of isolation of all of the sites connected to that hub • The hub site could be disabled by fire, physical attack, physical damage from an earthquake or tornado, etc. – this could result in several weeks or more of isolation of all of the sites connected to that hub • A second backbone would connect to the MAN ring at a different location from the first backbone, thus mitigating the impact of a backbone hub failure

  27. ESnet MAN Architecture with Single Core Ring site one optical fiber pairDWDM Layer 2 management equipment (e.g. 10 GigEthernet switch) hub router corering hub site MetropolitanAreaNetwork ring site Layer 3 (IP)management equipment (router) one POS flow between ESnet routers production IP provisioned circuits carriedover lambdas Optical channel (λ) management equipment provisioned circuits carriedas tunnels through the ESnetIP backbone site

  28. site ESnet MAN Architecture withOptimally Connected Dual Core Rings site corering #2 hub router corering #1 hub site #2 hub site #1 MetropolitanAreaNetwork ring production IP provisioned circuits carriedover lambdas provisioned circuits carriedas tunnels through the ESnetIP backbone site

  29. I. Production IP: Long-Term ESnet Connectivity Goal • What we want NLR core ESnet core Qwest hub Level3 hub SF BAMAN • What we will probably get ESnet core NLR core Qwest hub Level3 hub SF BAMAN SF BAMAN A or B

  30. I. Production IP: Long-Term ESnet Connectivity Goal • Using NLR as a second backbone improves the reliability situation with respect to sites connected to the two proposed MANs, but is not a complete solution because instead of each core ring independently connecting to the MAN ring, the two core hubs are connected together, and the MAN is really intersected by only one ring (see below) – true for both SF Bay and Chicago MANs • For full redundancy, need to keep some current circuits in place to connect both cores to the MAN ring, as below ESnet core NLR core North Bay site(NERSC, JGI, LBNL) Qwest hub Level3 hub SF BAMAN SF Bay Area example Existing Qwest circuit

  31. Tactics • The planned Southern core route upgrade from OC48 (2.5Gb/s) to OC192 (10Gb/s) will cost nearly $3M • This is the equipment cost for ESnet • This has nothing to do with the So. Core route per se – that remains absolutely essential to ESnet • Qwest optical ring (“Qwave service”) - what I refer to as the No. core route and the So. core route - is the basis of ESnet high-speed, production IP service. And this ring, or something like it, will continue to be at the heart of ESnet's production service.

  32. Tactics • What benefit will this upgrade have for ESnet science users? • The answer - now that ORNL will be peering with ESnet at 10 Gb/s in Chicago – is that this upgrade will have zero positive impact on OSC science users. • With ORNL connecting at Atlanta, there was a strong case for OC192 on the So. core route. However, their strategy has changed, and they are now connecting to the No. core route. • Therefore, while originally the upgrade made sense, it no longer does. 2.5Gb/s on So. route is adequate for foreseeable future. • All that is happening here is that the networking situation with the OSC Labs has changed fairly significantly over the last several years, and we are just adapting our planning to accommodate those changes.

  33. Northern core route Southerncore route

  34. Tactics • ESnet will postpone the southern route upgrade 1) Pursue getting a lambda on NLR from Chicago to Seattle to Sunnyvale to San Diego • This will have considerable positive impact on our science users. It will give us • a) a high-speed link from SNV to Seattle and San Diego (we currently have a ridiculous OC3) • b) the potential to provide alternate backbone service to the MANs • c) the ability to get PNNL on the ESnet core at high speed • d) another resource on which we can provision end-to-end circuits for high impact science 2) Collaborate with NYSERNet to build a MAN around Long Island, which will give us the means to get BNL on the ESnet core network at high-speed.

  35. Tactics • If it turns out that the NNSA labs in the SW need more bandwidth to the ESnet core in the future, we can always upgrade the So. core route piecemeal, starting with the El Paso to Sunnyvale link.

  36. TacticsLeverage and AmplifyNon-ESnet Network Connectivity to Labs • When ESnet has not been able to afford to increase the site bandwidth, the Labs have sometimes gotten their own high-speed connections • ESnet can take advantage of this to provide reliable, production high-speed access to the Labs • When possible, incorporate the existing non-ESnet connections into the new ESnet architecture to provide a better and more capable service than the Labs can provide on their own • ANL, SLAC, LANL, PNNL, FNAL, ORNL • BNL, JLab

  37. TacticsORNL Connection to ESnet AsiaPac SEA Europe CERN/Europe Japan Japan CHI NYC DEN SNV DC The ORNL contributed circuit + the existing ESnet circuit effectively incorporate ORNL into a secondary ESnet core ring Japan ATL ALB SDG ELP MANs ESnet/Qwest High-speed cross connects with Internet2/Abilene NLR Major DOE Office of Science Sites ORNL

  38. Outline • Trends, Opportunities, and Pressures • ESnet is Driven by the Needs of DOE Science • New Strategic Directions for ESnet • I. Capable, scalable, and reliable production IP networking • II. Network support of high-impact science • III. Evolution to optical switched networks • IV. Science Services to support Grids, collaboratories, etc • Draft Outline Strategy, 2005-2010

  39. II. Network Support of High-Impact Science • Dynamic provisioning of private “circuits” in the MAN and through the core can provide “high impact science” connections with Quality of Service guarantees • A few high and guaranteed bandwidth circuits and many lower bandwidth circuits (e.g. for video, remote instrument operation, etc.) • The circuits are secure and end-to-end, so if • the sites trust each other, and • they have compatible security policies then they should be able to establish direct connections by going around site firewalls to connect specific systems – e.g. HPSS <-> HPSS

  40. Specific host, instrument, etc. Specific host, instrument, etc. common security policy II. Hi-Impact Science Bandwidth circuit cross connect ESnet border Site gateway router MANoptical fiber ring SiteLAN DMZ Site New York (AOA) Production IP network Washington ESnetcore Atlanta (ATL) Private “circuit” from one system to another El Paso (ELP) circuit cross connect Site gateway router ESnet border SiteLAN MANoptical fiber ring DMZ Site

  41. II. Network Support of High-Impact Science • Status: Initial progress • Proposal funded by MICS Network R&D program for initial development of basic circuit provisioning infrastructure in ESnet core network (site to site) • Will work with UltraScience Net to import advanced services technology

  42. ESnet On-Demand Secure Circuits and Advance Reservation System (OSCARS) • The procedure of a typical path setup will be as follows • A user submits a request to the ESnet Reservation Manager (RM) (using an optional web front-end) to schedule an end-to-end path (e.g. between an experiment and computing cluster) specifying start and end times, bandwidth requirements, and specific source IP address and port that will be used to provide application access to the path. • At the requested start time, the RM will configure the ESnet router (at the start end of the path) to create a Label Switched Path (LSP) with the specified bandwidth. • Each router along the route receives the path setup request (via RSVP) and commits bandwidth (if available) creating an end-to-end LSP. The RM will be notified by RSVP if the end-to-end path cannot be established. The RM will then pass on this information to the user. • Packets from the source (e.g. experiment) will be routed through the LAN’s production path to ESnet’s edge router. On entering the edge router, these packets are identified and filtered using flow specification parameters (e.g. source/destination IP address/port numbers) and policed at the specified bandwidth. The packets are then injected into the LSP and switched (using MPLS) through the network to its destination (e.g. computing cluster).

  43. ESnet On-Demand Secure Circuits and Advance Reservation System

  44. ESnet On-Demand Secure Circuits and Advance Reservation System • Issues • Scalability in numbers of paths may require shapers as part of the architecture • Allocation management (!) • In a single lambda MAN, may have to put a router at the site (previous thinking was no router at the sites as a cost savings – just Ethernet switches) – otherwise you cannot carry the circuit all the way to the site

  45. III. Evolution to Optical Switched Networks • Optical transparency • On-demand, rapid setup of “transparent” optical paths • G.709 standard optical interfaces – evolution of SONET for optical networks

  46. III. Evolution to Optical Switched Networks • Partnership with DOE’s network R&D program • ESnet will cross-connect with UltraNet / National Lambda Rail in Chicago and Sunnyvale, CA • ESnet can experiment with UltraScience Net virtual circuits tunneled through the ESnet core (up to 5 Gb/s between UltraNet and appropriately connected Labs) • One important element of importing DOE R&D into ESnet • Status: In progress • Chicago ESnet – NLR/UltraNet x-connect based on the IWire ring is engineered • Qwest – ESnet Sunnyvale hub x-connect is dependent on Qwest permission, which is being negotiated (almost complete)

  47. III. Evolution to Optical Switched Networks • ESnet is building partnerships with the Federal and academic R&D networks in addition to DOE network R&D programs and UltraScienceNet • Internet2 Hybrid Optical Packet Internet (HOPI) and National Lambda Rail for R&D on the next generation hybrid IP packet – circuit switched networks • ESnet will participating in the Internet2 HOPI design team (where UltraScience Net also participates) • ESnet co-organized a Federal networking workshop on the future issues for interoperability of Optical Switched Networks • Lots of good material at JET Web site • These partnerships will provide ESnet with direct access to, and participation in, next generation technology for evaluation and early deployment in ESnet

  48. III. Evolution to Optical Switched NetworksUltraNet – ESnet Interconnects AsiaPac SEA Europe CERN/Europe Japan Japan CHI NYC DEN SNV DC Japan ALB ATL SDG MANs ELP ESnet – UltraScienceNet cross connects ESnet/Qwest High-speed cross connects with Internet2/Abilene NLR ORNL Major DOE Office of Science Sites UltraNet

  49. Conclusions • ESnet is working hard to meet the current and future networking need of DOE mission science in several ways: • Evolving a new high speed, high reliability, leveraged architecture • Championing several new initiatives that will keep ESnet’s contributions relevant to the needs of our community

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