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E.O. 7 Study Guide

E.O. 7 Study Guide. World History. Vocab Terms. Modernization: Building a stable government while developing a country economically Urbanization: Movement of people from rural areas to cities Westernization: Adopting to western ideas

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E.O. 7 Study Guide

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  1. E.O. 7 Study Guide World History

  2. Vocab Terms • Modernization: Building a stable government while developing a country economically • Urbanization: Movement of people from rural areas to cities • Westernization: Adopting to western ideas • Multinational corporation: Enterprise with branches in many countries • Desertification: Spreading of desert areas

  3. Vocab Terms • Apartheid: Policy of strict racial segregation in South Africa • Ethnic cleansing: Policy of killing or forcibly removing people of certain ethnic groups • Euro: Common currency used by member nations of the E.U. • Deficit: Gap between what a government spends and what it takes in through taxes and other sources

  4. Vocab Terms • Recession: Period of reduced economic growth • Embargo: Ban on trade • Jihad: Vigorous, emotional crusade for an idea or principle • Partition: To divide

  5. Who were the two superpowers following World War II? • United States and the Soviet Union

  6. During the Cold War, what was the goal of American foreign policy? • Stop the spread of communism (containment)

  7. How did the Cold War become a global conflict? • New emerging countries allied with the U.S. or the Soviet Union

  8. What was an effect of the global Cold War? • Increased political tensions worldwide

  9. Why did European imperialism end? • Countries lacked the will to fight for their colonies

  10. What peacekeeping organization was created after WWII? • United Nations

  11. What organization was created in 1948 to promote democracy, economic cooperation and human rights? • Organization of American States

  12. What does OPEC do? • Regulates the price of crude oil among member countries

  13. What is NAFTA responsible for? • Eliminating trade barriers within North America

  14. What is an effect of urbanization in developing countries? • Weakened kinship ties

  15. How has technology created a global culture? • Spreads ideas rapidly across borders

  16. What poses the most immediate challenge to many developing nations? • Population growth

  17. What was a result of developing countries borrowing money from the West? • Many countries spent much of their income trying to pay back their debt

  18. Name three features of the Global South. • Underdeveloped, poor, dependent on the North for technology and high-quality goods

  19. Name three features of the Global North. • Developed, wealthy, dependent on the South for resources and inexpensive labor

  20. Why was Germany able to reunite? • The collapse of the Soviet Union

  21. In 1962, where did the Soviets establish a missile base that nearly brought nuclear war? • Cuba

  22. What Soviet leader initiated reforms that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union? • Mikhail Gorbachev

  23. Following WWII, what was the U.S. goal in Japan? • Ensure democracy, end militarism

  24. Name three problems faced by new nations of SE Asia? • Instable governments, population growth, debt

  25. Name three distinct differences between North and South Korea. • Biggest difference is economy. North is communist. South is modernized.

  26. Who led China to becoming a Communist country? • Mao Zedong

  27. During the Cold War, what was the American priority in SE Asia? • Stop the spread of communism

  28. Following WWII, what factors led to Japan’s economic success? • Efficient, modern factories, adapted to the latest technology, and high-quality exports

  29. Tensions between what two groups resulted in the partition of India? • Hindus and Muslims

  30. Name three issues that have troubled Latin America. • Illegal drug trade, high poverty, low access to education

  31. Name three global issues that have had a negative effect on Africa. • AIDs, desertification, poverty, instable governments, deforestation, ethnic conflict

  32. What was an effect of growing cash crops in Africa? • Led to food shortages and starvation

  33. Why did colonial borders cause problems for new African nations? • Forced people together from different ethnic groups; led to ethnic tensions

  34. What is the conflict between Palestinians and Jews centered on? • The claim by both groups that is is their homeland

  35. Why did many in the Middle East support the revival of Islam? • It offers an alternative to their social and economic problems

  36. What independent state was established by the UN as a Jewish homeland? • Israel

  37. Why are water rights a vital issue in the Middle East? • One country’s source of water often lies in another country

  38. Name a country and give three issues that affect that country.

  39. Name three ways that the Cold War dominated world politics after WWII? • See your Essay Outline!

  40. Name three differences between the Global North and South. • See your Essay Outline!

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