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Divisional Organizational Structure

Divisional Organizational Structure. Learning Goal. 1. I will be able to explain the divisional organizational structure 2. I will be able to assess (advantage and disadvantage) the divisional organizational structure

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Divisional Organizational Structure

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Divisional Organizational Structure

  2. Learning Goal 1. I will be able to explain the divisional organizational structure 2. I will be able to assess (advantage and disadvantage) the divisional organizational structure 3. I will let you know some real life example of different types of divisional dtructure 4. I will let you know the four different types of the divisional structure.

  3. Japan India Norway Germany

  4. Thinking time Why does MacDonald let each franchises provide different type of food based on different regions? Bisides divide the company based on regions, can you divide the company by some other factor?

  5. NAme and Definition Divisional Organizational structure It groups together people who work on the same product or process, serve similar customers, and/or are located in the same area or geographical region. ( p259 line 9) Product Process Customer Geographical

  6. Advantage of divisional structure More flexibility in responding to environmental changes Improved coordination across functional department Clear points of responsibility for product or service delivery Expertise focused on specific customers, products, and regions

  7. DISadvantage of divisional structure Reduce the economis of scales Increase costs through the duplication of resource Create unhealthy rivalries

  8. Product structure ipad macbook pro iphone common in large organzation (comapny)

  9. Product structure Advantage everygroup will focus on product and benefit avoid the too many workers in one department, it is too hard to manage Disadvantage need enough manager which have multiple ability the repeat cost the power share

  10. Geographical structure

  11. Geographical structure Advantage workers can response for the region which they know well, easy to do the culture marketing good for the coordination in each regions Disadvantage need enough manager which have multiple ability power share

  12. Customer structure Students The customers who have not enough credit Adults The custoemers who has enough credit

  13. Customer structure Advantage because all the service are based on different type of customers, so the service are suitable for all the customers the service which company provide will always fit to the customers' demand Disadvantage if the company does not hafe enough number of customers, this type of structure would be a bad choice need a large number of workers

  14. Process Structure HR finance Sale promotion

  15. Process Structure Advantage effective in the using of Human Resource centralized power reduce the responsibility on department manager Disadvantage "wall" not good for the middle level managers' developing

  16. Review Questions How many structures are there in the Divisional Organizationl Structure? What are they?

  17. Activities Contest time

  18. Open Discuss Questions If you have s company, which structure you would like to use? Which structure is the most useless one in your opinion?

  19. Work Cited baike, baidu. Geographical Structure. Ed. baidu baike. N.p., 10 Dec. 2013. Web. 13 Dec. 2013. <http://baike.baidu.com/view/4696236.htm>. baike, baidu. Process Structure. Ed. baidu baike. N.p., 12 May 2012. Web. 13 Dec. 2013. <http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=rQTpbMBLZhfulcA8u9PG0efm4tRdcnh188yeCyFWUFUVpThSydH6-rver8cuFqE3pjD3aobtu12IQvNURGNrHq>. baike, baidu. Product Structure. Ed. baidu baike. N.p., 12 Nov. 2010. Web. 13 Dec. 2013. <http://baike.baidu.com/view/4696231.htm>. baike, baidu. Customer Structure. Ed. baidu baike. N.p., 12 Nov. 2010. Web. 13 Dec. 2013. <http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=dWVgGoaZ0Lc0RAQ2IivbJGwzWrSASWEGWMSVfKtB0HuLpof0DLNfFEE_mpNyj5Fo2AUfro3Xtw3hYsxWTc9xzq>

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