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BUILDING EFFECTIVE COMMISSIONER SERVICE. Elective 502. Agenda. Introduction of National Staff – Scott Sorrels Introduction of Instructors – Brian Williams Lets’ talk about Recruiting – Ellie Morrison Unit Visitation – Where the Rubber meets the Road – Dan Maxfield

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  2. Agenda • Introduction of National Staff – Scott Sorrels • Introduction of Instructors – Brian Williams • Lets’ talk about Recruiting – Ellie Morrison • Unit Visitation – Where the Rubber meets the Road – Dan Maxfield • Assessment of Commissioner Staff – Darlene Sprague • Summary and Review – Brian Williams

  3. The National Commissioner Service Organization


  5. Commissioner Ratio Report Top Area By Region

  6. Council Commissioner Ratio **29 Councils have Commissioner Ratio’s of 3.0 or less in April 2009.

  7. Ellie MorrisonNational Commissioner Staff Let’s Talk About Recruiting Commissioners

  8. Commissioners • Have a long history • Preceded professional Scouting • Were chosen for personal qualities and skills • Considered the local authority for Scouting • Were highly respected • That’s not always the case today. • And that makes it hard to recruit commissioners.

  9. How can we change that? • Stand tall as an example • Recruit highly respected people • Make commissioners identifiable • Make them visible • Recognize them in front of their constituents • Present them as an authority in Scouting

  10. Know Who You Are Looking For • All kinds of people • Diversity is the key • Experienced Scouters--or not? • What qualities do commissioners need?

  11. Where to Find Them • Within units • Individuals with Scouting ties • Organizations or jobs that appeal to mentors

  12. Once You Find One • Don’t ask them--YET • Build a relationship • Find out what others think about them

  13. Prepare to Ask • Review the information you have • Choose 3 talking points to use in your visit • Choose some others just in case (Plan B) • Plan arguments for the common excuses • Plan your “close the sale” Review all of this with the person you will take with you.

  14. Make the Ask • Make the appointment • Take plenty of time • Focus on them • Be honest/specific

  15. What’s Next? • If they say “no” • Keep the relationship alive • If they say “maybe” • Begin the “go-along” and ask again later • If they say “yes” • Begin the “go-along” • Make a first assignment • Continue to support

  16. And Finally • Recruit! • Recruit! • Recruit!

  17. Dan MaxfieldCouncil Commissioner Unit Visits- Where The Rubber Meets the Road!

  18. Why Unit Visits? • Maintain regular contact with leaders • Provide resources to leaders • Note areas for improvement and help Unit to grow • Keep Unit operating effectively

  19. Visit Units When? EVERY UNIT - EVERY MONTH!

  20. What counts as a unit visit? • Talk with unit leader • Visit a committee meeting • Visit the unit meeting • Contact the Institution Head or Institutional Representative

  21. What does a UC need to get started? • A passion for helping others • An ability to communicate • Commissioner Fast Start • Introduction to Unit leaders • Basic Commissioner training • Something to do

  22. What do UC’s Do? Annual Service Plan

  23. How do we keep Commissioners growing? • Monthly Commissioner meeting training topics • Check out Podcasts & Newsletters on National Commissioner Website • Complete Arrowhead Award • Complete Commissioner Key • Attend College of Commissioner Science and work on degrees • Strive for Distinguished Commissioner Award • Strive for Doctorate of Commissioner Science

  24. What should be the result? • Improved quality of program in every unit Quality Units

  25. Summary “I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving. To reach our port, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it - but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

  26. Darlene SpragueArea Commissioner Assessment of Commissioner Staff

  27. Assessment of Commissioner Staff • Our Goal • A Commissioner staff that is trained and has the skills to Help Units Succeed • Assessment pertains to all levels of Commissioner Service

  28. Assessment of the Commissioner Staff • When assessing the Commissioner staff, what do we look for? • Knowledge • Skills • Attitude • Performance

  29. Assessment • Knowledge • Unit, District, Council Operations • Program elements: Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing • Advancement • Program Resources • Training requirements • BSA Policies • Commissioner Service Plan • Skills • Listening • Coaching • Mentoring • Teaching • Communicating

  30. Assessment • Attitude • Positive • Enthusiastic • Helpful • Friendly • Courteous • Kind • Performance • Helping Units Succeed • Monthly connections with units • Reporting problems with units • Helping unit leaders solve problems

  31. Assessment of Commissioner Staff Knowledge Skills Attitude KSA - strong P - weak KSA - strong P - strong KSA - weak P - weak KSA - weak P - strong Performance

  32. What Do They Need ? Knowledge Skills Attitude Mentoring Encouragement Motivation Empower them Recognize them Training Coaching Mentoring Training Performance

  33. Self Evaluation Questions for Council Commissioners • Recruitment • Training • Motivation • Work with Professional Staff Reference: Chapter 13 of the Administration of Commissioner Service Manual, pages 25-26

  34. Self Evaluation Questions for District Commissioners • Recruitment • Centennial Quality Units • Rechartering • Training • Roundtables • Motivation • Responsiveness to Unit Needs Reference: Chapter 13 of the Administration of Commissioner Service Manual, pages 25-26

  35. Unit Commissioner Evaluation • ADCs and Unit Commissioners ask these questions about their units • Leadership • Youth • Chartered Organization • Membership • Centennial Quality Unit • Recharter Reference: Chapter 13 of the Administration of Commissioner Service Manual, pages 25-26

  36. Council Commissioners • Are you a leader or a manager? • Organizations go through cycles where they need different styles • Some councils need a strong leader • Some councils need a strong manager • We need the right skill set at the right time

  37. Summary and Review Recruiting Unit Visitation Assessment

  38. Summary and Review RECRUITING • Commissioners have a long history in Scouting • It should be an honor to be asked to be a Commissioner • Diversity is key • Get to know your recruit before asking • Focus on the recruit and take your time during the ask

  39. Summary and Review UNIT VISITS • Regular contact with the unit is important • Complete Fast Start and Basic classes as soon as possible • Know and understand the Annual Service Plan • Continue training and set a goal to earn the Commissioner Arrowhead and Commissioner Key • Improve the quality of every unit

  40. Summary and Review ASSESSMENT • Pertains to all levels of Commissioner service • Assess Knowledge, Skills, Attitude and Performance • Are you a leader or a manager? • We need the right skill set at the right time

  41. The Commissioner Lifecycle Unit Visitation Recruit Assess

  42. Thank you for attending today! Helping Units Succeed

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