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The Earth’s Inner and Outer rotation

The Earth’s Inner and Outer rotation. By: Gabrielle S. Nielson. General Knowledge. The Earth rotates Eastward around its axis as seen in relation to the Terrestrial North Star, Polaris

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The Earth’s Inner and Outer rotation

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  1. The Earth’s Inner and Outer rotation By: Gabrielle S. Nielson

  2. General Knowledge • The Earth rotates Eastward around its axis as seen in relation to the Terrestrial North Star, Polaris • Our rotation has decreased over time because the mass of the Moon has certain tidal affects on our planet • Our Angular Speed around the Equator is aprox. 465.1 m/s, 1,674.4 km/h or 1,040.4 mi/h • There is always convection occurring inside Earth

  3. The rotation of the Core and the Crust are different and affect one another because: • There are different components in each layer combining and dissipating from one another constantly • They have different radiuses, therefore will rotate separately • The Core has a fluctuating rotation whereas the crust is more consistent because of matter changing is more in the core • This is caused by the east-west structures now forced and hardened into the inner core The two main pieces of information that the researchers used as evidence were the east-west hemispherical velocities in correlation to the inner core

  4. Using Earthquake Doublets (pairs of nearly-identical earthquakes occurring after one another) Seismologists measured certain waves travel into the Earth and back the surface again • In comparison to the original quake to the pair, the second ones provided enough variance from the first to tell difference • The longer it takes to reach the surface once again, the smaller the radius has gotten (This is explaining the splitting functions of the earthquakes waves and how they interact with the different densities of the Earth)

  5. These waves will change in accordance with a different median The movement in magma in the molten outer core creates the magnetic charge that in conducted though the solid inner core. With all the new measurements, there have been suggestions that this conduction could make the electromagnetic field around our planet which protects was from solar winds and enables life to thrive

  6. Over 50 years of waiting for the quakes to happen, the information gathered and observed has shown the possibilities of furthering our knowledge of the Earth’s inner activitywhich had been kept was mystery until the newer technologies developed

  7. Accreditations • http://igppweb.ucsd.edu/~gabi/ic-rot.html • http://www.livescience.com/9313-earth-core-rotates-faster-surface-study-confirms.html • http://phys.org/news/2013-05-earth-center-sync.html • http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/02/110220142817.htm • Monitoring Velocity Variations in the Crust Using Earthquake Doublets' • An Application to the Calaveras Fault, California • -University of Nebraska • J. FRECHET • W. L. ELLSWORTH • G. POUPINET

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